JoinedTopics Started by amos77
I don't know why you all keep yapping about the WTBTS when there is a much more important problem
by Hortensia inmatt smith is quitting dr. who!.
damn.. and among those rumored to replace him is rupert grint.
damn again..
Is Blind Obedience to group of men supported by Scripture?
by nugget ini have been pondering over the demands made by the governing body for absolute loyalty and unquestioning obedience to their interpretation of scripture.
is this a reasonable request and is it in line with scripture?
alternatively is there in fact a scriptural defence for taking personal responsibility for beliefs and having a questioning attitude when being told what is to be believed.. there are ample scriptural warnings about trusting in men psalm 146 v 3 warns us not to put our trust in nobles or earthly men and galatians 1 v 8 goes even further stating that even if an angel were to preach to us something contrary to the teachings of christ it should be ignored.
So apparently I'm now a Secular Humanist
by Oubliette ini was doing some research on the subject of beliefs and belief systems when i came across an on-line survey/test that supposedly helps you determine which religion or philosophy is most like your current beliefs.
if you're curious, you can take the quiz here: belief system selector quizafter answering the 20 questions the results were spit out!
Being a jw almost killed
by moley inthis is the first time i've commented on this site, but i do enjoy to come here just to help clarify myself in times of need, ie when those wretched teachings resurface.
a bit about myself.. i was born in 1970 into the wonderful happy organisation (lol) and had a unremarkable childhood or so i thought (apart from being abused by an ms), all i can remember is being terrified of dying at armageddon.
attending 5 meetings a week and being used to preach as people wont shout at a child, studying the literature, not being able to watch popular tv shows, no xmas, birthdays the usual shit.. fast forward to age 16 and i fell in love with a worldly girl (the horror) and got her pregnant, my parents were devasted talking all the time how people in the borg would view them, nothing about what i was going thru, 16 and becoming a father, quite a big thing to me.
by steve2 inare the numbers available for either the 2013 memorial attendance or baptisms at the current round of district conventions in the usa or any other countries?
JW Intelligence services
by amos77 ina memory came to mind recently of my father (a ministerial servant at the time) and our book study conductor.
a couple in the congregation were going together, and the servants thought they might be getting too close.
so my father and the book study conductor, went in the dark and hung around the lady's house, monitored the time he arrived and left and what time the lights went on/off and location in the house.
How weird is this. Received notification on face book "Brance office of JW".
by jam ini do not have a facebook account but my wife does.
never posted on face book.
tonite we received notifcation from.
I am free
by new hope and happiness inyes the title of my first post was a little negative " shatterd faith" and the truth is i dont feel like that at all.. its wonderful being in a state of not knowing as it makes hope possible.
and what i now learn i will learn from within and also enjoy doubt.. so why do i call this post " i am free"?
because i will no longer allow a tiny few control the direction of my life.