I am impressed that you decided to have a frank, objective chat with your x-outlaw. Its disgusting when JW's cast all good manners aside to practice shunning. They selfishly never take into consideration they are punishing inocent ones such as your son indirectly. I find that totally unacceptable.
When I see the JW's around here I decide if a shunning event is going to take place. I always make eye contact with the JW and most always greet them. If for some reason I feel like ignoring them, I do however, I don't treat them with anymore disrespect than I would treat any stranger.
Since we are not JW's we are not required to play the games anymore!
Thank you for your topic. It was refreshing to see someone stand up and call the shots. As you said some just automatically play the shunning game with out a second that. We are all better people than the JW's and we shound never stoop to their level of immorality towards other humans.