JoinedTopics Started by badolputtytat
The Bible Code
by m0nk3y ini was in a book store today and there were a couple of books entitled somthing like "the bible code" .
the idea goes that the bible is written a certain code that when decoded reveals prophcies about things like the twin towers and that kind of thing.
heres a few links to explain more.
by POOH ini am posting this so that other jw will help me to figure out what i need to do.
my husband was born and raised as a jehovahs witness.
when we got married he never metioned it to me.
A question for jw knowabouts - oldest archaelogical evidence ?
by A Paduan insaw this on another thread
*** w54 8/15 511 questions from readers ***
the traditional picture of jesus shows him with long hair and beard, but the watch tower publications illustrate him as beardless and with short hair.
SIGN - Mandatory electronic tracking of Child Sexual Offenders - PETITION
by RevMalk in.
mandatory electronic tracking of child sexual offenders
please read and sign, it's so very important!
I am so hurt. JW friend has disowned me :-(
by Hamas ini got to hear some real bad news
i was speaking to my 'best friends' sister only minutes ago.
my 'best friend' i used to do everything with.
The Silliness of "Neutrality' and "Pagan Customs"
by metatron inthe watchtower engages in commerce, sells stock thru brokerages, trains or retains lawyers, uses 'blame the victim'.
tactics in court, protests to various governments, seeks tax exemptions, holds millions of dollars in banks and .
constantly fends off lawsuits in legal actions.. yet, somehow they are "no part of the world" ??????.
Single and Happy
by RubyTuesday incan people be single and happy?
the older i get the more i believe that being single is the way to go.there are so many advantages.just to name a few;.
you can finish that college degree, go to the neighborhood bar anytime, do charity work, join a night class, stay out all night, flirt with anybody you please.
Got a phone call from my Elder dad
by Elsewhere infor those who don't know by background, i was raised in the organization, third generation.
there are many elders, two anointed, a po and many pioneers in my family with all sorts of contact with cos, dos, and people in bethel.
to get to my point... my father just called me.
Does our little crusade matter to the world?
by sleepy indoes our little crusade matter to the world?.
considering jw's make up such a small part of the worlds population to what extent do our beefs with the organisation matter to anyone unconnected?.
should our opinions of witness beliefs concern people more than witness themselves .should everyone have the right to make up there own mind and chose to be witnesses without us interfereing?.