We are all in your corner. I just love the love(tm) they show - NOT!
god d&mn i?m mad!
the ?secretary?
of the congregation just called.
We are all in your corner. I just love the love(tm) they show - NOT!
too funny... .
some guy actualy passed this off successfully!.
i saw this 'cause i was reading the $1 million dollar story @ the smoking gun: .
On another note, that really doesn't surprise me. I once worked as a back-room teller, processing ATM, mail and night deposits. One business, Beano's Casino (believe it or not) was notorious for accepting weird things. The strangest thing I got from them were checks, one written in pencil; and the other, where the dollar amount, written and numeric, had been painted out with White Out, on a yellow check no less, and written over - not only that, but the check was one that had already been processed by the bank for the original amount!
Some people are just stupid beyond words.
too funny... .
some guy actualy passed this off successfully!.
i saw this 'cause i was reading the $1 million dollar story @ the smoking gun: .
What's a mullet?
i have a friend whos a jw and last october we started to hang out together (just us two).
everything was fine, we'd talk, watch movies etc.
then i started to feel different towards him, i started to like him.
Hi, am3thy5t, and welcome to the board,
You are not going to like what I am going to say, but I hope you will read to the end and give it some very serious consideration.
My life story: I got married, then became a JW, but my husband didn't. Let me tell you this: Love is NOT enough. I loved my husband, but the Watchtower Society, very subtly, tries to tear marriages between JWs and non-JWs apart. I speak from 25 years of experience. I was very lucky that my husband didn't leave me (or that I didn't leave him) but those 25 years I was in the WT, our marriage was a living hell. Fortunately he was there when I finally came to my senses, and the past 10 years have been wonderful, bless his heart for hanging in there. In the meantime I messed up 3 kids because of this cult.
You have no idea how destructive this cult is. It is "mind control" in the most insidious sense of the words. When people talk about "brainwashing" you get visions of a cinderblock cell with people badgering you and depriving you of sleep until you can't stand it any more, and eventually you are so exhausted that you begin to believe they are right. In the Watchtower Society, it is a slow, creeping process that sneaks up on you unawares (unless your bf was brought up a JW, in which case he has been indoctrinated since birth.)
If it progresses to the point of marriage, you can go ahead and marry him and learn by bitter experience the truth of my, and others who post here, words - or you can take a breather and think about exactly what you want for your life.
1. Do you want constant strife and conflict that will inevitably come because he believes one way and you believe another?
2. Do you ever want to face the possibility that your child may be ill and need a blood transfusion but your husband is totally opposed, and may leave you if you authorize a transfusion, or that your child may die because you are afraid he would leave you if you granted a transfusion?
3. Do you want to NEVER celebrate Christmas (and other holidays) as a family. Or do you want to do as my husband did, take the kids to your parents' house for Christmas, while he stays (disapprovingly) at home. I'm here to tell you that it's no fun for either of you and just creates more friction.
There are so many other situations that come up in a "divided" household, and that is what it is, divided, that I can't begin to list them all. On the subject of "divided," a man and woman are supposed to cleave to each other and become one. Their purpose is to be united in life purposes and goals, and united in rearing their children. If one is a JW, and the other is not, there is no way they can be united, rather, they are "untied" and every one in the family suffers, being pulled in different directions.
I urge you to cut your losses and make a permanent break with him now before you become evern more emotionally involved. You have only been seeing him for less than 6 months for Pete's sake! It's not a lifetime commitment! You are still very young and have your whole life ahead of you, and it is your choice, and yours alone, how you will spend the rest of it - in happiness or unhappiness. Go get an education or a profession. Go have FUN! You are too young to get tied to an anchor that will end up drowning you in a sea of misery.
My next advice is to read, read, read this board, and see what others are suffering, who have left the bOrg, but still have spouses and children in it. Don't think you are special - trust me, love is not enough, you have to live in the here and now, and with his family, who will make your life a living hell.
In any case, good luck.
at the service meeting last night, we were told that even at the memorial, we should not talk to disfellowshipped individuals.
also, i don't know if there is any truth in this, but disfellowshipped ones are generally not invited to the memorial.
when did the "memorial season" begin?
Matt. 28: 19 & 20 - Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all (not: except the bread and wine part) the things I have commanded you. [As the bOrg says: italics added]
When my friend decided to partake, back in 1981, someone told her to sit in the middle of the row, and that way the "brothers" had to pass the emblems to her. I wonder what they would have done back then if she had been sitting on the aisle.
i asked my jw girlfriend some questions a while back that she was unable to answer so i gave her cites from wts literature to backup my assertions.
i could see a glimmer of confusion that maybe i had a point.
now she wants me to just have a nice little chat with her good pioneer friend (black lady, very nice in her mid 50's) to ask the questions so that someone more knowlegeable can take a shot at my queries.. so my question is how should i go about this informal little chat?
Hi Rob,
Definitely your girlfriend should be present during the discussion. It sounds to me like the Pioneer friend is concerned that she may not be able to answer your questions and cause doubts in your girlfriend's mind.
As far as marrying her, I agree with Gary, so I am posting some thoughts here that I posted for another guy considering marrying a JW (I don't know if having children would be an option for the two of you, but in the event it is, I have included my comments about children):
I got married, then became a JW, but my husband didn't. Let me tell you this: Love is NOT enough. I loved my husband, but the Watchtower Society, very subtly, tries to tear marriages between JWs and non-JWs apart. I speak from 25 years of experience. I was very lucky that my husband didn't leave me (or maybe that I didn't leave him) but those 25 years I was in the WT, our marriage was a living hell. Fortunately he was there when I finally came to my senses, and the past 10 years have been wonderful, bless his heart for hanging in there.
You can go ahead and marry her and learn by bitter experience the truth of my, and others who have posted here, words - or you can take a breather and think about exactly what you want for your life.
1. Do you want constant strife and conflict that will inevitably come because she believes one way and you don't?
2. Do you ever want to face the possibility that your child may be ill and need a blood transfusion but your wife is totally opposed, and may leave you if you authorize a transfusion, or that your child may die because you are afraid she would leave you if you granted a transfusion?
3. Do you want to NEVER celebrate Christmas (and other holidays) as a family. Or do you want to go have Christmas with your family, or to do as my husband did, take the kids to your parents' house for Christmas, while she stays (disapprovingly) at home. I'm here to tell you that it's no fun for either of you and just creates more friction.
There are so many other situations that come up in a "divided" household, and that is what it is, divided, that I can't begin to list them all. On the subject of "divided," a man and woman are supposed to cleave to each other and become one. Their purpose is to be united, and united in rearing their children if they have any. If one is a JW, and the other is not, there is no way they can be united, rather, they are "untied" and everyone in the family suffers, being pulled in different directions.
I urge you to not rush into anything, but to take time and think logically about everything that has been said. When we rush into something because of an emotional need we tend to not look at the larger picture, but to consider only the emotional void inside of us rather than the effect it will have on the rest of our life.
an older lady (referred to as sister x) who does outside sales for us is a jw pioneer.
last week her non-jw husband of almost 50 years passed away.
sister x has been a baptised jw for over 30 years but no one else in her family accepted these beliefs including her husband.
I knew my mother would come back to haunt me if I had a Jdub funeral for her. Fortunately she was also active and well known in her church, so I had her minister give the service at the funeral home, not the church. Boy am I glad now that I did it that way. Besides, no one in my KH gave a damn that my mother had died. I don't remember getting any condolences at all from the "friends"! Ha!
when a child is molested, they suffer in many ways through their years as we all know.
my question is......what tells them it is not right?
how do they know that they have been abused?
Can you stand one more? I just found this thread this morning.
What happened to me is more like what happened to bikerchic. I told no one, not even my mother. It had a profound effect on my life My husband didn't know until we had been married over 20 years. I grew up in a home that kept everything hush-hush, so I felt there was no one I could trust. Trust has been a very big issue for me. Not until the past 10 years have I felt I could trust my husband and we just celebrated our 36th anniversary in January. I know I have set myself up, proving over and over to myself that there is no one trustworthy out there, and being a dub just reinforced that by the hypocrisy observed.
as most of you know i am a student.
well, thunder and i decided some extra income would be great so i decided to go back to my old (90's) temp agency.
thunder swung by the office to pick up an application for me.
A flower for Sheila! and she deserves a party, too!
after hearing the pro's and con's about the movie, i went to see it this afternoon.
i know we all have differing views, but i'm interested in knowing what impression it left you.
for me, i went in with a critical eye and i was emotionally detached from the movie.
I just got back from seeing the movie, and I am completely wiped out.
There were places I sobbed, but there were places I thought were overdone, the soldiers beating Jesus as he carried the cross, is an example. I don't doubt that he was struck on the way to Calvary, but he never would have made it if he was beaten as much as was depicted there. And, I really don't like it when it "goes beyond what is written" (sorry for using a bOrg term.) For instance, in Gethsemane Jesus was saying things that don't appear in the Bible, to my recollection. I didn't mind the Satan-character, just adding to what he said.
All in all, it was a vivid depiction of what Jesus suffered for our sins.