thought i was country til i moved to the country. then found out im definitely city - or at least suburbs. nothing like being within 20 miles of nyc in one direction and 20 miles cow country in the other.
JoinedPosts by nowisee
Are you a CITY or COUNTRY person?
by JH ini just came back from montreal, and let me tell you the traffic is horrible.
a city of 3.4 million is big.
i rather live in a smaller town like where i live, with not much stress compared to a big city.
Time for a 'bad joke' thread (groan)
by Simon in.
how does bob marley like his doughnuts?.
.. .. "wi jammin"
what do you call a little eskimo with a hard-on?
a frigid midget with a rigid digit.
what do polish lesbians do?
screw men
best wishes, nowisee
by berylblue inanother whining, self-absorbed post from the forum expert.... i have gained a lot of weight since living with tim.
now, i'm still within the weight and bmi "guidelines" for health, but barely.
all told, i've gained about 15 pounds.
if you don't want low carb.....
a quick way to jump start is slimfast -- really following it to the letter. 2 shakes a day (breakfast & lunch) and balanced dinner (no binging). PLUS exercise. walking is easiest. walk 2-3 miles at a quick pace - it will take about an hour a day. commit and you will lose those lbs. the thing that was my absolute saving grace when i was doing this was air-popped popcorn. you can eat loads of it and it will not sabotage your eating plan.
once you have made your goal then definitely look into something more realistic for long-term.
best wishes, nowisee
Need your advice, please
by berylblue ini would really like your input on something which is causing me a great deal of pain (and costing me a lot of money as well).
my brother is a very strange person.
well, the entire family is.
dear rosemarie,
it sounds to me as though you are being manipulated and used by your own (erroneous) feelings of guilt and worthlessness, and by family dynamics that were put in place a long time ago due to no fault of your own.
it also seems to me that everyone has been enabling your brother to shirk his responsibilities and unfairly (understatement) use others.
if there is a way to encourage your brother to see a doctor for treatment (antidepressants) then do that. but he must learn to stand on his own two feet and no one does him any service to allow him to go on this way. instead of you lifting him up, he drags you down and does that help anyone?
as far as your sisters go, do you have an answering machine? stop answering your phone and take only the calls that are positive and productive.
i know it all sounds harsh, but some things are just not in your control. do you know the serenity prayer?
"god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference." there is great counsel in those words.
my sincerest best wishes to you, nowisee
Do You Have A Work Website: where you work?
by RAYZORBLADE injust curious.
if anyone is comfortable enough, do you have a website of where you work?
dear rayzor,
how did i miss the cameron when i was in toronto last summer??? it sounds like a cool place, and i know anyplace that has you would be just great!
i think of you every day and hope you are doing ok - has the sars thing affected you in any way?
and remind me, what is the name of the street that goes out to the beaches?
is is queen street that has the sun am flea market?
i would love to come back.
no website where i work as i work alone and im busy enough thank you!
best to you, nowisee
It's not a Dream job, but I FOUND A JOB!!!!! :D
by Jesika inwell, most of you know i have been on the job hunt again
yesterday, i went to meet up with dfwnonjw to get a video about word and excel.
on my way to meet with him, i noticed a "now hiring" sign in a window.
congratulations! well done. 40 out of 50 is great especially for a test without any preparation.
hubby and i go to boston market every so often - we get chicken, take it to a picnic table along the beach and watch sunset while having dinner. it might not seem to glamorous, still you can be proud. i have always been impressed with just how hard working and friendly all the employees seem to be. and you know, reaching any goal always starts with a first step.
you will have to tell me how the meatloaf is...i've always wanted to try it.
hey jesika, way to go.
best wishes, nowisee
Do blondes have more Success in life?
by JH injust wondering.... .
do you think blondes have more success in life than brunettes and red heads?
do you prefer blondes?.
well first define success. success in love? success in career? successful social life? what are we talking about?
i have always been a blonde. like dj have always had a cloud of white/blonde curls. when i left jws i went even blonder for a while. it certainly did work for me. always got a lot of attention - no problem. always landed the job on interviews. always had friends - my closest friend being another blonde!
now im still blonde but have grey streaks and don't get as much attention anymore. that's ok since i am happily settled with grey-haired lover/husband. (his hair was black when we met and married!) - what does that say? personally i was always attracted to dark hair - never went for blondes myself.
Your evaluation of JWD
by JH inevery forum has it's flavor, posters, laws and mentalities.
how would you evaluate this forum?
what do you like about it, and what would you change if possible?
this is the only forum in which i have participated. it has made me roar with laughter, given me much food for thought, made me mad, made me sad, made me cry, given me insight into the thoughts and opinions of those in other countries, made me care about so many here, filled me with awe at the human spirit and given me good friends. all just sitting here in front of this little plastic box. amazing.
could anyone ask for more?
I watched the CBS news
by DJ inlong segment.
i'm sad that they did not report the fact that where there is no law to report molesters......the jw's don't.
that being said would have made an impact.
hi dj,
i saw it too -- thanks. it was a bit disappointing - i think they could have done so much more with the story. they should have interviewed all of us! hah!
love to you, nowisee
Need advice on natural arthritis supplements that help
by LyinEyes ini know that mac knows alot about this and hope he replies to this.
as well as others who have tried these natural supplements .. i have had arthritis since childhood , and mainly it was in my feet , ankles,,, now as i get older it has really hit my left knee.
i have such a limp at times and sometimes can barely walk when i do too much .. i have some supplements that have glucosamine and chondroitin in them,and have heard it take maybe 2 months before you feel any difference.. the pain gets so bad most of the time that celebrex doesnt help at all, and a heating pad is my only comfort.
dear lyin eyes,
im so sorry that you are having so much pain. i do KNOW that fibromyalgia is real and can be very challenging. i have arthritis in my hands and neck (neck doesn't bother me thank goodness). hands do as i work with them all the time. glucosamine/chondritin helps but you must take enough of it regularly. also msm helps. a couple of years ago when it was discovered that i had 3(!) bone spurs on my foot, had been hobbling around for months, i was prescribed vioxx. nothing had touched the pain until i started with the vioxx and then everything (foot and hands) cleared up. it does have side effects and so you have to weigh pros and cons. i don't really think it is wise for long-term use.
devin starlanyl has written a book on fibromyalgia. it is worthwhile and comprehensive. if you need full title let me know - i have mentioned it on other threads - but it is not nearby.
best wishes, lyin eyes. i think of you often. nowisee