ok dont know the situation......... except for what youve said on this thread............. my advice is to speak with your bf...... tell him what your mom has said....... and that if he calls and she is there you wont take his call and will act like you have broken it off with him........ refuseing to speak to him and telling your mom to just hang up....... letting her be as nasty as she will.
speaking with your bf and makeing this decision TOGETHER will make him feel he has a say in it all........ then you can figure out how to work it. some ground rules for handleing your mother......... it all comes down to what you want and what your willing to do to get it. if you cant support yourself while in school and are almost ready to graduate then do what you gotta do......... if you dont wanna be dfed....... swapping congs is a way you can avoid this........ just NEVER let the elders in the new cong know where you live or your new phone number. as far as thats concerned i would swap congs a couple of times and pretend its job related or school related why you had to move twice........ then just end it.
they can only df you if your doing something they can catch you at........ if your married......... sex is legal...... as long as its with your spouse..... but it would be a good idea to be living where no one knows who you are.
i dont know how you can work it out so that you can spend time with your BF untill you graduate but hes gotta be willing to make the extra effort in pulling the wool over your moms eyes... and not show up at your house and if he takes a risk by calling there........... if shes there hes gotta k now you will not speak to him and will pretend its over...........
hope you can get yourself established and get out from under her oppressive thumb as soon as possible