Yes I pray that the WTS gets exaclty what it deserves
had dinner in a resto with a dub friend.
he told me the bros were very very concerned about the latest court proceedings concerning blainville.
seems the wt thinks it might lose.
i recognized at a young age that most women prefer men that are taller than themselves.
i read somewhere that this is in part due to taller men make women feel safe and feminine.
makes sense to me.
so many do quote a scripture to make a point against an idea, yet i see that a number do not seem to believe in the bible's inspiration, anyway.
so, do you believe that the bible is god's inspired word??
No I don't think that the Bible is an inspired work of God. I feel that if it was, the whole thing wouldnt conflict with itself constantly.
And as a further thought being that I don't beleive the Bible is inspired it makes me wonder if god is real. We could have all just as easierly started out with a big BANG or been planted here by aleins many many moons ago. Actually those last two ideas are what Im leaning towards at this point in time.
here in north georgia, there are billboards all over the place that are solid black with the words.
your wife knows .
does anybody know anything about these things?
i was given the "privilege" to open the kh early to switch on the heating.
they even gave me my own set of keys.. every saturday night, me and another jw would drive to the kh with our amps and guitars and .
jam until the early morning, using the stage and the kh's pa system.
what makes a normal evening for you?.
mine might be spending a couple of hours on the computer, eat something, maybe watch the sunset, maybe a phone call or two, some maintainence on my apt, rest.
i would consider that normal.. just before i go to sleep, i usually read some of a book.. ss
Usually I start the even cooking dinner for my boyfriend and myself before he gets home from work, then we will go for a half hour walk.
Come home cool down and then sit down and eat dinner usually watching Big Brother or whatever else. Try to have a few glasses of wine as often as possible and then watch a movie or some star trek, hop into bed for some loving and perhaps read till we cuddle off to sleep.
, what do you think ............ 1) will a jw parent allow their son/daughter date someone who is not a jw ???.
2) will a jw parent allow their son/daughter marry someone who is not a jw ???.
3) will a jw parent allow their kids to socialize with other kids after school or weekends ???.
, what do you think ............ 1) will a jw parent allow their son/daughter date someone who is not a jw ???.
2) will a jw parent allow their son/daughter marry someone who is not a jw ???.
3) will a jw parent allow their kids to socialize with other kids after school or weekends ???.
Ok I see the direction your going with this .. or I might be wrong.
So I wonder if the publications are breaking any laws as far as prejudice go .. from what I remember they are fairly wishy washy as to what kind of people they are refering to.
And I completely agree that teaching your children such behaviour is 100% wrong.
Im 100% against the princibles that the Watchtower Bible and Tract society promote.
, what do you think ............ 1) will a jw parent allow their son/daughter date someone who is not a jw ???.
2) will a jw parent allow their son/daughter marry someone who is not a jw ???.
3) will a jw parent allow their kids to socialize with other kids after school or weekends ???.
I don't think it's entirely fair to label all Jehovahs Witnesses as prejudice. Regardless whether people are associated to one group or another every person makes decisions on their own judgement and merrit.
I think to a large extent most JW's have molded themselves prejudice agaist alot of things in the name of "keeping seperate from the world"
But I have known also alot of Jehovahs Witnesses that "break the rules"
All in all you can't label a people with a statment like calling them prejudice because everyone in this world has that potencial (prejudice) and everyone also has the ability to swim against the current.
No offense I say this for example only run dont walk : I can label you as prejudice against Jehovahs Witnesses. But what point does this all prove ?