She just didn't consider for a second that the police have better things to do that run around "persecuting" JWs.
(Hey Hippikon, you didn't think I believed it, right? )
the more i listen to the religion argument the more atheist i become.
their are still some things that are hard to explain and most simply doesnt need explaining who cares?
just because we dont know the explanation doesnt mean there isnt one!.
She just didn't consider for a second that the police have better things to do that run around "persecuting" JWs.
(Hey Hippikon, you didn't think I believed it, right? )
the more i listen to the religion argument the more atheist i become.
their are still some things that are hard to explain and most simply doesnt need explaining who cares?
just because we dont know the explanation doesnt mean there isnt one!.
A woman started studying, and her daughter had some spiritism type books and to be on the safe side she wanted to burn them, so she and the sister she was studying with (who we knew) went to some land next to a small playground in the middle of the night to burn all the "posessed" items. Anyway, they *did* burn (I was suprised!), but the point is that even though they were having an illegal fire in a residential area on council property, when a police car came past, it didn't even stop - proof Jehovah was protecting his servants...
what is the youngest you've known someone to be da'd or df'd, and what for?
A 9 yr. old boy was announced as being this. His parents barely talked to him and treated him just as a disfellowshipped person.
What the hell can a 9 year old possibly do that's worth treating him as a bad association or disfellowshipped rather than just getting told off?!
What happened to him after this?
Poor kid.
a recent thread got me quite interested in this, as i was amazed to hear that some people have seen "demonic" looking picture in dub publications; i do remember being shown by a dub in the revelatiopn book a picture of jehovah (or jesus, i cant remember ) smashing something with a big rod, adn there is a hideous lloking claw, reaching up trying to grap the stick (or sceptre i cant remember what it was) sorry if this post is really incoherant, i just had two double vodkas with vanilla coke!!.
anyway, i was quite astonished ot read that others have seen other images.
what im after in this thread is a list of where people have seen these images and in what publications; i remember showing this certain picture to my family and them saying "are you really trying to tell me that jehovah would allow the demons to do this in his publications.
The image in Revelation cannot possibly be anything other than what is drawn there. It doesn't depend on interpreting folds in cloth as faces or sheer insanity (the David Icke nonsense) to believe it - there is a scary grey HAND there that shouldn't be there (all the other stick things are held single-handed). Unless there's something in the scriptures about it like there is about Jesus' red eyes in the same picture.
Though I'm definitely not saying I believe there are Satanists in the art department - I think it shows a cool sense of humor (and rebellion) to be sneaking things like that in. If I worked there they'd have weed growing in paradise and everyone would have six fingers on each hand.
It just further proves that it's nothing at all to do with God or he wouldn't let it past the Governing Body, who *are* led directly by Him after all...
what was it about living forever that appealed to you when you were a jw?.
was it the idea that you'd have all the time in the world to do whatever you wanted to do?
were you thinking about travelling the world and seeing it all transformed into a paradise?
I wanted to meet my grandparents. I wanted to be able to swim deep under the sea without drowning. I wanted to be able to run right around the world without stopping. I wanted a lion like the girl in the Bible Stories book picture.. I wanted to be a kid forever and just have fun all the time (and no school!)
I didn't think very much about meeting all the other JWs, I just wanted to have my family together forever.
Then somebody told me resurrected people wouldn't remember what life was like before, and wouldn't remember us. Seemed pointless then. Didn't want my dad to not remember me. Also didn't want my dad's girlfriend to get resurrected.
it's bonfire night (well it was) and mum saw a skinny mongrel (alsatian x labrador x collie type thing) scared half to death in the street and took him in at least just until the fireworks stopped.. we've reported him found with the police, and we're keeping him until his owner comes forward but it looks like he's been straying for a very long time - nails all worn down, really bad fleas, bad ears, starving hungry, stinky, all stuff like that.
the lost dog police person didn't think it sounded like anyone would be looking for him unless he'd been lost ages.. he's very friendly, the only problem is he's chased the cats, and now none of them will come in (except one i actually went and picked up and brought upstairs).
ok it's only been a few hours, but if they don't get on he'd have to go to the dog warden - and then he'd only have 10 days.... the youngest two were very very close to our dog that died last year, so they probably don't remember him at all or how nice dogs can be.
His owner came. Apparently he'd only been missing since yesterday - which means he was in that state and had bad fleas *in their house* but they didn't even spray him. Not pleased he had to go. His owner seemed quite friendly just not very smart - but it doesn't take a genius to work a flea spray can does it. Mum explained how he was thin and needed better looking after - the owner really grateful to have him back so hopefully she'll take better care of him from now on...
Oh and his real name was Ollie too.
it's bonfire night (well it was) and mum saw a skinny mongrel (alsatian x labrador x collie type thing) scared half to death in the street and took him in at least just until the fireworks stopped.. we've reported him found with the police, and we're keeping him until his owner comes forward but it looks like he's been straying for a very long time - nails all worn down, really bad fleas, bad ears, starving hungry, stinky, all stuff like that.
the lost dog police person didn't think it sounded like anyone would be looking for him unless he'd been lost ages.. he's very friendly, the only problem is he's chased the cats, and now none of them will come in (except one i actually went and picked up and brought upstairs).
ok it's only been a few hours, but if they don't get on he'd have to go to the dog warden - and then he'd only have 10 days.... the youngest two were very very close to our dog that died last year, so they probably don't remember him at all or how nice dogs can be.
It's bonfire night (well it was) and mum saw a skinny mongrel (Alsatian x Labrador x Collie type thing) scared half to death in the street and took him in at least just until the fireworks stopped.
We've reported him found with the police, and we're keeping him until his owner comes forward but it looks like he's been straying for a very long time - nails all worn down, really bad fleas, bad ears, starving hungry, stinky, all stuff like that. The lost dog police person didn't think it sounded like anyone would be looking for him unless he'd been lost ages.
He's very friendly, the only problem is he's chased the cats, and now none of them will come in (except one I actually went and picked up and brought upstairs). OK it's only been a few hours, but if they don't get on he'd have to go to the dog warden - and then he'd only have 10 days...
The youngest two were very very close to our dog that died last year, so they probably don't remember him at all or how nice dogs can be. But he was half the size and very old. The stray wants to play and chase them.
He comes to his name (we called him Ollie) and we can call him off and tell him to stop and he does as he's told - when he chased the scarediest cat behind an armchair we could get him to leave her alone and stop going to see.
So has anyone sucessfully introduced a stray or rescued dog into a house with cats?
i think everyone has had an experience with deja vu; i know i have and it's really freaky when it happens.
i'll be standing there talking to someone and that feeling comes over me that i've done this before; i've had the exact same conversation with this person and i can even predict what they're going to say.. with someone i know, that's one thing; having this experience with someone i've never met before is really bizarre.. i've heard all kinds of theorys as to what deja vu is: a "delay" in the brain, reincarnation, someone in the future has changed the past and we sometimes 'repeat' things, it's all in your head, it's satan.......... i'd be interested to hear what sort of experiences you've had with deja vu and what you think it is........ .
One of my teachers said he thought that since the big bang the universe is expanding, then one day it'll all snap back into a tiny ball of matter, then the big bang will set off again - so everyone's doomed to repeat their entire lives over and over and it feels like it's already happened because it has.
He was quite strange (but really cool) though that teacher - used to ride a unicycle around his lab and stuff.
i have discovered this site for downloading music, games, and software etc....maybe old news but i am having a ball making some great cd's.. you simply download their software and then download from other computers any thing you wish?
when you search anything you wish comes up at different speeds, and you can obtain almost anything.
so far i have gotten all that i have enquired about?.
Kazaa is notoriously evil spyware. There are other options though - WinMX (which I have) or Kazaa Lite.
Ad-Aware is an amazing program, definitely keep it up to date though with Ref Update (also on the site)