JoinedTopics Started by 4christ
Can Witnesses Do That?
by Dutchie inthis week is spring break for school children and so my kids are home this week.
while i was at work yesterday some witnesses paid a visit to my home and tried to talk my 14 year old son into having a bible study.
when my son politely refused, saying that he could not commit to a study without first asking permission of his parents, they told him that they knew many children who had defied their parents to study with the witnesses and come to meetings.
Hannity & Colmes-blood issue
by 4christ inthey are talking about the guy who is suing his doctor for saving his life with an unwanted blood transfusion.. peace- l
Is homosexuality wrong?
by forgetmenot ini know that the dub's view is that it is totally wrong.
i live in an area where the majority of people think it is wrong.
i don't think it is wrong (but i am not a homosexual).
In defence of the NWT
by jerome inwhile surfing the net i discovered a website dedecated to defending the new world translation.
i posted the url in a pervious thread a few weeks ago but it dident get much attention.. well i am posting it here again so that everyone can see it.. .
in defence of the new world translation.. http://users.eggconnect.net/noddy3/pageindex.htm.
Do you see many jw's at your door?
by terafera inthis has probably been addressed before, but.... the other day a philipino man knocked on our door.
my husband answered it, and a nice elderly man said something in philipino to us, holding a watchtower and awake.
my husband said we only spoke english, and the old man smiled, said something and left.
Giving Up Smoking
by ballistic ini'm giving up smoking on the 22nd.
it will be the third time, but this time as part of a government sponsored training course with drugs and patches supplied etc.
anyone else given up and got any helpfull advise?.
childhood and the watchtower
by 4christ ini am not a jw but....... when i was a child my mother was a "searcher".
she was involved with armstrongism, some other cult i cant remember the name, and finally jws.
she would take me with her to "bible studies" and i would listen.
The Watchtower Organisations Controlling Hand
by Big Jim inthe controlling hand of the watchtower organisation.
jehovahs witnesses are taught that god has always guided his people by means of an organisation and that, although, in times past, jehovah listened to the prayers of individual worshippers, he provided instruction for them through an organisational arrangement.
hence, they maintain that with the establishment of the christian congregation (at pentecost 33ce), jehovah had brought into existence an organisation on earth made up of true christians1 and, as christianity spread and congregations were formed, these functioned under the direction of a governing body made up of apostles and older men [and so] today, jehovah deals with his people through an organized body2 and this organisation exists as the modern theocratic organisation of jehovahs witnesses - the watchtower society.3 through their publications, the jehovahs witnesses are led to believe that jehovahs organization alone, in all the earth, is directed by gods holy spirit or active force (zech .4:6) only this organization functions for jehovahs purpose and to his praise.
To JWs: My Unanswered Question
by Skimmer inhere is a repost of a question i asked in another topic that hasn't yet been answered.
are there any real jws reading this who can give a convincing answer?.
if you are a sincere believer of the wtbts, i would like to ask you a fairly simple question that i have not seen answered in any of the wtbts publications.
Ten Minute Slam on Christianity.(att: FAITH DRUNK)
by Big Jim in(to all faith drunk christian heathens;read this twice and sober up).
a quick ten minute slam of christianity.
we can see that god is powerless to forgive sins without killing something in the process.