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JoinedPosts by ninecharger
Watchtower Cure For Internet Porn Addiction
by Stephanus inthe july 22, 2003 awake!
has another one of those nutty articles on the evils of internet (pornography).
it seems they are trying hard to get the average dub to link the two.
Watchtower Cure For Internet Porn Addiction
by Stephanus inthe july 22, 2003 awake!
has another one of those nutty articles on the evils of internet (pornography).
it seems they are trying hard to get the average dub to link the two.
Looking at the guy in the magazine, I just feel so sad that at his age, his only outlet is a computer.
Notice too that he is not spiritual, as he is not wearing a tie.
Catholic church more honest and candid than Watchtower Society?
by mizpah inon the news it was reported that the newly appointed archbishop of boston (o'malley} spoke of the sins of the "clergy, religious and hierarchy" in mishandling the sexual abuse of children within the church.
and he promised to correct and to heal the church.
it remains to be seen if he can do this.
The good thing is that the RC church nowadaysallows dissent and debate, and does not withdraw the love of Christ from those who have their own opinions, or who read the ideas of dissenters.
Witchtower Babble and Trick Society has a long way to go.
Watchtower Cure For Internet Porn Addiction
by Stephanus inthe july 22, 2003 awake!
has another one of those nutty articles on the evils of internet (pornography).
it seems they are trying hard to get the average dub to link the two.
Hamas -
Too right. How often in my tender youth did I spend entire nights on my knees, praying for a hot chick. Don't work, no way not nohow.
I never tried praying for the desire to pioneer, however... Would that work? I know several pioneer sisters who ended up pregnant by their bible studies.
Not that I want to get pregnant....
Thinking Too Much About Death
by Undecided inrecently i have been seeing too much that reminds me of how i must face death in the not too distant future.
everytime i look at a movie on tv most of the actors that i knew when i was young are dead.
i was looking at some pictures that my mother left me when she died and most of the people i see are dead, cousins, uncles, aunts, old jw people that i knew growing up.
Yeah, death sucks.
That is my biggest regret, that I didn't come to terms with the idea when I was young.
"you won't finish school before A", etc. I have only recently stopped lying awake at night thinking 'omigod I'm gonna die!! but the WT said I won't.' (Boo hoo).
At least we won't hear any more of their crap once we've gone.
Question: Beware the voice of strangers talk
by Water infor some unknown reason i decided to torture myself and attended the july assembly.
i found the talk "beware the voice of strangers" particularly interesting.
although it seems, according to my jw mother, that i got the wrong message from the talk.
What got me angry about this talk was that they implied every TV program or newspaper use their own version of theocrappic strategy against the Witlessness.
No self respecting journalist would put false information in his reports.
1 - He could lose his job if exposed.
2 - The WT would sue.
3 - Even 'worldlings' have principles.
That is now one benchmark of how honest a report is. They take people to court usually over FALSE allegations. If it's true, they don't want to give opposers free publicity...
How Much is Personal Responsibility vs WTS' Fault?
by Prisca inthe current discussion of an ex-gb member has prompted me to ponder this question:.
just how much of our personal circumstances can/do we take responsibility for, and how much do we blame the wts?
you may have grown up as a jw, coerced into leaving early to pioneer, not go to university, have no kids, even stay single for the pursuit of singleness in the kingdom work to pioneer or go to bethel.
I went to university, when nobody else did.
I was ostracised, and made to feel Guilty. I was always stubborn, refusing to let anyone tell me what to do. That's why I left home as soon as I could. Some at the Kindumb Hell made snide remarks like "why should you be doing what you want?"
However, da Troof did inhibit me because my feet were in two troffs. Without all the meetings and FS I could have done much better. I take full responsibility for my life now, but the judge in Vicki Boer's case did emphasise how this religion can destroy a person's ability to really stand up for themselves.
I am grateful that babble principles (as I understood them) stopped me from going too wild and pressing the self-destruct button in my youth.
The past is over - don't let the WT ruin anymore of your one and only life.
How did you adjust to the world after leaving JW land ? friends/lonliness ?
by run dont walk inhow long did it take you to adjust to the real world ???
and make real friends, who didn't care about religion.
did you suffer from lonliness and depression after leaving ???.
you are sooo right.
My two cents worth is that no one should be told who to make friends with.
I'd rather have my stogie smoking neighbor for a buddy than some filthy pedo MS in the book study. Even when I was an enthusiastic Witless, I never let anyone tell me who my friends could be...
JW Children and Immunizations
by LDH inwell the not-so-little baby (19 mos) got his next round of shots last night, 5 in all.
he was rightfully indignant, and let the nurse know it.. i mentioned it to my dad in passing, and he was saying that another family member doesn't allow any immunizations of their child.. this person is a df'd-jw hater, and yet the some of the brainwashing has hung on.
now, all 3 of us children are immunized, but i can't discount the brainwashing that the medical establishment has taken at the hands of the wbts.
As ever, a truly gracious lady.
JW Children and Immunizations
by LDH inwell the not-so-little baby (19 mos) got his next round of shots last night, 5 in all.
he was rightfully indignant, and let the nurse know it.. i mentioned it to my dad in passing, and he was saying that another family member doesn't allow any immunizations of their child.. this person is a df'd-jw hater, and yet the some of the brainwashing has hung on.
now, all 3 of us children are immunized, but i can't discount the brainwashing that the medical establishment has taken at the hands of the wbts.
Blondie Honey,
Silly is fy bar the best, cause in 100 years I'll be forgotten.
Just love havin' fun while I trot around this lil' ol' planet.
Seriously though - you are an EXCELLENT helper, your posts GAVE ME the biggest comfort when I was a lurker. You were a real deep studier like I was. People in my congregation said 'if you have a question ask******'
I don't know how bitter you are - but my way of coping is by being outrageous, disgusting, funny, cynical as all Hell. If the guys round here can cope, then I'll have some real friends AND A CERTAIN SPECIAL GRANNY!!