JoinedTopics Started by FreeofGuilt
by FreeofGuilt ini was always taught in the jw religion, that humans have really only been on earth for 5000 years or so... there is so much evidence of the neandertherdal people, with scientists finding many skulls, bones, & such, but scientists date these bones 100 thousand-millions of years old... the society used to always add that carbon dating is not accurate.
i also noticed that jws never talked about the dinosaurs much... what do you think??????
---- kristine
If you die, you will not be allowed to marry in the new world....(?)
by FreeofGuilt inwell, lets just say this was one of my major hangups when i was w/ the jws.. to think that the one you loved, & were married to, or if you were single never married before, & then making it to the new world not being able to marry again was such a horrifying concept..!
i remember some pics being changed on the front pages of literature, or illustrations being changed inside of literature where once there were a wife & children meeting their father/husband in the graveyard after resurrection, & then they took the illustrations away, with maybe a whole family just welcoming back one of their children from the grave.
well, i asked my mom over & over about this teaching, & she told me to ask the brothers... the brothers said that i would just have to have faith that things would workout in the resurrection, or that the society would get new light about the subject, but that i should never question the faithful & discreet slave.
Poll- Did you have sex while unmarried when you were a JW?
by FreeofGuilt ini probably was the biggest slut in the kh- sex before baptized @ 13- sex after baptism when i was 17. oral sex about 5 times w/ different guys from the kh-- what can i say, i loved being a rebel, & love sex- i think the elders liked it to because i had to tell them the details (some guy always told), & they would probably get off later- never was disfellowshipped-- i am a good actress, but i thought the "holy spirit" guided them, well not because they believed my sobbing- --:-) kristine
What's the worst sin that you knew a JW commited? Espec. Elders, Bethelites
by FreeofGuilt inthe po of my congregation was screwing another elders wife- i have more, but i wanna hear yours!
Form requesting JW's to remove your records from their files & privacy act!
by FreeofGuilt init is well known that the watchtower cult society keeps records on everyone, even those who have died, or have been excommunicated, or those who have broke association due to personal reasons.
such records may disturb many as they feel they are being judged by what is on their files and record cards, which has information of how many hours per month they put in preaching and cult recruiting, from house to house.
well you are absolutely right!
Continuation.. A request to remove your name & records from JWs-
by FreeofGuilt inthanks so much for all of the good legal advice!
i have been digging & found the following : the following is what i found on regarding a person requesting that the elders remove his/her name/records "if a baptized person insists that he does not want to be part of the congregation and requests that his name be removed from all our records, we should comply with his request.
since he takes such an adamant position, encourage him to put his request in writing.
Those "secret files" the elders kept on each & every one of us?
by FreeofGuilt ini have been out of the cult jw religion for 3 yrs now, but i need some help/suggestions, please.
i am not disfellowshipped, but i simply became "inactive" after i left home & got married... i was "publicly reproved" once, & was wondering about those "secret files" they have kept on me.
if you have ever been in the "back room" then you know what i am talking about.