Twisted humor. I loved it!
JoinedPosts by derrickb007
By The Watchtower's Fruits, You Will Know Them
by minimus inthe society has for years loved to quote the scripture found in mt.
7:20...."by their fruits you will know them".
christendom and its clergy has been denounced because of their "rotten" fruitage.believers of the watchtower truly believe that the fruitage of jehovah's witnesses is the finest available.
Here's a good one. By their own admitance they say love is lacking and love for neighbor is non existent. John 1: 7, 8 sums it up beautifully when it says, "Beloved ones, let us continue loving one another, because love is from god, and EVERYONE who loves has been born from God and gains the knowledge of God. He that does not love has not come to know God, because God is love."
The Society says that we can't come to know God or gain the knowledge from God unless we go through the Society. The scripture clearly states that that priveledge would be granted to all based on whether we had love or not. Not whether we were members of the Society or not.
The scripture also states that you can't gain the knowledge of God, unless you had love. Does the Society sound very loving to you? Then how can they gain the knowledge of God. No wonder their prophecies don't come true.
IF Brooklyn Bethel Was destroyed....
by TR in....would they have the resources to rebuild?
are the buildings insured, or is the wts self-insured?.
A Question regarding the "Organization"
by refiners fire insome early watchtower statements on the subject of "organization".
april 1882.
Actually what Russel realized is that man's imperfect nature ultimately leads to an imperfect organization. When the first century congregations were established, they at first flourished with spiritual truths. But as time went on, they slowly fell into an apostate form of thinking, and established the Catholic faith. When Russel started his movement, he realized that the same thing could happen, which was why he was opposed to forming an organization lest it fell into a Catholic style religion.
Remember too that when Rutherford established an Organization, many people who believed Russel broke away from it and would have nothing to do with the Organization.
Edited by - derrickb007 on 10 November 2002 13:16:46
God's Only Channel? The Bible Says No!
by metatron insuppose, for a moment, we ignore all the misdeeds of the watchtower.
society (quite an achievement in itself!
) and simply examine its .
makes sense to me. Rom. 13:1 says "for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God".
It doesn't say the Society stands placed by god as they claim.
commendation for discernment
by derrickb007 inplease forgive me if this goes to the wrong forum.
it's the first time i've posted anything on the internet.
i must commend you on the time and research you all have done on this subject.
Thank you all for your comments, it has really got me thinking. Just to clear up a few points, I don't subscribe to the Societies view that the UN is the wild beast (maybe it is, maybe it isn't), but the Society believes that they are, and by establishing a membership with them they are hypocrites.
Also I'm not going to print out reams of info. for the elders. No, that would be pointless. I think instead I'm going to print out reams of info for the congregation members. That ought to stir things up more effectively. If i'm going to be Df'd, it may as well be in a hail of gunfire.
Thanks again for all your support.
ps: I've talked to some already. My father agrees, my mother doesn't agree or disagree, my wife has left me, and an elder agrees and has deleted himself from being an elder.
Edited by - derrickb007 on 10 November 2002 12:40:21
todays Apostate email to my family
by rwagoner inevery once in awhile i need to vent to my jw is hardly ever pretty and serve no purpose other than to make me feel better...*lol* .
i sent this today after re-reading blondies post on the article for todays watchtower study on apostates :-) .
i also still respect your belief in jehovah but not in the "society".
You said: "* I know...I'm a jerk...terrible son...Oh well."
I hope you don't really believe that. Some people wouldn't even bother to try and reach their family. Your doing a fine work. Keep it up and remember, even some of Jesus' family thought he was crazy, but not all of them did.
Letter to the GB
by Undecided ingoverning body .
watchtower bible & tract society .
dear who ever you are, .
It's a good letter in that it is true, but might it get the point across better if it was done with a little more respect? Still being a JW (but not for long) when I first read your letter, the first instinct was to recoil. This letter will be read by others before it reaches the Governing Body. Even if the Governing Body does not respond to it others who read it may respond, but not if they recoil first.
Just my thought and opinion though, do what you want.
DF'ed for Organ Transplants?
by NeonMadman in.
i'm in a discussion with a jw who is claiming that the society never actually prohibited organ transplants between 1967 and 1980. she has read the 1967 article, but feels that, since the article does not specifically state that anyone taking a transplant will be disfellowshipped, that it was simply discouraged, but not prohibited.. can anyone help with a reference demonstrating that jw's could be df'ed during that period for accepting a transplant?
DF'ed for Organ Transplants?
by NeonMadman in.
i'm in a discussion with a jw who is claiming that the society never actually prohibited organ transplants between 1967 and 1980. she has read the 1967 article, but feels that, since the article does not specifically state that anyone taking a transplant will be disfellowshipped, that it was simply discouraged, but not prohibited.. can anyone help with a reference demonstrating that jw's could be df'ed during that period for accepting a transplant?
Couldn't agree with you more, the articles can sometimes be very hazey or filled with back peddling over things they have done or said. It will be interesting to see how they weasle out of this UN membership scandle.