One can ask, ?If the nonmaterial, inner mind or ?soul? governs the material universe (which would include the brain, of course), is there a foci related to its action in a sentient human?s brain? Is there a neural connection or ?gate? that opens to this nonmaterial energy?? This is a difficult question to answer, since much is yet to be done to establish where, or if, such a foci exists or can be located. There are opinions, though, and as you would expect different. This difference in opinion would be expected, however, since the issue of mind, intelligence/consciousness, and other non-materialistic concepts are just now getting more attention. Materialism, with its roots in the scientific approach, isn?t an easy door to break down. Those who think of consciousness (mind) as only a by-product of the brain tend to ignore quantum physics as non-relevant to understanding non-material ideas. Hard-core scientists (orthodox) believe that mental states are identical with brain states, and that all thoughts, feelings and our sense of identity (self) result from, or are generated from, electrochemical activity in the brain; yet, they have no real answer regarding what thoughts, feelings, and ideas of self are. I think of it as compulsive prattle. Often, one sees an old idea embellished in new window dressings, with the claim that the ?new? approach is a break through in understanding the mind. However, examination of the ?new? discloses the same blank walls that were (and have been for years) present before, stopping real answers to questions non-material issues present. I guess it is too difficult to shed the shroud of orthodox scientific objectivity in trying to understand concepts that don?t fit the rules set down by orthodox science. Carl G. Jung said that a synthesis of matter and spirit, conscious and unconscious, bright and dark, and so on will not happen in the realm of present science. He said it would come about in a different science or field, the nature of which is still to be determined. |
The late world renown neurologist, Dr. Wilder Penfield mapped the brain?s physiology during the numerous surgeries he performed on it. He reported that probing in the area of the right temporal lobe triggered a bevy of memories (more like actual ?being-there? engrams). Visions of earlier activities, of relatives and friends who died, even God were experienced by some of his patients resulting from his probing in the temporal lobe area. Of course, you?ll get an immediate response from hard-line scientists that, because probing this area brought such results, it is proof that spirituality, even the soul, is hardwired in the brain, that we are born with this, and that it has nothing to do with non-local energy. I don?t think so. |