I tend to take people at face value unless given a reason to be suspicious. Perhaps if they indicated that Knorr was the president of the dubs or some such drivel.
JoinedPosts by SadElder
Do You Automatically Believe Everything A Poster Says About Him/Herself?
by minimus insometimes, when i read what a poster says, especially a new poster, i don't always assume that they are legitimate.
do you ever feel this way?
does it cross your mind that a person is falsely representing himself/herself ??
Cirque Du Soleil La Nouba
by Maverick injust came back from seeing la nouba at disney in orlando, what a show!
this is my third cirque du soleil and my face hurts from smiling!
i plan to do vegas and see all three shows there!
We love the Orlando area. La Nouba is especially enjoyable.
We're going to retire to the Central Fl area, in fact we're working on our house plans now. The boys graduate from college this year and won't need Daddy's bucks anymore (we hope), and will likely move out pretty soon too. We won't need this big damn house anymore. See ya round the links.
Social anxiety VS. Jw influence
by NEWWORLDSLACKER inmy question for tonight is this : after leaving the witnesses do you still feel disjointed from society in general ( and i mean the human race not the wt) ?
im realizing that i still have quite a hard time in social situations where there are more than say 4-5 people .....i tend to get into a dreamy feeling state , and just basically out of it feeling .
i tend to blame it on being raised a dub .
I don't depend on the dubs for my identity. I am who or what I make of myself. What you see is what you get. I think I've always been that way, even as a kid.
I Want Candy!
by joannadandy ini have a huge sweet-tooth tonight.
i don't know why.. yesterday i got a little nostalgic and bought some pop-rocks and bottle caps and gobstoppers.. .
did you have favorite candy as a kid?.
Twinkies are somewhat like a little sponge cake with a cream filled center. Now the thing is deep fried Twinkies. Just what fat Americans need more FAT!
Are you with a JW or a non-JW?
by Out At 22 in.
my boyfriend (feels more like fiance though i guess as we've talked about but just need the ring) and i have been together over two yrs and living together for over a yr. he never was a jw, and professes to be no religon and isn't even sure god exsists.
is your signifigant other a jw or non-witness?
Depends on who you talk to.
Child Abuse not grounds for divorce
by RevMalk ini've read, and heard that sexual child abuse is not grounds for divorce according to the watchtower.
can anyone help me in finding documented proof to that effect?
(or even not so documented is a start).
Actually if the abuse was of a sexual nature then it becomes porneia and is scriptural grounds for divorce, breaking the marriage bond. Any dub who says otherwise is not informed.
I did not go to the one day Assembley!!!
by Singing Man inyes verginia, i did not go to the one day assembly today because of these reasons:
i sang with my friends at a night club till 1:am, and i slept till noon, and just had to set in my sweats and eat hot cakes with sausage gravy along with a cup of coffee.
and because i find surfing the web much more educational and entertaining than setting on hard seats hearing some cone head asking me "what sort of persons ought you to be blah blah" and waiting in lines to go pee and do #2, and i find it much more fun to plop down in front of my tv and watch cable springer eating potato chips and dip.
My seats are better in my home theater. I'll stay there, yall can go the the SAD.
Why don't jw's have buses or vans?
by Dimples ini was just wondering why jw's don't have buses or vans to pick up those in need of rides to the kh.
mostly all of the churches have buses or vans that pick up ones in need of rides to their services.
jw's don't and it isn't like they can't afford it.
Oh Please! A WT bus not on your life. The WT organization is the abominable NO orgaization. NO association, NO parties, NO congregation picnics, NO ball games, NO congregation sponsored anything except Door-to-Door work. NO NO NO. Just stay home and read the WT publications. Ted Jaracz the head of the Bethel CIA (AKA Service Dept) actually accosted two sisters on the streets outside of Bethel and told them you are not supposed to visit Bethel wearing jeans. The were visiting some folks who lived in the area and told him so. If that had been my daughter he would have reallly had some trouble, I'd of had my nice Jewish barracuda attorney sue him and the WT for anything and everything. Just for the hell of it.
Of course there are some of us who do things for other people just because, and we also enjoy doing things and the stuffed shirts better stay out of our way or they are going to get stomped. I'm just waiting for the right opportunity.
What do you think of Hummers? (and spare me the obvious jokes)
by DanTheMan in.
imho, the very embodiment of everything stupid and excessive in american culture.
to extrapolate on winston churchill's famous comment about democracy, capitalism is the worst economic system there is - except for all the others.
Oh I know the people you mean. The so called rich bitches. A pock on all their houses. I know the town of which you speak and happen to know some of those cads from New Albany and their penis envy mentality. I really think Hummers are part of that. (No offense to the "normal" people who have them)
You must be doing fairly well if you live in an area of $380,000 homes. Maybe you live across from these $380,000 homes or maybe you have a littlle house or so those idiots you mention may think. Too bad for them. Enjoy what you have. Probably you'll have money in the bank long after these "new money" people file bankruptcy. Let them eat their hearts out.
It is sad to think that the so called well heeled are so often just that heels. The acedemians in their infinite wisdom all too often create these class inidcators. You know the ones I mean. Oh I went to William and Mary, I went to Yale, I went to Harvard, I went to Georgetwon, and so on and so on ad nauseum. My own academic record and my riches (some inherited somae earned) will make some of these people envious and I love to play the pauper and let them discover on their own that I can probably buy the mortgage on their house if I wanted too. It's such fun sometimes. BTW in the area in which we live, houses start at $500K and above.
We taught our children from an early age not to be rich brat snobs. And I think we did a pretty good job of it. Though I've spoiled all three of them in so many ways, they really are fine people, with real insight and justice and wisdom in their hearts. I'd have tanned their butts good, if when they were younger, I caught them being rich ass snobs.
So hold you head up high and give those jerks in the Hummers the finger as they drive by. And have a nice laugh at their expense. You're worth a lot more than they are, you have character.
Anyone tried Holosync?
by yesidid in.
i figured it may be good for people like us in general and me in particular.
I haven't researched this particular "treatment" and really am not inclined to spend my time doing so. I won't belittle you if this works for you. Just remember that there is always someone out there looking to relieve your pocket of it's money. Beware of anything that claims to be all things to all people.