Neon - I grew up in the Las Vegas Valley, Henderson to be exact, and have lived here all my life. I hope you enjoyed your visit to our city. Whether you enjoyed it or not, it is an experience. Las Vegas is different from any other city in more ways than the obvious. Since I have lived here so long, I have gleaned a few facts along the way. My husband has a good friend who (thankfully he has not tried to convert us) is a Mormon, and my husband has asked him some blunt questions. David has always responded honestly, as far as I can tell. They do have some unusual beliefs - to my mind even more weird than the JW's.
Mormons also believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers (sound a little like the JW's - both angels?). I wish I could find the site, but I went onto a Mormon website, and they had an animated video of their version of what happened in heaven Jesus and Satan, as the children of God.
Mormons also believe that people have a prehuman existence, I am not sure, but something about little baby souls floating around heaven just waiting to be born so that they can complete the cycle and return to heaven. In the old days (when I was a child) a Mormon woman had to have at least 5 children, then she was guaranteed a place in heaven. Apparently that does not hold true today. (Sound like the WT? Changing doctrine to suit the situation, times or convenience.)
Also, if a Mormon couple is "sealed" in the temple, they will be married in heaven forever. However, the husband has to "invite" the wife to come to heaven with him. I'm not sure what happens to her if he doesn't invite her., probably she doesn't get to the highest tier of heaven.
Another thing: Bible history is continually being confirmed by archeology. There is no, repeat NO, archeological evidence to support the Book of Mormon.
Enjoy your discussions. I look forward to seeing your posts on the subsequent visits.