Leaving quietly, it's not about being baptised into a religion, it's the fact that you can't participate in the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's supper without a community of believers. By any normal definition that's a religion.
Posts by Laika
Babylon the Great is the BIGGEST Harlot!
by The Searcher intwo key scriptures in revelation give a description of btg, and by doing so, identify to whom the name "babylon the great" applies.
revelation 17:5,6 says, "babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.
" and i saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of jesus".
Babylon the Great is the BIGGEST Harlot!
by The Searcher intwo key scriptures in revelation give a description of btg, and by doing so, identify to whom the name "babylon the great" applies.
revelation 17:5,6 says, "babylon the great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.
" and i saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of jesus".
'one lord, one faith, one baptism' - so how do you do baptism without the use of religion Searcher?
WTS buys £1,000,000 luxury sea-front property in Wales, UK
by Simon inshower room.
games room.
It's possible that the Society intend to 'invest' in several locations worldwide with this just being the first we've heard about.
WTS buys £1,000,000 luxury sea-front property in Wales, UK
by Simon inshower room.
games room.
This (if true) plus the new donation arrangement and other cost cutting measures suggests the watchtower religious leaders are becoming lured in by 'materialism' in a way they've always criticised other religions for.
Interesting development...
Jehovah's Witnesses's Matthew 24:14 Good News of the Kingdom.. A different Good News Galatians 1:9
by objectivetruth injehovah' witnesses use matthew 24:14, and their world wide preaching work, as proof, that they are the only "organization" that is doing jehovah's will.. what if the good news that they are preaching is a false good news or as paul would call it "a different good news"?
is there any value to a world wide preaching work, that is preaching a false good news?
or should that entire work be accursed?.
The JW version of the good news is not even particularly good news. It's akin to telling someone who lives in government housing 'good news, you're house is being knocked down to make way for private luxury homes that you have the opportunity to buy' Well great, if you can afford it, but chances are you're soon going to be homeless.
A serving elder's take on the new "tithing" arrangement
by TTATTelder inthe gb can kiss my ass.. i'm writing "0" on the little slip of paper they pass out.. hey here's a thought:.
you know that "widow's might" stuff they're always talking about?
well i'm pretty dang sure that the lady was giving from the heart not because she filled out some dumba$$ piece of paper pledging two small coins several months previous!.
Te, are the slips anonymous or do they know how much you pledged?
How many here (believers) believe in the Hell fire doctrine and why??
by jam init's obvious the bible is very clear on a actual hell of fire.
"cursed into the eternal fire with the devil and his angels", rev.20:15.
"lake of fire", rev.21:8 "fire and brimstone".
Ha! I like the juxtaposition between 'you are going to burn' and 'all the best'
A serving elder's take on the new "tithing" arrangement
by TTATTelder inthe gb can kiss my ass.. i'm writing "0" on the little slip of paper they pass out.. hey here's a thought:.
you know that "widow's might" stuff they're always talking about?
well i'm pretty dang sure that the lady was giving from the heart not because she filled out some dumba$$ piece of paper pledging two small coins several months previous!.
Don't put a ridiculous figure on the form. Put something high but realistic like $300 so that the Congregation ends up with a real shortfall that they have to moan about every month.
The slips are anonymous right?
A serving elder's take on the new "tithing" arrangement
by TTATTelder inthe gb can kiss my ass.. i'm writing "0" on the little slip of paper they pass out.. hey here's a thought:.
you know that "widow's might" stuff they're always talking about?
well i'm pretty dang sure that the lady was giving from the heart not because she filled out some dumba$$ piece of paper pledging two small coins several months previous!.
I for one am very amused by this whole thing, they've given away the moral high ground they thought they had over other religions on finances.
Not that they won't still claim it anyway, mind.
Amazing Experience while in the Door to Door field service.. The work really is speeding up.
by objectivetruth ina pioneer sister who just returned from pioneer school, and her elder husband, who was previously in bethel are in service.. when they come to an enthusiastic house holder.
after discussing the glorious messianic kingdom that has been ruling since 1914,err 1919 the house holder says "ok this really is good news, what must i do to be saved??".
brother elder and sister pioneer elder both look at each other, and they know right away the best answer... sister pioneer reaches into her bag pulling out her km approved preaching tablet device (she waves it around a. bit, with the purpose of impressing the householder how advanced the wt is), she then says i want to show you our website, jw .
I'm not sure that was a real field service experience but anyway, that was a great post objectivetruth.