I had a major snit when, several years ago, I discovered a packet (plain brown envelope with a label, information from Jehovah's Witnesses on the outside) in the material given to all incoming students--freshmen and transfers. No other specific information about religious groups was included in the orientation materials, although a list of "campus ministry" representatives was, which included the JW person. What I was told was that as long as there is a currently enrolled student who asks to include the information, then student affairs would allow it (I asked whether they were especially concerned with not appearing to support mainstream religions by refusing a cult--eye contact was suddenly lost). As far as I know, this has not happened again. There is often a JW table at various "involvement" fairs on campus--but my own experience is the JW is lonelier than the Maytag repair man. However, I do think that anticipating this and using it as an opportunity for anti-Witness witnessing is an excellent idea. (I just discovered that a staff member who I have great admiration for, who completed both her undergraduate and graduate degrees while working her and is working on another, is a JW. I'm now, of course, wondering if she had anything to do with those packets--but it probably was a student.)
JoinedPosts by kgfreeperson
JWs Proselytizing on University Campus!!!
by outnfree inimagine my horror as i walked out of my french class this morning to see someone setting up a table, covered in lovely royal blue felt, with two tiers of watchtower literature attractively displayed.
imagine my chagrin when i realized who the "sister" was who was going to sit outdoors and chat up passersby: my former congregation's po's wife!.
i am not sure what university policy is in general as regards proselytizing on campus (but i intend to find out).
Why do many religious people dislike non-religious people?
by Elsewhere ini've noticed that usually when someone who is very religious finds out that i am an atheist, they become very agitated even though i never actually said anything negative about their religion.. are they embarrassed?.
do they think i am condemning them?.
do they see me as a threat?.
I was musing on "American culture" and realized what came first on my list was "individual rights" which can usually be safely translated as "no one can tell me what to do." (I know my rights!)
And then I started thinking about how this can exist with the extreme public religiosity which has become American public life of late. Which has a lot to do with telling people what to do (or not to do.)
And I continue to ponder. -
My Mother's Being Announced in November As OFF The Pioneer List
by minimus inafter 40 years of serving as a regular pioneer and being on the infirm list, the circuit overseer, the po and another elder told her today in a 30 min.
conversation she was going to be announced as no longer pioneering.
the co mostly talked about me, my wife and daughter.
So they've cast her out for not casting you out?
I can only imagine how wretched she must feel--having it forced upon her that this cannot possibly be Jehovah's organization and facing the possibility that she has wasted much of her life and made unnecessary sacrifices and unwise decisions. I hope you can be there to help her see that she has not, in fact, wasted her life despite having believed in this miserable organization.
Love to you both. -
What kind of JW response do you think I'll get?
by Bubbamar inin my moms last letter she stated that me, my sister and her should all just "move on" meaning put our hurts and anger behind us and work towards having better relationships.
however, in the same letter she clarified that disfellowshipping is "discipline" and she intends to continue shunning me.
so i wrote back asking her what "moving on" means for her.
Oops, I didn't answer the question, did I. I think maybe you'll get a "but my offenses were only against you, imperfect humans, while your offenses are against Jehovah . . . ."
What kind of JW response do you think I'll get?
by Bubbamar inin my moms last letter she stated that me, my sister and her should all just "move on" meaning put our hurts and anger behind us and work towards having better relationships.
however, in the same letter she clarified that disfellowshipping is "discipline" and she intends to continue shunning me.
so i wrote back asking her what "moving on" means for her.
I'll be interested in others' suggestions, but I think the letter would be most powerful if you end it with "Is my understanding about that correct?"
I think if you continue, you will give her things to distract herself with and to attack you with. Keeping it specifically to what she means by what she said will at least give her an opportunity to face what she is saying--or at least a logical inference from what she is saying/doing.
Best of luck with this. I admire you for keeping yourself open to a relationship with her! -
This is shameless ...
by Panda inwell my husband, mr.panda has always made me laugh.
he's just that kind of guy.
he and his buddy put this little number together and i know that some of you will enjoy him as much as i do!!!!.
Panda, I am so glad--I have a Macintosh and sometimes things just don't translate very well. I am really looking forward to the next installment.
PS: I can surely see why you love Mr. Panda. -
This is shameless ...
by Panda inwell my husband, mr.panda has always made me laugh.
he's just that kind of guy.
he and his buddy put this little number together and i know that some of you will enjoy him as much as i do!!!!.
Does it end at "Yiddle" from above, or am I missing half? It is very good!
Not Allowed To Enter U.S. Because of Religious Affiliation?
by D8TA in.
many people know this man and his history...his life.
shame on the u.s., once more.. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,133095,00.html
I'm perfectly willing to accept that my off-the-top-of-my-head opinion is wrong. I just kind of wrote Cat Stevens off when he publicly supported the fatwah against Rushdie. Reflects my values, I know, but still.
by Corvin invictory!
the court appointed attorney will be recommending to the judge the following at the hearing tomorrow morning.
unsupervised visits with mom at the children?s request only, away from her home and away from stepfather.
This is just so wonderful! Thank you for keeping us informed.
Not Allowed To Enter U.S. Because of Religious Affiliation?
by D8TA in.
many people know this man and his history...his life.
shame on the u.s., once more.. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,133095,00.html
I've been outraged about a lot of people on "watch lists" but not this one. He strongly supported the fatwah against Salmon Rushdie and I wouldn't be at all surprised to find he's been supporting people who are proclaiming their animosity toward the US.