Yeah, I caught that Reddit thread yesterday. And I tell ya, this is some SHOCK AND AWE.
Never thought I'd live to see the day that THIS "adjustment" would shine thru.
I was told all throughout the 80's growing up that I'd never even make it to my high school graduation, much less have to worry about a career or retiring. The "End" was near! I graduated high school in 1997, and my son graduated high school 25 years after me. The only difference? He's never set foot in a Kingdumb Hell!
Having any sort of retirement, or hell, even extra life insurance, was seen as "not having faith in how close to the time of the End" we were in, so you were "Spiritually Weak." Hell, it was even considered "gambling"! So of course, my gullible parents never saved a dime, lived paycheque to paycheque, and got into mountains of debt, and a retirement account? Fuggetaboutit! My poor late mother only started that after my father died, and she had her "Awake!ening" from the cult. She managed to save a good bit before succumbing to an illness. FYI, WatchTower didn't get one red cent from her! LOL!!!
But yeah, all this bullshit......all the guilt trips.......for WatchTower HQ to turn around as the hypocrites they are and be found out to have been investing, hedging their bets, etc for decades.....and now to have these 3 huge Irish Investment portfolios? FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!!!!
The slaps to the faces of the faithful and ones old enough to remember how things USED to be and promised, is an incredible sight to behold from this point in time. Speaking of which, it is soon to be the Year of our Lord 2025. Where the hell is The Great Tribulation? We are now a full 50 years past 1975. Just jaw-dropping false prophecy, hypocrisy, greed, and televangelism now.
Like, could any of you ever believe we'd be "witnessing" this type of shit in the year 2025? Where's my pet tiger and panda in front of my A-frame Chalet next to the lake? ((( crickets chirping ))) The only people with a nice view by a lake are the "Popes of New York" up in Warwick. Greedy-ass rich slimy mutherfuggers like Stephen Lett and the new guy Joele (real estate mongols) are living like Kings, their retirement is all set, off the backs of the members.....errrrr......."adherents"......errrr........SLAVE LABOUR that donated their whole lives. I hope they all choke on a big ol' bag of dicks!