About the angels, yeah they are asexual. I think it says in the Bible that we will be like angels and we will not marry in heaven. That means that we don't get sex, but other people like Billy Graham says that if theres not sex, then there must be much greater pleasures (not sexual) that wouldn't compare to having sex. I mean, its really stupid how an angel would be tempted, sin, and go back to heaven to God's presence, and be considered a righteous one. If they did it, why not us? Ya see, so that didn't really happen. In Gen 6:1 the "children of God" refers to the descendants of Seth or better yet, to those who believed in God. The daughter's of men refers to those that were strangers to God and his holiness.
JoinedPosts by ClassAvenger
Going deeper into JW stupidities
by ClassAvenger inok, i am totally frustrated with these jehovah witnesses.
they drove me out of the limit today when they said that satan was not cast out of heaven and sent to earth until 1914. im like, "what the hell???
" what is their freaking problem.
Going deeper into JW stupidities
by ClassAvenger inok, i am totally frustrated with these jehovah witnesses.
they drove me out of the limit today when they said that satan was not cast out of heaven and sent to earth until 1914. im like, "what the hell???
" what is their freaking problem.
OK, I am totally frustrated with these Jehovah Witnesses. They drove me out of the limit today when they said that Satan was not cast out of heaven and sent to earth until 1914. Im like, "WHAT THE HELL???" What is their freaking problem. How can Satan have tempted Adam and Eve and Jesus yet still be a celestial being???? Oh, and that's not it. They also claimed that the angels had sex with females during Noah's times (Gen. 6:1). I mean, are these people nuts? Oh, and the worst part is that I proved them wrong and they got mad at me and just didn't want to hear any more about it. They said they would research some more on that. I mean, what do you all think about this?
My question to you who believe in eternal bliss/hell
by logansrun inwhether jw or not, if you are a christian and believe in eternal reward/punishment i have a question for you: .
how is it logical or fair that what one does in a finite realm will have infinite consequences?
I believe in God as much as I believe in hell. The Bible says it was created for the angels that revolted, and for those who become followers of those angels. There are only two families in this world: Satan's and Yahweh's. People decide here, in this finite life, where they want to be for eternity.
-Remember that cool quote from Gladiator: "What you do in life echoes in eternity."
Calling God By His Name?
by shamus inwhy do jehovahs witnesses insist on calling god jehovah?
would you call your father, dad, or whatever by his first name?.
if we were created by god and he is indeed our "heavenly father", then would it not be blasphemous to call him by his first name?.
I prefer Lord and Father, and I'll throw in Jehovah once in a while with a lot of respect. I don't really mind the Witnesses calling God Jehovah all the time, what bothers me to the extremes is that they think that there can be other gods listening to a prayer and so they must say his name, and to think they are special because they are the only ones that do it. Dumb theology by dumb people.
Jesus was the prodigal son
by cellomould in.
perhaps this will not be printed in the wt anytime soon, but think about it.. look at the parallels between the behavior of the brother in the parable and the behavior of jesus' real siblings.. jesus was accused of associating with 'tax collectors and sinners'.. he once saved a woman from being stoned by an angry mob for 'adultery'.. he was also criticized for allowing a woman, probably of 'ill repute', to pour expensive oil over him and cry at his feet.. jesus was the prodigal son.... .
It is better to be said that Jesus is the Father who forgived his son. He forgived everyone and in his forgiveness towards people we can see God's love in full blaze.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WATCHTOWER, annual October (2003) review,
by run dont walk inso it is october 2003, aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
90 years after the famous october 1914 (generation) / (armageddon by russell).
what could we buy the watchtower for this 90th anniversary ???.
I would give them a Bible. A real Bible.
Making A Big Deal Out Of Nothing.
by shamus ina poster recently brought up an interesting topic... about how the wtbts always makes big deals out of nothing.. case in point?.
how jesus was crusified on a tree, rather than a cross.
i mean, does it really matter that much?
Maybe this isn't a big deal over something, but one thing that they argue with me is that they are upstanding people and there are no robbers, pedophiliacs, or criminals found in the religion and actually believe it. Supposedly he says that they are known worldwide for their upstanding behavior. Yeah right! Most of the Jehovah Witnesses in my school act as bad as people that are atheists or people who just have a religion for sanity's sake. It's really funny sometimes, although somewhat sad. Theres not a sense of humility in the sect.
Oh yeah, and also that Jesus died on the cross. It doesn't really matter, but can't they see that the whole freaking world knows that Jesus died on a cross, except them. I mean, its written on history books, dictionaries, all over the place yet they say, "Oh, we are the true religion because we know that he died on a stake". Why doesn't God feel sorry for them and open their eyes?
Looking for copy of on line nwt
by jokersloose inim looking for a web page that i can view the nwt bible.
do searches for words, phrases etc.
if anyone knows of one would you please let me know the link.
Hey does anyone know if those CDs that contain really old WT publications are available for download in a website?
hidden messages in the bible
by invictus inhave you heard of chuck missler?
i just got his booklet " hidden treasures in the bible", and this is an interesting statement:.
( comparing names in hebrew and their english meaning).
Lol, all this stuff is as dumb as trying to find Bible codes with computers in the original Hebrew scriptures which reveal future events. What was that show called? I don't remember if I saw it in the History Channel or in the Discovery. I prefer to watch Mail Call anyways.
God Turned His Face Away
by ClassAvenger ini've been reading the angels: god's secret agents by billy graham and i found something interesting about when jesus died on the cross.
he says that when jesus died, he was abandoned by men, angels, and by the father who's eyes are too pure to look at sin, and in the expiatory agony of the son he turned his face away.
that's why jesus said: my god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?
I've also heard another statement, that the Holy Spirit and the Father suffered along with the Son because they saw his sufferement on the Cross. If they saw this, how could God turn his face away as so not to look at sin? Just a thought. But then God sees every sin that we commit. I am not trying to be smart here, I'm just trying to learn. I need to be corrected, can anyone explain this to me?