I am hear to learn and regain believe in people and to have peace within myself.
Maybe that is selfish. But that is why I am here. I have been deceived and lied to all of my life. People in “the truth” have lied to me about “the future”. People at school have made fun of me because of my beliefs. After I left, people made fun of me because I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere.
Then one day, I decided to be myself; not a JW, not a popular person, not someone who followed and did not lead. I began small and the longer I did it the more of a leader I became. I have been a leader for a long time now.
But my shortcoming is that I do not know what is “believed” in my heart. I found this site; whether by coincidence or by “fate” regardless, I found it.
I read this site for experiences of what others are going thru; for a laugh sometimes when things feel like they are falling apart (like today); but I also look for knowledge, mostly I look for knowledge.
JoinedPosts by Mystery
There are people at the end of threads
by Brummie inok i wonder whose sitting at home hurting over something that has been said to them on here?
i wonder whose been totally critisised for good intentions and harmless threads or posts?
what happened to the ability to discuss things like an adult instead of diving in and making out the person who began the thread was just trying to cause trouble?
Back to the Basics
by Mystery inif for the most part others are done with their arguing i have a sincere question.
my family has been going to a church for about a year.
for awhile it was every sunday, until i found and began reading this forum.
If for the most part others are done with their arguing i have a sincere question.
My family has been going to a church for about a year. For awhile it was every Sunday, until I found and began reading this forum. Then my mornings were taken up with reading. I will never join a church again, but this preacher impressed me. Why?.... really isn't relevant.
Point is: this morning I got up and decided to go to church (we haven’t been in about 3-4 weeks because 1) my kids had spent the night away and we (me & hubby) slept late or we relaxed with no children around etc… Regardless we hadn’t been in a few weeks.
Anyway I get up this morning, with both of my sons home on a Sunday morning, wake them up and announce that we are going to church. Granted we had not been in several weeks. My 15 yr old said he was not going. He told me that since I did not believe in all of their teachings why in the *ell should he go? My husband, who is typically on my side, off to the side, tells me that my son is right. Yes, he is right, but I feel my sons should be, at least, exposed to religion. Since I do NOT know what to believe myself about religion I understand this.
So my question, what do we teach our children when we do not know what to expect of religion ourselves? What do we teach our children about God when we do not know ourselves? I do absolutely believe that they know of the Bible and God. I can not believe in atheism; But my son, is right in the account that “I don’t know what I believe”. How do "we" (I) teach our (my) children when “we” (I) don’t know what to believe ourselves?
Someone share with me; What do teach our children? -
They lost 7 bible studies
by caballoSentado inhi friends, .
i just found out that one of the persons i talked to about the un scandal and .
the wtbs hypocrisy, a very good & loving person, a real christian, has cancelled .
In Your Opinion, What Is The Purpose Of This Board?
by minimus inmy understanding is that this board can serve as a place to come so that jw's and ex-jw's can get together to discuss mostly, jw issues as well as matters such as our likes and dislikes of a non-religious nature.
since there are so many posters here, could you please express what you think this place is for?
For me it is helping free myself from all I firmly believed in.
In the past 20 years, I still haven't found peace. I still don't know what to believe.
Even on this board, I still haven't. It has helped. It has made me think. It has let me know "that I am not alone".
I know I have to find peace within myself. No one can do that for me, but today - especially today - I still don't have the peace I am searching for.
Maybe some day I will.
For theses that are selfishly here.... I feel sorry for you.
For those who joke about being here... I feel sorry for you.
For those who are here just be Emperor or whatever the highest category is... I feel sorry for you.
For those that are here to "slam" others... I feel sorry for you.
I am here for understanding. For something to touch my heart that will release me from all of the misery that I felt... am still feeling about myself.
Minimus - I read your thoughts on this forum. I feel you are here to help us think. If you aren't then your are a deceiver as JW's are. But you have shown nothing to me to feel that way.
I am here simply to know that I am not alone. -
Arsenal, Southampton, The FA Cup & Number 3 Son.
by Englishman injust got a text message from ben.
he's a student in cardiff.
he's also an avid portsmouth supporter, and guess what cardiff is teeming with right now?
Speaking as an American - Shutterbug apparently you have never played the sport. I am making an assumption, due to the ignorance of the information in your post. First you can't or shouldn't play soccer in a cow pasture due to obstacles that may be in the line of attack. But with football you could play in a cow pasture after all, the only thing the men in tight pants are doing is trying to knock the crap out of each other.
As far as kicking a ball into room as big as most people’s living room, I again can see your ignorance in the soccer sport. I guess some people have a living room 8’x24’x3’-8’ base; I think I remember my parents fishin’ camper the entire dimension being about 8’x24’ I don’t remember a living room suite or TV or anything like that being able to fit in it. But of course there has to be at least room for a TV so that you can sit and watch and critique.
Try American Football, as it repuires more skills and is more interesting.
This again is your biased opinion – as an American and getting up in years.
I would put my soccer team up against your football team in endurance, accuracy, and skill any day of the week. Oh – or do you just sit on the side-lines (or couch) and watch?
If you don’t like the sport and feel that there is no skill or endurance or athletic ability in the sport just stick with your football. And since you brought up football. Can you answer this: Why does one tight pants running man earn more than one point for crossing a 100 yd ( a whole lot bigger than a soccer goal)? Maybe if soccer changed its scoring systems to getting 6 points for a goal; so that the scores “look bigger” it would make a difference.
Since you are “getting’ up in years” I am sure you remember one of the Golden Rules:
If you can’t say something nice – don’t say it at all. Especially, if ignorance prevails in your opinion. -
Cutting the final ties
by Wolfgirl ini've been doing a lot of reading these past couple of days, including someone's life experience that he wrote about and that was linked to on this board.
found here: http://members.aol.com/smcdownlds/downldfit.html.
anyway, after reading that, the last vestiges of my "programming" have fallen away.
Why do elders step down when their children are disfellowshipped?
by truthseeker inhi everyone, a question that has been on my mind for a while.. if jehovah appoints the elders, why is it that when one of their kids is disfellowshipped some of them step down as an elder?.
does jehovah dis-appoint them?
is this a scriptual thing?
My dad didn't step down when I was DF'ed. But of course MY actions were blamed on the "brother", and it "wasn't my fault". Even when at my "meeting" I lied to the elders about the last time we had been together and at the brother's second meeting he told the entire truth. But then that was glossed over because the brother that was DF'ed with me wasn't from a "real spiritual family" and "lil' ole me was". What a laugh.
My dad did step down a couple of years later due to a work related infraction. He felt that with accusations coming from "the world" regarding his business would hinder the name of Jah. So he willing stepped down. -
School is out for SUMMMMA.....(lil Bostonian touch) well kinda
by SheilaM inoh, call me anal but i'm kinda bummed.
school's out final grades are in and i'm a little disappointed.
creative writing-should be an a but she hasn't put it in yet.
Congradulations Shelia.
I wanted a 4.0, but ended up with a 3.2. img src="http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/images/smilies/approve.gif"> In the end the places I worked, 4.0 or 2.0 wouldn't have mattered as long as the degree was on the wall.
But I still know what you mean by wanting a 4.0. But don't be bummed.... be happy. -
Exposing WTBTS Lies & Errors, Part 7
by AGuest inexposing watchtower lies & errors
part vii
christ speaks to the congregations
Don't forget to report! (Worship Book ch 4)
by ozziepost inat the last district convention, the book "worship the only true god" was released intended to be used along with the "knowledge" book on home bible studies.
both books are to be studied before baptism.
so, what are the 'new recruits' learning?