Beautiful! May they enjoy each Each Halloween (dress up day). Each Valentine . Each Christmas . Freedom of the outdoors .
And most of all unconditional .
i got this idea from my wife.
she posted a similar topic on one of the forums she frequents.
Beautiful! May they enjoy each Each Halloween (dress up day). Each Valentine . Each Christmas . Freedom of the outdoors .
And most of all unconditional .
how sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love to you and your family.
<<<<<<<<monday i want you all to send your greetings.
nothing nasty gumby!!!!
just kind sweet things to a very old lady!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
My wish for you today is to be filled with peace, happiness and joy.
another post from a newbie(who has been lurking around here for a couple of years now).. my story is nothing exciting really.
i grew up pretty much from the age of 3 or 4 in the jw religion.
my parents both became witnesses at that time, then after a couple of years, my mother "saw the light", and stopped going, but my father dragged my sister and i along with him for many years to come.
Welcome to the board.
Isn't life grand!
jws and the lack of high emotional states
the wts capitalizes on a couple of mood states.
the biggest is fear.
I agree with you Lady Lee. It is that fear and numbness that keeps a lot of our familes in the org. JW's that will not research (out of fear), that will not think for themselves (out of fear), they can not experience true joy (out of numbness) are very difficult to reach. And I completely agree with you with regards to "everything" outside the org. is demonized. How do you connect with someone that believes all that is told to them?
i am researching cutting and self-mutilation because i have a close family member who is doing this--she burned her arm last week and it's bad.
i was wondering--i found an article on the internet that talks about support for the person and how some people get relief by using other methods like icing the skin with ice cubs or flicking themselves with rubber bands.. this person is in therapy and in the care of a psyciatrist too but i just wondered how common this is.
her diagnosis isn't even for sure--could be adhd or depression.. any comments on experience with this would be helpful.
If the person performing the self-mutilation is seeing a therapist and they are not helping them with the real problem (depression/mental problems) please, please, please change doctors.
If the person does not have a ‘connection’ with his/her doctor it will be very difficult for them to open up to the therapist.
From personal experience with my son – there are simply some really horrible therapist that have their own agenda without real regard for the patient.
After the 4th doctor, we found a wonderful man that dug down deep and found the problems with my son.
the wts has tsken so much away from the r&f.
christmas, easter, mother and father's day, birthdays, the list goes on and on.. every single reason that a person has to celebrate the good things in this life is taken and replaced with a fantasy for the future.
feeling good about today is only acceptable if you are out preaching the good news that people will die unless they become jws.. there is a saying that "misery loves company".
Even with the tears and fears I will never regret being a mother.
The hugs and 'i love you's' far outweigh anything else that comes with raising a family.
i really can't believe it, but i made it throught the 5k, running the whole time, and no stopping.
i'm used to running on an even track and there were hills on this course.
holy crap, i thought i was gonna die at a couple of points.
Congradulations!!! I know it felt really good crossing the finish line.
today is my birthday.
i'm 58.. i don't feel a year older than i did yesterday.. farkel, who is 25 at heart.......
Happy 58th Farkle.
i'm running in a 5k tomorrow, wish me luck.
i've just started running again and i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to make it :p
Good Luck! You can do it.....
I thing i learned in coaching. Don't wait until tomorrow to hydrate yourself. Began tonight. Tomorrow is to late.