Hello Mike, I came to this forum for exactly the same reasons you did. Im a non denom. Christian.
I have a strong desire to help these people. I work with 4 JWs who found out my interest in God & have not let up on me ever since. Ive pointed out several things to these folks regarding the cross thing & the John 1:1 thing among others & have gotten some interesting reactions.
Try asking them why every other English translation of John 1:1 exept the NWT states that "The Word was God", then theyll say something about original greek & hebrew. Then you can tell them that many Greek scholars or experts agree that the NWT contains "a gross mistranslation of John 1:1" or "its impossible to translate John 1:1 in this way"
Theyve said things like: "hmmm....interesting." or "Ill have to see that in context" or "I never looked at it that way" My approach is never to direct anything at thier religion, I always direct it at my own former religion...catholicism. You can rip catholics all day long & the JW will admire you for it but you must always, without them knowing, play up the very close similarities in both groups. Say things like: "Ya know that the catholics think theyre the only ones who will live forever(dont say: go to heaven), Then say "I cant believe that, I believe the bible was written to all people." What happens is they will agree with you, then unknowingly they begin to see the parallels between both religions. I cant say things will work for you but I seem to be making at least a little progress.
Just some thoughts, MJ