...when the contradictions keep coming maybe they will have to admit if only internally this is not all its cracked up to be.
Don't count on it.
after my recent barrage of elder visits i've been told that to truly show i'm willing to work at restoring my faith a bs is needed.. i want to be able to pick a few recent publications (last 10 yrs) and sit down with him and examine all the quotes and references in the publications to show how the society has misquoted and misrepresented so much in their publications.
do you know which publications would be best..keeping in mind the reference material will also have to readily accessible to be of any use.
i don't think searching on the internet will be acceptable to him.. .
...when the contradictions keep coming maybe they will have to admit if only internally this is not all its cracked up to be.
Don't count on it.
who has heard some really far out, off the wall, el whacko beliefs from jws over the years??.
here's an example....yesterday a couple of jehopeless witlesses told me that riding my bicycle was the doings of the devil because, since a bicycle can't stand up by itself, it's impossible to ride one without the devil holding you up.
does anybody know what bible verse they use to support this?
..... and that bike seat feels soooooooo gooooooood......gotta be the debil!
i remember growing up and thinking that there was no way i would have kids ......... why ???
....... because i did not want to raise them the way i was raised, in the borg.
i went through hell, why put a defenceless child through that.
I've often wondered about this philosophy. Aren't they "shooting themselves in the foot" by encouraging people not to have children? Aren't most of the newly baptized simply children of current JW's that have been raised in the truth? In other religious groups, the focus is on children, since without them there are no future leaders (or members, for that matter.) I just don't understand their reasoning.
thanks to quinah and nathan natas of another forum, here is the link to check your iq.
it says i have an iq of 139 .
Mine was 160. What a joke!
what do you think are some of the funniest movie quotes ever.
the one's you can hear over and over again and still laugh.
just a couple of mine are from these movies: .
"She showed me her boobies and I like 'em, Momma"
-Adam Sandler in The Waterboy
i have been *accused* of being a feminist.
i use caps, because this term has been used in a derogatory manner when used in reference to things i have posted.
the online merriam webster dictionary defines feminism as: .
I just operate under the assumption that everyone - - everyone - - should be treated equally. In fact, this has worked for me. I am VP of a large construction company that has been run by a good-'ol-boy network for years, but I got in there and worked my ass of and got the position I deserved. I think they actually forget I am female. I honestly think most people will give you what you deserve as long as you're not a whiner. Women who are always bitching because people treat them differently need to focus on something positive - - hard work, education, whatever. Same for any other minority.
in a way im glad the wts has hinted that mobile phones are expensive, time wasting, immoral devices.
anything to reduce the number of people shouting into plastic blocks on public transport gets my vote.
however they go as far as to assume that young people who have one will use it to talk to members of the opposite sex!
Check this article out on their website. They show a picture of young Keiko talking to her friend. Suspiciously, I can only see one of his hands...... hmmmm......
looking for any df'd or da'd ex-jw's from central nc... triad, triangle, sandhills region of nc.
please hollar back if there are any...
I'm in the Henderson area (near Raleigh/Durham). Anyone else?
my parents invited me and my hubby to attend the convention with them this sunday and go out to dinner afterward.
i told my dad i didn't feel like going but thanks for the invite.
later my mom called with the same question.
I don't take it personal, I just don't know how Jehovah will take it.
This sounds just like something my mother-in-law would say. Jehovah is apparently very sensitive about this kind of thing. . .
they are now paranoid about mobile phones.
The horny old men making the rules are obviously obsessed with sex.