Pres -
That totally bites!! You're an awesome guy - one of the sweetest I know! - and I think the only proper revenge is to find out who they are and then call the Kingdom Hall, pretend to be them, and beg for a study.
Pres -
That totally bites!! You're an awesome guy - one of the sweetest I know! - and I think the only proper revenge is to find out who they are and then call the Kingdom Hall, pretend to be them, and beg for a study.
i think i need a time out.
i feel like whatever contributions i may make to this board are being outweighed by the emotional upheaval participating is causing me.
i've been taking things way too personally lately, letting posters i don't know and don't particularly care about, hurt my feelings badly.
Dear Odrade,
I'm so glad we still live close and will see each other once in awhile even if we're not on the board. Your posts are intelligent and well-thought out and encouraging to me without fail. I've seen so much hostility lately on the board and it's exhausting - you shouldn't have to deal with such crap. Thank you for being the wonderful person you are and I hope you will know doc and i love you guys lots.
Kitties and Doc
the details of who to send a gift to will be getting pm'd to you all either friday afternoon or saturday morning!
according to the information i've found online the last posting day for standard parcels is dec 11th for usa and december 15th for the uk/europe, so you should all have plenty of time to select and send a gift, although sending sooner rather than later is prefered.
can everyone taking part post on this thread what things they like, what their interests are etc so that the person who is buying a gift for you has some idea what to get you.
Kitties and HorsesHmmm
Maybe someone is pulling your leg??
I would have sent you something better than just chocolate!
Well now I'm confused! The package said it was from New Orleans, LA and I don't know anyone there, and then I got a pm that said you were the one who sent it....hmm...??? Well whoever sent it, thanks! I just wish I knew who it was!! Kitties
the details of who to send a gift to will be getting pm'd to you all either friday afternoon or saturday morning!
according to the information i've found online the last posting day for standard parcels is dec 11th for usa and december 15th for the uk/europe, so you should all have plenty of time to select and send a gift, although sending sooner rather than later is prefered.
can everyone taking part post on this thread what things they like, what their interests are etc so that the person who is buying a gift for you has some idea what to get you.
Bubbamare - a little birdie told me you sent the choclate - thanks!!!
this topic has been rolling around in my head for some time.
i don't expect that i'll write it perfectly as it needs to be articulated in different ways for different people...but i will do my best.
and worst of all, i am not expecting any kind of response that will satisfy me.
Just because a large number of people believe n something - well, I don't find that to be a convincing argument about anything at all.
this topic has been rolling around in my head for some time.
i don't expect that i'll write it perfectly as it needs to be articulated in different ways for different people...but i will do my best.
and worst of all, i am not expecting any kind of response that will satisfy me.
Rune, As usual, it's late at night when I'm replying to your posts, so we'll see how it goes! lol
kitties_and_horses_oh_my!: Naw, I only said I wasn't expecting any kind of response that would satisfy me (that is, where I would go: "hmm ok that sounds right, thanks I'm done").Well good, b/c if that ever happens you're going to unleash your army of benevolent robot warriors on the world for the will of the greater good and I really am not ready for that! Seriously, though, do you think we ever achieve that response in anything in life? How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? I don't think it ends until you decide it does, at which point you have stopped questioning and wondering and hence stopped growing.
Perhaps then our selfishness roots from survival instincts that are a part of us. You definitely don't want to find a way to make humans not have survival instincts - an altruistic race would doubtless be problematic (however maybe not as problematic as the way humanity sounds.)Perhaps we needed that base selfishness to survive at one point, but do we still? Let's go back to the infant. An infant is not only selfish b/c that's all it knows but b/c it is relatively helpess - if it cries and screams and even smiles just so its mom will react lovingly towards it - it does those things b/c it has to in order to survive. It's not consciously thinking that, of course, but the pre-programming kicks in and survival of the fittest says that the infants that screamed and cooed and made a fuss in general got more attn and survived. As adults, we don't have to throw temper tantrums to survive. We can help ourselves and slowly let go of the selfishness that we once had to have to survive. Perhaps society is similar. We started out infantile, having to live in a base manner to survive. Now, however, we don't have to live that way to survive. I believe an altruistic race is where we are headed if we hope to continue as a race. You could say that is selfish, becoming altruistic so humans can survive. But I truly feel that as time goes on we will either collapse as a society and a race or we will start to see the beauty of living for something other than hedonistic pleasure all of the time, at least at the expense of others - and by others I mean not only humans but all creatures. I can't quite seem to say this right...hmm...grow or die is what it comes back to for me. And I won't give up hope that just as we develop a stronger moral code (not stricter rules but more intelligent reasoning that looks beyond our personal best interests) as we age and mature individually, we will do the same as a species.
To step back for a minute to the other bold text here about survival instincts making us selfish, this is one of the few guesses I have about why we are selfish and why we cannot just all 'change'. For some it may be next to impossible just because of the experiences of their life and the chemical configuration of their brain. If this is not a totalitarian change, what do we do with the people who wouldn't participate in our (well, me, frenchbabyface & maybe Marx's) utopian society? Imprison them, evict them from their homes to live in some isolated place, or kill them? Naturally if one's concern is that of fairness for all, there are only two ways of looking at it: The 'greater' good (or evil), or the view of neutrality.
Maybe we don't all agree on what changes should be made and who the heck gets to say?? Growth cannot be forced. Force just pushes the forced back into helplessness and then the cycle of selfishness in order to survive starts all over again. Education is a start: let others truly understand what people are going through in the Sudan (for example) and let people get to know the victims as individuals and not just as nameless masses and I think people will be willing to forego some personal benefits to help. You can't force growth, love, goodwill or morality. Force it and it looses all meaning.
with more than you to snub you and make you feel bad, no one under you to curse you for being so filthy rich. This is not a good example of the benefit (or even the point) of utopia, but you get what I mean. But the utopia can't work without everyone participating willfully.Okay, so we agree on the willful participation part totally. But does everyone have to have exactly the same to be happy? I don't know. I don't curse those who have more than me. I don't look down on those who have less. But I don't think total equality in material things is the true key to a utopian society. I think if we move towards concern for the greater good money will become a moot point.
To put it bluntly, everyone would have to willingly adopt frenchbabyface's optimism and energy for this utopian future to even be possible. But if not everyone will stop being selfish - not everyone will look for a common good - then this is likely to be impossible. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I see the world staying the same as it always has been - the strong rule, the weak suffer. Class and denominational 'warfare' (both literally and metaphorically) will persist. My hope is not extinguished however. Here's what it would take:I wish I could believe everyone would adopt the desire to help others and do what's best for the world and not personal ends. I don't have the answers to create that, obviously. But health care and education are a major start, along with research: research to determine what is going on in the minds of people; health care for the small part of the mentally ill who treat others terribly (i'm thinking truly borderline personality disordered people, also sexual predators and those who seem to have no conscience); and education b/c I think the average person is good and will respond selflessly if given the information and opportunity to do so.
- inhumanly servient soldiers using non-ethal debilitating force; this would require robots or genetically modified beings to enactRune, you know I generally respect and often even agree with your opinions, but the above freaking scares me. I look forward to your next posts. Kitties
- a leader or central mind free of corruption - since a human cannot be trusted for this (and humans die), the natural choice is a leader crafted in a shell of metal and electronics that only fulfills its programming, wanting nothing more because it was built only to do a certain thing.
- someone with enough power, money and conviction in this system to actually attempt something like this
- the victory of these soldiers over the governments of the world
- possibly, the brainwashing of people who persistently resist (or form resistance cells with the misguided belief the old system was better)
are there any?
to restate: when is comes to being friends with someone, are you "obligated" to do certain things?
I've felt obligated to friends before, only to eventually realize that was a warning light that it wasn't a true "friendship" but more likely I was being used. In a true friendship the relationship see-saws back and forth, and sometimes you honestly don't feel up to helping out, but you do anyway b/c you love that person and sincerely wish for their happiness and peace even above your own. But if it goes on for years and you only give and give - then I feel obligated - and I get resentful after awhile, and that is poison for a relationship. a gay bar during business hours.. i went out with some friends last night celebrating this guy's birthday.
(not my first time celebrating a birthday.
we also went to like 8 or so different bars and clubs; so that was also my first time bar hopping.. unfortunetly, this was also my first time driving home a drunk and having him puke in my vehicle.
Hey you :-) Glad you had a good time at the gay bars, sorry you had to clean up puke. LOL It's great you're getting a chance to be who you want to be without any ridiculous, unwarrented guilt. You're an amazing dude!
i'm new to this.
i want some ideas.
thank you.......
About that.
the details of who to send a gift to will be getting pm'd to you all either friday afternoon or saturday morning!
according to the information i've found online the last posting day for standard parcels is dec 11th for usa and december 15th for the uk/europe, so you should all have plenty of time to select and send a gift, although sending sooner rather than later is prefered.
can everyone taking part post on this thread what things they like, what their interests are etc so that the person who is buying a gift for you has some idea what to get you.
I got some fab chocolate today from my SS - but I have no clue who it was!! There was no name on the package, so I'm not even sure of your screen name. Thanks whoever you are!! It made my day!
Hugs, Kitties