Posts by RevFrank

  • jeanniebeanz

    Jehovahs Witness Message Line - Northern Ca.

    by jeanniebeanz in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    years ago when i was still an active witness, i happened across a phone number in the 'book' under jehovahs witnesses.

    i called and it was a recorded message for witnesses, but it was an anti-witness message.

    the message at the time compared what the watchtower teaches about the meaning of one of the verses in revelation and exposed it as a lie.

    1. Elsewhere
    2. TweetieBird
    3. Rabbit
  • RevFrank

    When it scares you..I believe that's what it's suppose to do.But then again it makes one think. Why? Since I, almost became one...last 17 questions to go""""" I know many witnesses will go to great length to state something is wrong when the watchtower says otherwise. The problem is when one asks a question not even the watchtower can answer, it's commettee time.

    As for the phone number I'm aware of a 800 number for those who are struggling in the Watchtower. I love each JW for staying so strong in their idea of the truth. They really seek the truth. The more JWs I know the more I really hate the Watchtower of what their doing.

    Jehovah God is not isolated in one place. He's everywhere at all times. The Watchtower is strong. With Jehovah God and prayer I know who's the greatest then all.

    Bless you jeannie....ask any question and we'll all try...


  • Sirona

    Buying old Watchtower publications

    by Sirona in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i'm having a bit of a clear out.

    is anyone interested in buying 1917 edition of the finished mystery?

    or millennial dawn vol 6?.

    1. jaffacake
    2. Sirona
    3. Sirona
  • RevFrank

    Cool, but ebay doesn't have, the blue nor purple"Interliearner translations." I'm looking for both.

  • JV

    Internet Dating......has anybody tried it?

    by JV in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    well seeing as my social skills are severly limited or it's just really really hard to meet women i thought i'd get everybody's opinion on "netdating".

    i think it's worth a shot, i think it gives you an opportunity to meet people that you'd never meet in the real world, well it's 2 am and i'm bored, i guess i'd better hit the sack now

    1. Es
    2. EvilForce
    3. Mecurious?
  • RevFrank

    let me put it this way.....someone is richer out there. I'm still

  • steve2

    "Of course you can ask questions - even the Watchtower asks them!"

    by steve2 in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    do you have stories - past and present - about being completely floored by jws responses to your predicament?

    but there have been at least a handful of exchanges in which i knew, even before 30 seconds had elapsed that the exchange was going nowhere fast.

    just over 20 years ago, my dear jw aunty had heard from another source that i had doubts about the watchtower society.

    1. RevFrank
    2. Elsewhere
    3. Netty
  • RevFrank

    Asking the Watchtower a serious question, puts the spotlight on you, especially when the Watchtower isn't ready for the question.

    In 1976 I asked the question why hasn't armageddon come, yet?

    What do you mean Christ isn't our Mediator? Without a mediator why pray?

    I can't recall, but I believe in the, "Prince of Peace," where it says that the 144,000 may be part mediatorship with Christ. Someone out there correct me if I'm wrong. A few JWs discovered whom I was and won't give me any literature on it.

    Anyway since the commettee couldn't Df'd me, they did it to my ex-wife. I knew they, brothers lied, so I've been a theological researcher on the Watchtower, alone.