JoinedTopics Started by Jen2013
No witness revolution expected? It's going on already!
by Gorbatchov inthis night i was a few hours awake and thinking again about our witness believe.
and i saw the light!!.
me and many others here at jwd/jwn do not expect any witness revolution and real change.. but i think we completely miss some points!.
Elders and former elders: Judicial cases how often?
by A question inhow many judicial cases did you serve on, in how many years as an elder?
feel free to talk about the cases too..
Does The WTBTS Use Spies To Find The Rebellious?
by Cold Steel insome people are outspoken critics of the society even while being part of it.
they may do this because of their families or because they have doubts about their doubts.
have you heard any examples of elders sending people forth to ferret out doubters and people who may spread discontent?
Quick update on sharing TTATT with my friend
by Gojira_101 inyesterday morning i got a message from my friend, the one i shared ttatt with last week and she wanted to meet for coffee.
this is the story/friend i'm referring to i was really nervous because since our initial visit she had told me that two of her other jw friends wanted to talk to me.
after a little more prodding she admitted that her friends didn't accept what their own wt said about god's name and they wanted to talk to me to "bring me back to the truth.".
Do You Fear Death?
by Cold Steel inwhether you're a former jw, or active jw, or some other religion, or atheist, what do you say?
do you fear death and, whether yes, no, or i don't know, why?
have changed religious views changed your view of death?
Are you a new viewer of this forum?
by punkofnice ini'd be interested to hear from you.. i know at first there is the paranoia that the elders will find you out if you have a user id here.
i only believe this is the case if you leave your pc in plain sight unattended, give out your password, tell someone what you are 'researching'or give your real name and location in a thread or gravatar.. cut to the chase.. what brought you here?.
anyone here because of the new 'generation' 'new light'?.
Why do they call it the New World Translation?
by Tameria2001 indoes anyone know why the watchtower named their bible the new world translation of the holy scriptures?
it's been awhile since i have even had any of their books in my home, and most of the time i don't think about it.
i don't know why, but when i think of that title, the phrase new world order keeps popping up in my mind..
YHWH v YHVH - yes, V not W
by *lost* ingod's real name and identity yhvh.
yhwh - fraudulent identity.. .
can we all sue wt for evidenced fraud and deliberate deception ??
HA! Take that Watchtower! One less Borg for you!!!!!
by Gojira_101 inlast week a friend of mine contacted me out of the blue asking if we could have lunch together.
my friend has been studing with the jw's on and off for about 11-12 years i think.
she has told me everytime i see her that she can't wait for jehovah to end this evil world...she can't wait for the new system...the end is so close....etc.. i sent her a message back telling her that i left the jw's and asked her if she had heard that.