I am not ready to "follow" anyone's lead in many matters, certainly not in accepting that I should feel I should try to bring down the WTS. I also don't believe in a lot of other religions, and their former members are sometimes just as vehemently opposed as some exjws. The point I am wandering towards is, sometimes you have to let it go. I think that those who have a legal or moral case against them should pursue it by all means. Those who committed crimes such as molestation, stealing, etc, should be punished to the full extent of the law. If I were a victim, I would do everything I could to see the individuals who committed the crimes brought to justice. But to say that I have to participate in bringing down the entire religion goes way beyond what I feel is needed. I hate it, but that's my feeling, and there are many people within who love it, who are happy with it, and that's their feeling. I have said I wish my family (who are still in) would see the light, but that presumes they would reach the same conclusions that I did, and really, there is no guarantee of that. It's just something I would like to see.
Just my opinion, and since I left the Borg, I am free to have one. So is everyone else.