Bohm, I have looked up your posting history in the past, you reveal nothing personal.
No one will out your girlfriend based on anything you have posted.
The fact you have made so many will make it less appealing to a snooping elder anyway.
Kate xx
the new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
Bohm, I have looked up your posting history in the past, you reveal nothing personal.
No one will out your girlfriend based on anything you have posted.
The fact you have made so many will make it less appealing to a snooping elder anyway.
Kate xx
the new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.
I have read all 13 pages. The arguments for and against are clear.
Bohm, I have looked at your posting histor to find out more about you and there aren't any revealing personal posts.
Many have been outed without the country, as humans we have the need to vent and share and connect with others.
Being overly guarded can be bad for us and is a condition that is inherited from WT that we need to overcome.
New posters will join with the flag and old ones will leave. You can't please everyone Simon.
Kate xx
i am proud to be a jehovah's witness in the last days, what religion has done this much to proclaim the message about the organization?
other religions are preaching about jesus, some wear the crucifixion, other's wear shirts with fishes but we wear shirts with!
no other religion has our courage!.
Wow that's where donations are going too.....advertising.
Kate xx
phheewwww.......omg am i finally on???????.
what an ordeal ......enough to kill an old lady off!.
wow where is everybody and how do i reply to a post?.
Well done. Glad to see you made it.
Kate xx
i've deployed a fix for people affected by sign-in issues caused by having multiple accounts associated with the same email address.
here's how to activate the fix:.
you must attempt to sign in using the email address associated with your account (not a username) and must have access to that mailbox.. if there are multiple accounts associated with the email address then you will be shown a warning message with the option to have an email sent to repair your account.. the email will contain a link to a page showing all the accounts associated with the same email address and allow you to select the one you want to be active (it will disassociate all the other accounts from the email address).. once you have completed the process then you should be able to sign in as normal.
Sending pms is the same as before. Click on the poster, then click message.
I will send you one, see if you can reply.
Kate xx
what are those very small coloured icons to the right of the length of time since the thread was started ?
I have the icons Malc.....they are posters who last commented.
Kate xx
hi simon,.
i have tried to register with my previous name : stuckinarut2, but this just did not work on the new site!.
i have tried emailing you several times, but have not heard back from you.. so i have had to re-register under a new name : stuckinarut3.
Nice to see you stuck......keep up the posting and working on leaving.
Kate xx
happy new year from jw leaksyes, we are a bit early, but we could no help but leak it first and kick off the celebrations.
- anon.>>>>
Happy new year from the UK
Kate xx
daughter is 3 now, that's a little less than i've been on this forum.
you can find my life story in earlier posts.
enough to say that i have a generous amount of visitation with her.. i picked her up and was talking about the lights some of her neighbors had.
Well done, glad you had a good Christmas.
Kate xx
i leave you people alone for one holiday, and you go and change the whole dern place around.
i can't find anything, don't recognize anything, i'm lost... wait, i sound like my grandfather... .
why, would you look what you've done to the place.
I am 41, I like the new changes. I think it's more modern and easy to use on my laptop and phone.
Kate xx