I have had many people tell me they take the mags and books but never read them. They toss it in the trash once they close their doors just to be kind. Some people cannot handle confrontation to well so find it easier to do it this way. I don`t usually get another knock at my door when they come and I ask them to describe a false prophet. I usually dont even get an answer to that because they know that when they get asked they cannot answer because if they do they describe themselves...
Posts by KGB
Witnesses still having some success at doors
by JH inriding around the city this morning i saw 2 witnesses from my congregation talking to a man at his door, and they seemed to have placed a book or magazine.
although they did not enter his house, they stead there at his door a couple of minutes.
although most do not answer or accept anything from witnesses, he seemed to be an exception.
What does SOON mean to a JW
by Noumenon inwas reading some early 1990 wt articles relating to the un, and was amused at the expression 'soon' god will and do this and do that etc.
it made me wonder just what does this expression mean to the average jw.
how relative is this word 'soon' and 'shortly'.
yeah and all the idiots who fall pray to that simple four letter word. Soon to a JW is one of their scariest words they use to keep them in line.....
I need your help
by SpiceItUp inso the good news will start now...... some of you may remember that i stumped my mom http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/51940/1.ashx.
anyway here is the update.
i went on vacation but my mom to my knowledge did not pick up coc and read it.
I wish you all good luck, talking to my folks is like talking to a rock wall....
Whats the craziest thing you've done at the Kingdom hall?
by yxl1 ini was given the "privilege" to open the kh early to switch on the heating.
they even gave me my own set of keys.. every saturday night, me and another jw would drive to the kh with our amps and guitars and .
jam until the early morning, using the stage and the kh's pa system.
Tres, Im with you on that one but I got up in the middle of service and left because I did not agree with what was being taught that meeting. Later I was asked why I did that, Hell I told him the truth " it was making me sick"
JWs are HUMBLE, MEEK, and they DON'T BRAG!
by Funchback inguys like this are a dime-a-dozen in god's so-called organization.... http://www.cleveland.com/living/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/living/1054546530199272.xml.
michael wilcox, 67, cleveland .
q. when do you consider a gentleman fully dressed?
If they are so humble and meek then I am the president of the US. And Brag ? all the time. My Jw step dad used to tell me things like JW`s are the only ones that dress up and they never lie or steal. What a bunch of crap!!!
We would get into arguements about things he would say that were so irrelevant and stupid. They would accuse me of theone not being Humble. Why because his dumb ass remarks couldnt get through me ? Hey man I was born on a Thursday but not last Thursday. They lie, cheat,steal,molest,rape and murder just like any other person. They make me so damn sick I could just puke !!!!
Breaking News from the WTS - The Time of the End is Near!
by jgnat inin fact, it is very, very soon.
my jw honey came back from the meeting with this earth-shattering announcement.
he is prancing around the house with this new-found knowledge that i have not had the priveledge to hear, understand, or appreciate.. got any good comeback lines?
Actually the truth is that the end of their society is near the end because when Jesus does come back they will be gone. HORAY !!!!!!!!
Nope they don't bother me a bit infact its nice when my sons send me cards or call to say Happy Fathers day. Today I received not only a call from my oldest son but my niece and nephew called to say that I had been like a father to them and they wanted to wish me a Happy Fathers day. I felt Blessed for sure.
What Were You Told That You Had To Work on By The Elders?
by minimus inthe elders feel obliged to have you work on at least, something.
what did they tell you?
I was told to be more humble as I didnt take orders to well and to get my hair cut...
Single and Happy
by RubyTuesday incan people be single and happy?
the older i get the more i believe that being single is the way to go.there are so many advantages.just to name a few;.
you can finish that college degree, go to the neighborhood bar anytime, do charity work, join a night class, stay out all night, flirt with anybody you please.
Well lets see now I have been single since 1999 and I personally think it sucks !!!! When I was and I repeat when I was married I was happy and everything just seemed better all around and I think I was healthier too. I wished I was married right this very moment. Any takers out there ?
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #54
by ozziepost innow who thought i'd forgotten, eh?
now you know old ozzie never forgets!!!!!
so, how's you weekend going?
# 1, # 4 and # 11 I feared I would get repremanded when I would answer at the watchtower questions I would answer with my own answers that were not in the Magazine. But if got to where they just quit calling on me because they were afraid of what I might answer. I was a bold one, they didn`t like that and used to say that I needed to humble myself.