If that ain't a good example of calling the pot calling the kettle black.
JoinedPosts by joe134cd
For those of us who still attend
by jonahstourguide ini wanted to repost this, i inadvertently posted it in members but all need to see it i think.. .
bible highlights this week.
exodus 25:2.
What role (witting or unwitting) did HAYDEN C. COVINGTON play in the Watchtower DF policy flip-flop?
by Terry inwhat if i told you three presidents of the watch tower corporation at one time held the following to be true?.
excommunication (shunning/disfellowship) is used by false religion to stifle honest inquiry.. ironic?
well, duh!.
I'm not so sure about blaming Knor on the stance against higher education. I remember reading a statement made by C Russell that went to the effect of "there is no need to pursue higher education because the system was so near it's end. Time would be better spent advertising the kingdom". For the life of me I can't find the article. But the stance on higher education was well in place before Rutherford or Covington arrived on the scene. BTW as a side point this is the 1st time I've heard of this guy (Covington).
What role (witting or unwitting) did HAYDEN C. COVINGTON play in the Watchtower DF policy flip-flop?
by Terry inwhat if i told you three presidents of the watch tower corporation at one time held the following to be true?.
excommunication (shunning/disfellowship) is used by false religion to stifle honest inquiry.. ironic?
well, duh!.
I'm not so sure about blaming Knor on the stance against higher education. I remember reading a statement made by C Russell that went to the effect of "there is no need to pursue higher education because the system was so near it's end. Time would be better spent advertising the kingdom". For the life of me I can't find the article. But the stance on higher education was well in place before Rutherford or Covington arrived on the scene. BTW as a side point this is the 1st time I've heard of this guy (Covington).
Rumor: New light comes from outside marketing consultants
by Londo111 inthis is a rumor i heard back in november, it comes to me third or fourth-hand.
feel free to poke holes.
i have many doubts about this myself.
I've heard some whoppers in my time, but that piece of writing just takes it to a whole new level. That's in the Super whopper category.
We are seeing JW history in the making
by suavojr inwith all the current changes and downsizing, the 1914 "anchor date" appears to be drifting out to sea.
yes, i know the gb is putting all of their chips on 1914 but if you stop and think about it for a moment.. we are seeing jw history in the making for the next jw generation of 2114.. first they teach a date as significant.second, when it becomes obsolete, they come up with a convoluted explanation of how it really was significant, just not in the way "some believers" once taught.third, it becomes a historical footnote, as in: "bible students at one time thought... but now we see... evidently... .
the next generation of jws (100 years from today) will be talking about 2014 as the year of great expectation, and how close the end is in 2114. yes, when jesus spoke about this generation evidently he was talking in a symbolic way, and he was truly referring to the generation class.. .
I believe WT has to start focusing on having better internal mechanisms to retain it's current membership, particularly it's youth.
Misappropriation of funds (Project for an Assembly Hall in Guadalajara)
by avaddohn94 inat the extj.com forum, a very serious scandal is being discussed regarding a potential misappropriation of funds by mexico's branch.. http://www.extj.com/showthread.php?24740-denuncia--quot-proyecto-fantasma-quot-salon-de-asambleas-de-guadalajara-o-robo-de-fondos.
though the situation may not be quite uncommon, below you will find an overview:.
a member of mexico's branch committee went to guadalajara to inform the brothers that a plot of land had been donated for the construction of an assembly hall.
I just wonder how long they can keep behaving like this and rail roasting people before it dose a U turn and comes back and bit them on the arse. They would never getting away with this type of behaviour if there were investors.
What if you were a member of the GB and you woke up
by enigma1863 inwhat if you were a member of the gb and you woke up and realized it's all bs.
what would you do?
i would try to change the org from within..
I would think "OH SHIT"!!!!!!!
New Atlanta Assembly Hall Has raised 3.4 million Dollars... GONE
by James Jackson inthey announced last week that the new atanta assembly hall has thus far raised 3.4 million dollars.
my local told that will become the society's come may 1. i wonder how that will go over with the ones who have been contributing to this fund..
I believe there will be the opposite problem now. One of been so over zealous to have a KH re-furb/quick build to now trying to squeeze blood our of a stone to get any work done. Especially if that money is been used for things other that what it was nominated to.
DF'ed and Confused...
by Stumbeline inso i think the title pretty much says it all.
i have a tendancy to be long winded about things, so i'll just give a general introduction and maybe tell things as i go along.
i don't even really know what i want from this site (ironically i remember jehovahs-witness.net mentioned from the platform as a site not to go to).
I'm in exactly the same position as you. I walked out of the Hall for the last time 12 months ago. The question is what do I do now. What adds to the pressure is due to the nature of my work, and to a point am financially reliant on witnesses it's a bit of a balancing act to survive while not getting disfellowshipped.
I heard an interesting piece of information from a super-elder today
by Barrold Bonds intoday i attended the special assembly day (sad lol).
i overheard a conversation between an elder and another elder.
we'll call this guy a super elder because he's on all sorts of committees in the area.
Sir82= Might just as well have them in Beijing or Moscow as they have got one in Detroit. Where would you want to take your chances.