Hi again breal try this....
Tell her that an elder had called to check up on you. You told him about the long conversations you were having at work with a sister...He asked if the sister knew you were DF'd and you said yes....He then asked if spiritual things were discussed and you said yes...Well he was shocked as the Society has made this clear that this is a definite no-no, only qualified elders are to do this and certainly not in incidental witnessing scenario's. He asked you to tell him if this continues as action may be required...You can use this as an idle threat and tell her no-names were given out.
If she persists maybe you should contact an elder or write the local congregation and inform them of her conduct, I don't think they would approve of her cutting in on the elders domain.
I was wondering, maybe someone else knows..... Can she possibly be counting her time when having discussions with you.....some JW's would break all the rules for a little more service time.