JoinedTopics Started by derrickb007
I'm feel very sorry for your people
by oldman10002002 indear brother's and sister's in the so called truth,
i was never baptized, as i just never fit in to your organization!!
1914 has come and gone and yet, the world is still going.
by Derrick inwould not you enjoy perfection in all these sparkling facets?perfect life?perfect i.q.
?perfect mind?perfect looks?perfect health?perfect house?perfect intellect?perfect happiness?perfect knowledge?perfect government?perfect infrastructure?perfect loving marriage?perfect spectacular sex?perfect standard of living?perfect specimen of a body?perfect prosperous happy world?perfect infinite lifespan with all the above?.
on top of all this the frosting on the cake is earth becoming a perfect planet where every square inch of surface area is like a lush botanical garden.. i dare anyone to tell me with a clear conscience they would not want all of this and look forward to wonderful things that surpass the scope of our imaginations.
Preaching the kingdom or what?
by acsot ini was at the meeting on sunday and one brother mentioned how jws are heeding the scripture at matthew 24:14, you know, about the kingdom being preached, and he said how in every corner of the world jws are now found and it's a fulfillment of the scripture.
then the thought struck me that if that were true, then when people think of jws they should think "god's kingdom".
not in my experience, as when going from door to door or what colleagues at work have said.
Russell, who was he really?
by derrickb007 ini'm sure this subject must have been covered on this forum before, but i'm still kind of new around here and haven't found any threads on it.
so, my appologies in advance.
it has been brought to my attention that charles russell had ties to the masonic lodge, and was involved with other forms of spiritistic practices, other than just the "pyramid" thing.
Wall Street Journal on JWs
by teenyuck ini recently subscribed to the wall street journal online.
i found an editorial written by a senior editor, who was a jw!!.
article 2 of 14 .
IF Brooklyn Bethel Was destroyed....
by TR in....would they have the resources to rebuild?
are the buildings insured, or is the wts self-insured?.
By The Watchtower's Fruits, You Will Know Them
by minimus inthe society has for years loved to quote the scripture found in mt.
7:20...."by their fruits you will know them".
christendom and its clergy has been denounced because of their "rotten" fruitage.believers of the watchtower truly believe that the fruitage of jehovah's witnesses is the finest available.
todays Apostate email to my family
by rwagoner inevery once in awhile i need to vent to my jw is hardly ever pretty and serve no purpose other than to make me feel better...*lol* .
i sent this today after re-reading blondies post on the article for todays watchtower study on apostates :-) .
i also still respect your belief in jehovah but not in the "society".
Letter to the GB
by Undecided ingoverning body .
watchtower bible & tract society .
dear who ever you are, .