Jehovah's Witness
shortened to
J Double-U
shortened to
J Dub
shortened to
it means a witness.
from the "wordly girl"...i'm not sure that i understand what you mean when you refer to "priviledges".
i've seen the term mentioned in several threads but can't put it all together.
how do you gain these privledges?
Jehovah's Witness
shortened to
J Double-U
shortened to
J Dub
shortened to
it means a witness.
i'm just wondering...... i remember going to some wedding receptions for couples who got married at the kingdom hall,.
and i hate to be mean but, super boring, and bad, how bad you ask ??
ok here we go ..... - the worst had to be one couple played kingdom meolodies for their wedding dances, i couldn't believe it.. - no alcohol (i'm sure we all experienced a few of these), reception was over by 9:30.. - no music at all, just a gathering of people, and they ended the reception with a prayer, i thought i was at an assembly.. - food, like if you can't afford to get married don't, like frozen stuff bought at your local grocery store, and still in the package when you got up to the tables, how tacky.. - you could always tell a couple who couldn't afford much, when you had to drive 50 miles into the back woods to find some dinky little community hall they rented for $100.. - i remember one where the bride was pregnant, i was really surprised they allowed them to use the kingdom hall.. - another classic was, they had this band (of all jw's of course) and man they were bad.
My sister was married at the kingdom hall. I was not allowed to be in her wedding... her day, so I didn't complain, but it did hurt a bit. Considering that she and my dad are the only witnesses in my family I have to say the whole 'no alcohol' bit was a poor poor decision. They had the reception in the gymnasium of the civic center. I had an uncle and a cousin who each brought coolers full of alcohol in the trunks of their car... so the no alcohol thing didn't pan out. Still, it was dead boring (quite unusual and unacceptable in my family) so most of us left quite early and met at my house to play poker to the wee hours of the morn.
not sure if this is true or not... but i found it amusing and it reminded me of some of the amusing brithish/american banter ;).
don't take it personally, it's just a joke.
sometimes it does take a rocket scientist!
Not sure if this is true or not... but I found it amusing and it reminded me of some of the amusing brithish/american banter ;)
Don't take it personally, it's just a joke
Sometimes it DOES take a Rocket Scientist!
Scientists at NASA built a gun specifically to
launch standard 4 pound dead
chickens at the windshields of airliners, military
jets and the space shuttle,
all traveling at maximum velocity. The idea is to
simulate the frequent
incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test
the strength of the windshields.
British engineers heard about the gun and were eager
to test it on the
windshields of their new high speed trains.
Arrangements were made, and a gun was
sent to the British engineers.
When the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked
as the chicken hurled out
of the barrel, crashed into the shatterproof shield,
smashed it to
smithereens, blasted through the control console,
snapped the engineer's back- rest in
two and embedded itself in the back wall of the
cabin, like an arrow shot from
a bow.
The horrified Brits sent NASA the disastrous results
of the experiment, along
with the designs of the windshield and begged the US
scientists for
You're going to love this...
NASA responded with a one-line memo: "Defrost the
whose children have left "the truth".... .
i don't even know where to begin to broach this subject with my daughters (should they ever speak to me again.
they are not witnesses, and were never baptized, they are angry at me for something else).... .
I never raised a child "in the truth", but I would like to give you my viewpoint as someone who was raised "in the truth".
I will not deny that I disagree strongly with the way I was raised. And, of course, through my teenage years I blamed my dad for raising me in such a way... don't all teens blame their parents for everything? However, once I grew up and truly looked at it I couldn't and do not blame my dad for what he did, even knowing he would do it again. Why? Because as much as I disagree with it he did it because he loves me and believes it's what is right and will save my life. There was never a doubt that he loved me.
You can blame yourself if you'd like, but I can't see that it helps anyone or anything. Give yourself a break. My dad is as much a victim of this organization as I was. Just the same, you were as much a victim as your daughters. It is akin to saying, "My daughters and I were mugged and I blame myself for their suffering." It is not your fault, it's the muggers fault, you are a victim, too. In reality, it is not your fault, it is the organizations fault, you are a victim, too.
All parents make mistakes, all of them. What makes a good parent is that they make their mistakes with the best of intentions. You intended to save your daughters lives through the reality you believed was coming. There is nothing... NOTHING wrong with trying to save your daughters lives.
If it makes you feel better to apologize and you get the opportunity, then do so... but also forgive yourself. The only thing you are guilty of in this situation that I can see is being human.
fuzzy wazzy was a bear fuzzy wazzy had no hair fuzzy wazzy wasn't very fuzzy was he?.
you inspired me cassi
ooey gooey was a worm
a gooey worm was he
he sat upon a railroad track
the train he did not see
ooey gooey
1. have an apostate food truck outside with free burritos and shasta cola.. 2. wear a smurf costume and run across the stage.. 3. bikini car wash across the street.. 4. have an old-school breakdancing session on the corner, cardboard and all.
bonus if you do it on a mat made of watchtowers and primary colored book covers.. 5. have a garage sale or flea market in the neighborhood during the afternoon session.. 6. sit in the audience and applaud everything that anybody says - try to get a standing ovation for each sentence of the closing prayer.. 7. put a recording of rap, heavy metal, or other forbidden music on instead of the kingdom melodies.. 8. get fifty of your friends to walk around in the stadium during the session, holding signs that say, "louder please!
" and "take your shirt off!
Bring hundreds of copies of a letter from the UN stating that the WBTS was an NGO for almost 10 years and leave them in various places where they can be easily found.
hi.. i am a long time member of the board, but i am too embarrassed to put this under my username.
if people 'discover' who this is, please keep it to yourselves.
simon, my apologies, but please understand why i created the username.
I wish there was something I could offer you other than words. I would certainly suggest finding a therapist, but find one that you're comfortable with. If a therapist has a style that makes you uncomfortable they are unlikely to be effective, in my opinion. The only other advice I can offer is that it sounds as though you feel without a purpose now that your fight to get away from the organization is over. Perhaps you simply need a new fight, something to focus your energies on. Is there some cause you feel strongly about? Homelessness, cancer awareness, youth programs? If you were ever a part of the quick builds for the organization is there some skill you could offer Habitat for Humanity? Could you walk to help make people more aware of cancer? Could you donate your time to a big brother/big sister organization? There are so many things to dedicate your energies to if that's what you need.
I don't know that this will help, it's simply what I read into what you've written. Please get some help. If you ever need to talk my personal email is [email protected]. I wish there was more I could do. You will be in my thoughts.
i want to give my house a name.
lot's of my neighbours have already done this, so we have a plethora of name boards springing up in my road.
(actually, i susupect it's a sort of snobbery so that people will know that it's not just another old house full of flats and bedsits but a privately owned whole house).
True Truth Sanctuary
Smurf Lover's Sanctuary ;)
i think maybe some of the members on this board criticise those of us who are always bringing up our childhood experiences in the jw organization because they may have only been exposed to it briefly and then got out quick.
maybe they think it was all in our heads and we should just get over it.
what is so sad is that every decision i ever made in my life either meant i would die at armageddon or live forever in the new system because that was reality.
if it helps, i know exactly where youre coming from ;)
ive wondered myself...