Hi Utopian, These types of posts reveal two possibilities (i) the poster has masochistic tendencies, (ii) respondents still maintain their watchtower conditioning where cognitive dissonance is not functioning.
Words like "zionist" produce predictable emotional response derived from mainline cultural conditioning. Articles written by jewish authorities such as Freedman and Makow are dismissed. Conspiracy only exists by decree of secular authority: For example--Only Moslems conspire. World is divided along the lines of black and white; i.e. Bush is good Saddam is bad.
Scripture says that the shrewd one sees the calamity and protects himself while the one lacking foresight suffers. In this field of alternative explanations of secretive world structures the words of DeToqueville are profound:"People prefer to believe a simple lie than a complex truth".
If you believe what you wrote, my friend, you best be preparing yourself for what future days will bring. Those that dispute or dismiss what you're sharing with them are also subject to the effects of that inexorable principle sometimes called The Law of Consequences.