THEY SHOULD THROW THAT F****R UNDER THE JAIL. i hope that computer is the real nail in his coffin.
JoinedPosts by primitivegenius
Child Predator Caught by my Son
by purplesofa infriday night my oldest son spent the night at one of his friends house.
his friend and wife went to bed and james, my son, stayed up and played video games with their two children, son 11, daughter 9. the son and james went to bed.
the little girl continued to play and fell asleep on the sofa.. james got up a little after midnight to get a drink of water.
Why more women than men?
by Mickey mouse inwhy do you think more women than men are drawn to the borg?.
years ago women were more likely to be home during the day when the jw's came a-knocking but i doubt that's the case today.. my husband and i were discussing this and i said that i think more male converts would have an issue with the authoritarian structure of the organization than the female ones.
also, i think the impositions upon a person's sexuality are especially difficult for men.
nah that was just my ghost JP lol
Discussed child molestation issue with my elder dad
by JimmyPage inwell i broached the subject of child molestation among jw's with my elder dad over the weekend.
he knew of a brother that i grew up with named "arthur" who apparently molested another boy in the congregation.
years later "arthur" is still in good standing and was getting close to my in-laws.
your dad took that very well, probably helped that "Arthur" was a local problem to make you ask those questions. if it came out of no where with no particular reason for the discussion it might not have gone as well. i love the "not a grey area to the molested" comment. no one can argue with that statement.
unfortunately i cant see how mine would take it, as ive already revealed my hand. id probably go for the throat and ask if mine attended the elders meeting where they made them add the comments into the margins. the one regarding what happens when a molester goes to another cong and they want to appoint him.......... so they tell his old cong to what?............... BURN THE RECORDS.............. i know he would say that type of situation would be very rare.......... and i would have to say.......... if its that rare why would they put it out there and insead handle it individually lol.
Why more women than men?
by Mickey mouse inwhy do you think more women than men are drawn to the borg?.
years ago women were more likely to be home during the day when the jw's came a-knocking but i doubt that's the case today.. my husband and i were discussing this and i said that i think more male converts would have an issue with the authoritarian structure of the organization than the female ones.
also, i think the impositions upon a person's sexuality are especially difficult for men.
ok im gonna go out on a limb here and say.............. there are more women on earth than men.
i dont think that it goes much further than that, i certainly dont think that men see through the bs more than women do. besides look at the difference between male and female roles in the cong.
you're male.... so if you want a position in the borg........ you just have to have the right bulls***. start out and appear to be eager and reaching out for privledges............ so your bapt, a ms, then an elder. whats next........ if you can speak well from the platform and can spout the societys bull like you believe it............. your gonna be a PO before long. might have to move "where the need is great" but its not hard. then you give your parts at the conventions and assemblies....... poof before long you have people buying into you and you're practically worshipped.
you're female........ you can have plans for betHELL, you can help build every kingdom HELL in your state, plus internationally even. you can have 15 biblestudies a week, and clean the kingdom hell bathrooms every day.............. and pioneer............. so now the best you can hope for is to land an elder husband.................. thats it, glory by association.
so comparing the two, its good to be male in that cult. you appear to be more powerfull and almightly ELDER.......... then you get to pick from among the sisters who you want to pursue...............( naturally they will feel blessed that you would even consider them) come on guys how many old guys in the borg did you see with the hot young wives.
sad thing is that they probably have been asked out by good men, outside of the borg, who would have treated them right. instead they mostly get tyrants who think 'cause they are male that they can get away with everything.
What is the average age of those who no longer believe?
by crapola ini have been reading many posts today and some of you have mentioned your age and how long you have been away from the org.made me start wondering what the average age is for most on this site who no longer go along with the org.
it would be interesting to find out..
had eyes opened around 30 out for good shortly thereafter. currently 35, wife is 36 she had doubts at 25 and was finally out by 30 as well. hope that helps. i was second generation cult brainwashed and she was the same.
Need to vent - being hassled by elders!
by wildfell innearly two years ago my husband and i abruptly stopped attending meetings.
we had one or two visits from an elder that i disliked, but that stopped when i told him not to come back.
we were patting ourselves on the back that we had been left alone.
i have to agree, put up the no trespassing sign and call the cops, simple as that. if you have a good friendly neighbor then you could work out a plan with them ahead of time where you could call them and they could call the police for you. tell the cops that someone is breaking into their neighbors house and screaming, they MIGHT have a gun............ see if the cops come in a couple hours to tape out the bodies lol.
when i quit going, i had my own apartment in a city that i moved to, and i had gone to the meeting there a couple times in fadeing and didnt get talked to much, even tho most of the people knew me there. so i just finally quit, and nothing happened for months. now i never moved my card mind you from my old hall. but my dad (PO) put some of those fracking elders onto me and gave them my address and PHONE NUMBER....... thanks dad........ preciate it........... REALLY. so they started showing up at all hours trying to get me to come to the meetings. ringing my doorbell till it was smokeing man. so i unpluged the bastard...... problem solved........ nope when they didnt hear the bell ring the started knocking on my door with canes........... loud as all hell. i just went into my bedroom which was the further from the door and thats where i had my computer anyway so no biggie.
then i had family that told me they might be stopping by that evening........ so i was resting getting ready for bed around meeting time cause i had work early. someone knocks on the door....... i go check........... they put their hand over my peephole....... so i ASSUMED it was family. nope ELDER.......... tried to MAKE me get dressed and go to the meeting with him right then. i said no i have to go to bed in a few minutes because i have to work early, he offered to pick me up for all the meetings....... i said um... no thanks i know where the hall is and my car is in good shape. so then i said well like i said i got to go to bed now thanks for stopping by....... have a good night and shut the door in his face.
so from then on i knew that i either had to move, or i could never open the door until i knew who was there lol. so fortunately for me i moved out of state about 3 months later to where no one knew my name lol.
FREEDOM right there now.
if you have to talk to them, the perfume thing is huge because every single hall has those sisters who wear 6 times the maxium legal limit of perfume for every meeting. and there is no way to prove or disprove that your serious. the more issues the better..... but trespassing is still a good option
New JW hobby when going to the KH
by Iwonder17 inso now that i am mentally out ( but still chained for family reasons ) i need to find some hobbies to do while at the meetings.. i would like to do some things that will disrupt the meeting, but without getting caught.
for example, i would love to screw with the sound system while people are commenting ( particularly the elders ).
any ideas?.
Why are Arkansas men
by John Doe inexponentially smarter and sexier than the general population of the us?
i helped build a kingdom hell in mountain home arkansas..... what a fracking waste of time............. oh well.
(holds up eric estrada poster) COME GET YOU SOME ARKANSAS REAL ESTATE!!!!
Got A Letter From A JW
by JW Walking Away ini kept getting emails from a jw from somewhere, don't even know who she is.
last night i finally emailed this person asking them to stop emailing me because i am not a jw and have no interest in the emails she sends.
she practically sends 2-3 "spriritual" emails a day.
"My other sister is married to a Total abuser and she is the BEST ever faithful to Jehovah after 20 yrs"
should wright back.......... so is he the presiding overseer, or just one of the other elders?
Have u found friendships w/ worldy people be hard?
by blkblk13 inso, i'm embarking on slow fade and i think it's time for me to start making friends w/ some non-jdubs so that i'll have a support network once i decide to be completely out and everyone ive ever known abandons me.
ive always gotten along much better w/ wordly people than jdubs so i'll haveno problem securing friends but im concerned about being to keep them.. i want out of the org for various reasons but i must admit i still believe many of the teachings.
i just think the leadership and organization itself is corrupt.
I want out of the Org for various reasons but I must admit I still believe many of the teachings..
its ok....... it takes some time to figure out the bulls*** the cult hid in among the TRUE teachings of the bible. all i have to say on that is QUESTION EVERYTHING, and eventually you can do the proper research and figure out what is a truth and what is false.
I just think the leadership and organization itself is corrupt.
those corrupt leaders are adding many things to the bible by teaching them as FACT rather than as teachings of men. so same rules apply to them as in the first century.......... GET OUT OF HER LEST YOU SHARE IN HER SINS.
when I leave I don't think I could ever celebrate b-days or Christmas or Valentines. Just cuz Id no longer be a witness doesn't mean Id embrace all the things the world does.
dont worry you will get over that easily enough in time, simply by asking yourself some basic questions and useing your god given logic......... for example..... BIRTHDAYS...... the cult says birthdays are bad because?
think about it.........
simply because only two were mentioned in the bible and both times someone was killed. John the baptist and pharohs baker....... or cup bearer.......... which one escapes me at this moment. what stupid logic
ask yourself this... birthdays werent talked about alot in the bible........ why? the jewish people celebrated birthdays....... come on guys havent you heard of a bar mitzvah(sp) thats just a Special birthday. so if all the jews celebrated birthdays then there wouldnt have been a need to elaborate upon it since EVERYONE did it.
so if Jesus himself celebrated his birthday.......... regardless if it gave him some extra attention on that particular day........... then whats stopping you from doing the same............... a cults say so?
other holidays have equally rediculous reasons........ you can celebrate thanksgiving because........... ITS A NATIONAL HOLIDAY............... no other reason. what a crock. omg what would happen if you did something that any OTHER organization told you to ............
so dont worry..... just work on releaseing that hold the dubs have over your mind and eventually the logic will win out and holidays will come.. not a big deal at all and i wish you good luck getting there cause it takes time.
and friends who arent witnesses............ you can actually have a chance with them. they wont reject you for stupid bulls*** because you belive in beards....... you got the good ones and the bad ones same as any persons you come in contact with but they are usually far more accepting of people. enjoy meeting people who you have something in common with as they can be a life saver.