Hard to say, Hitler was a liar who took different positions with different people.
Posts by Laika
Was Hitler atheist?
by zound ini've heard that hitler did what he did in the name of atheism from various theists - or at least that he was an atheist.
i wasn't sure about it, but found this quote today.
How I Know The Assembly Parts Are Made Up
by lovelylil inwe had a co looking for a certain experience for an assembly part coming up and the elders in my hall at the time sent him to see me, since i usually had good experiences out in field service.. anyway, after speaking with the co, i was sorry to inform him that i did not have an experience that suited the type he needed.
he told me that was o.k.
because he could use me anyway for another part.
I've lied on a convention part too, unfortunately. :( The problem, of course, is the Watchtower scripting, you have to find someone with an exact match to the requested experience, which is not always easy.
Recent refinements / changes in WTS
by Da.Furious inwe had our co visit and on his second talk he mentioned we need to be a pillar and support of the truth.
we can do this by accepting and working with all the changes, refinements and the speed of jehovahs organisation moving forward.. he listed the refinements and changes that occurred in the last couple of years:.
1- study edition of wt - allows the society to use more meaty articles and not worry about non jws understanding them.. 2- public edition of wt and awake.
What's with all these retirement ages? When did the Watchtower get so ageist? It's not like the whole GB is run by the young!
Troll Accusations
by Frazzled UBM ini have noticed that some of us are a bit too eager to label new posters as trolls.
while it is clear that there are some posters who just like to stir up trouble or are out and out apologists there are others who are witnesses starting to have genuine doubts and so ask questions but then when they see the responses the cognitive dissonance kicks in and they push back and argue with what they are being told.
this can lead to very negative reactions from jwn members and accusations that the person is a troll.
Oh yay, more meetups! :)
Question for believers in the Bible/God
by not bitter inmy question basically is - why believe?.
now as a non believer i find it hard to understand how anyone in their right mind can believe in the supernatural and more to the point, live their lives according to an old book.
not just christians obviously.. my intention is not to offend people.
I don't believe in a book.
I believe I've experienced god, millions of people have testified to similar experiences. I considered that I might be deluded but couldn't convince myself this was so.
Human Rights -ignored often, not far reaching enough, more than often.
by Phizzy inhuman rights are clearly laid out in a number of places, and are upheld by legislation in many nations, and yet they are ignored, or when they are invoked, do not go far enough.. this is a sad state of affairs in the 21st century.. human rights are simply trodden in to the ground where we have war, where we have totalitarian regimes, and where we have ignorant clerics who rule.. even in enlightened countries that broadly accept the principles of human rights, they often are not given the priority they should receive.. take freedom of religion for example, this right should enshrine the right to freedom from religion.
the fact that we in the u.k, canada the u.s.a, europe etc etc are unable to really be free of the wt/jw religion if we wish to choose to do so shows this right is unenforceable at present.. the same with the right to family life, the jw/wt cult is allowed to ride roughshod over this basic human right.. it is time their power, and the power of religion in general, was reigned in, and they be made to respect human rights fully..
How would you suggest reining that power in Phizzy?
I hate disfellowshipping but I'm not convinced a police state is the solution.
Escaping Indoctrination - Faith Isn't a Virtue.
by cofty inthe unknown writer of the gospel of john put the following words in jesus' mouth, "blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.".
persuading countless generations that it is a virtue to believe incredible things on insufficient evidence, is one of religion's cleverest tricks.. the more incredible the claim; the more flimsy the evidence; the stronger the belief; the greater the virtue.. this is the exact opposite of how we operate in every other aspect of our lives.. rational people must demand objective evidence for everything they are asked to believe.
"extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence".. leaving the dogmatic claims of the watchtower is only a first step.
As the UN says, I believe that 'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.'
I don't think I could provide objective evidence to back up this claim.
What's the difference between exJWs who FLOURISH and those that don't?
by Fernando inquite a few here on jwn seem to have grown and developed in leaps and bounds, sometimes beyond their wildest dreams.. others seem to still be struggling.. what do you think makes it possible to flourish?.
the degree to which our mind has been liberated from watchtower thinking?.
if so, this seems to happen in many different ways, so what is the secret?.
Some people are more naturally confident and fun to be around, so they make friends more easily. This is common in all groups, not just ExJWs.
The great poet Maya Angelou passes
by designs inher life embodied how the human spirit can rise from crushing conditions to mentor, role model and teacher.. she went mute for 5 years after being raped at the age of 9. in that time she found her inner spirit to write and speak for others.. her life course went from working in brothels to teaching in universites.
from broken home to addressing the nation at william clinton's inaugeration.. her poems touched millions of lives.
i know why the caged bird sings; on the pulse of morning; a brave and startling truth:.
Oh, what a shame. :( She was wonderful.
Would Your Family Stone You to Death?
by cofty inot law required jews to take the lead in stoning a family member who became apostate.. the watchtower has lamented the fact that the law of the land now forbids them from doing so.. if the law permitted it, as it does in some musim countries, and if the watchtower required it, would your family obey?.
my parents are good people and i believe their love for me is genuine, but i think they would follow orders.. what about yours?.
How would the Watchtower require it? If it was stone your child or be stoned yourself as it is with disfellowshipping, I would be a bit worried for sure, my parents use their religious convictions as a cover for their cowardice.