Worst line ever said to me "you must drink a lot of milk, 'cause milk does a body good" Yeesh
Ok, I need to ask, what's "pulled"? I don't think that slang has made it to the states yet.
the top ten worst opening lines of all time:.
#10 - you look like a hooker i knew in phoenix.. #9 - you remind me of my dead ex-girlfriend.. #8 - if you were a booger i'd pick you first.. #7 - you look just like my mama.
i love my mama.. #6 - gross!
Worst line ever said to me "you must drink a lot of milk, 'cause milk does a body good" Yeesh
Ok, I need to ask, what's "pulled"? I don't think that slang has made it to the states yet.
i come to you with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes.
tuesday 27th may 2003 at 12.30 am, i misscarried my first baby.
i was 9 weeks pregnant.
I understand, because I am in the large majority of people who faced losing their first child. I was 8 months, and after a picture perfect pregnancy, her heart just stopped beating. I also went through the blame, anger, pain, and confusion as to why this happened to me and to her. The thing that helped me the most was a support group at my hospital. It just really helped to talk to people who had been through the same thing, who were feeling the same things, and who could cry not just in sympathy, but in empathy. I am so sorry this happened, I would not wish this pain on my worst enemy, and I just hope you get through it without beating yourself up. And SheilaM was right, don't wait forever to try again. I was blessed with my wonderful son less than a year after losing my angel girl.
Much love to you and Rick,
what say you on the following news article?.
http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/nation/5954814.htmwoman sues to hide face in license photo.
mike schneider.
Yes, when they are stopped by a traffic officer, if requested, they should show their face.
The bottom line is, religious freedom cannot infringe upon the laws of the land. Take Mormons. They honestly believe, and can biblically prove, that polygamy is approved by God. However, the laws of the US forbid this, and therefore, they don't do it. Or rather, they didn't, and now they are being arrested and jailed if they continue. Same with the veil. If the law requires a driver's license to show the individual's face, and someone elects not to show their face, then they have forfeited their priviledge to drive. It's not difficult, it's not persecution, it's not racism, IT'S THE LAW.
Happyout (pissed that her tax dollars might be wasted on this crap)
felt a little bored earlier so i decided to take a trip over to the wt's badly researched propaganda official site, when i stumbled upon this little gem concerning the wiccan faith:.
it's the usual waffle from the (old) boys in brooklyn about paganism is worshipping satan, only the bible (and by implication that the wt) is the absolute "truth" blah, blah, blah.
I remember anytime someone became "weak in the faith" people would start asking them had they purchased anything used from a garage sale, second hand store, been given anything by an unbeliever, etc. It's out of control. There are witnesses who won't even say they "wish" something would happen, they say they "hope" something will happen.
How do they keep track of all those rules????
you are going to scare away possible new recruites to the dark side...you must say "agape, brother/sister" at the end of your threads.
welcoming a newbie with a simple hello won't do.
the agape needs to fly!
Ok, but may I timidly point out that you didn't end YOUR message with Agape, Sister Teenyuck?
Sister Happyout (still obedient when given orders)
district assembly 5/24/03 3:40 pm "beware of the voice of strangers".. 1) counterfeit words: beware of those using "counterfeit words".
2) flirting: young ones need to avoid being lured into relationships with un-believers.. 3) you trust your christian parents...listen to them.
you also trust those taking the lead among you..such as elders.
So, the negative news stories about, say, the Catholic Church are true, but any negative stories about JWs are false??? How do they twist their minds to even think like that???!! Oh my God, I used to totally believe this tripe, and nod along, knowing those "apostates" would face Jehovah's vengeance. Yeeesh.
On the plus side, maybe this will cut down on the trolls like SwordofJah that come here to preach and leave before answering a single question.
And anyway, isn't there some example in the Bible, where it commends the people for researching to be sure they were being taught the truth? What about that?
Happyout (shaking her head in wonder that her otherwise very intelligent family still falls for this crap)
i have read this board from time to time for almost two years.
it has been a mostly positive experience.
since this is my first post, i will give a brief background.
Welcome to the board! I used to be in outside sales, and after leaving the borg, I found myself using time I should have been prospecting for new accounts either shopping, reading, or just staying at home watching TV. I think, in my case at least, my mind went into a kind of shut down mode, just to relieve itself from having been crammed with so much information all the time. Unfortunately, as you know, with sales, if you are lazy your income takes an immediate hit. I took an inside sales job to help me get my discipline back, and it was the best thing I could have done. I never went back into outside sales, but moved from inside sales to the operational side, and I am much happier. I think your brain is taking a little vacation, much deserved, and now you have to kick it back into gear.
Congratulations on getting out, now that you are moving past the initial stage of recovery, you will find SO MANY BETTER THINGS to do with your time. But, don't throw out the good things you learned, like your good work ethic.
Hope to hear great things from you soon,
i've asked my wife (a jw) a couple questions about this believe about the 144,000 and women being in that annointed group and she can't answer them.
what do you guys think about these questions?.
question #1. where does it say that women will be in the 144,000 or is it assumed?.
No answers, but great questions! I do know that there are sisters who are "of the annointed", so why can't they teach? Sorry I can't help you, but thanks for the new slant on that.
ok, so here's the idea, for anyone who doesn't know... .
the first person makes a (supposedly) undeniable statement.
the next poster has to somehow prove him wrong, and make a statement of their own.. .
"Simon is the moderator of the JW forum"
How wrong can you be?? If he were, he would have locked this silly thread long ago
We are living in the last days
Happyout (happy to play)
are you afraid to tell people how you really feel or what you really think of them or their actions?.
are you afraid to hurt people's feelings and therefore refrain from giving them advice or constructive criticism.
My rule is, I only give advice when someone asks. That also applies to unsolicited opinions, unless it's a compliment, I tend to keep my mouth shut.
However, once you open the door to me, I am honest. Not mean, but honest. I won't call you an idiot (even if I think you are being one), but I will say something like "you are making choices that are not in your own best interest". Or, "maybe you aren't aware how it comes across to others when you.....". I try to be nice, because that's how I want people to be with me.