It's pretty strange.
Very upsetting for the families, not knowing what's happened.
I pray god gives them strength and peace.
It's pretty strange.
Very upsetting for the families, not knowing what's happened.
I pray god gives them strength and peace.
my mother broke her hip last week.
she had an emergency partial replacement surgery friday night.
we don't know how she did it as we have caregivers with her at all times, she may have fallen while in the bathroom for a few minutes.
I hope she gets well soon and makes a good recovery. It's not easy looking after someone who has always been mum was poorly last year and she isn't a good patient!!!!
My mum got into audio books when she was ill.
anyone see the "do jehovah's witnesses believe in jesus?
" article in the may 2014 wt (public edition)?
it's one of those imaginary conversations with a householder articles.
Villagegirl, I would have to agree with you there. The jw's don't venerate Jesus, yet he is the key to all Christianity and our Redeemer.
I have heard more about Jesus in 6 weeks in church, than I did in 14 years a witness!!
The writing is on the wall.
is anyone here following what is happening with the trial in south africa.
what are your thoughts?
how are the media handling this?
I am interested, actually.I have family in SA.
I can't understand what happened.He seems really distraught, nearly being sick etc....Crying...
The man had a history of losing his temper however. Who knows??
Even if he shot her in a rage, he could still be sorry. Doesn't absolve him of his actions though.
the so used to say it was life saving work.i wasn't was soul destroying in the area i lived.i didn't want to be so cynical as to think, it was just to gain converts, therefore more money but it certainly looks that way now..
The SO used to say it was life saving work.I wasn't convinced.It was soul destroying in the area I lived.I didn't want to be so cynical as to think, it was just to gain converts, therefore more money but it certainly looks that way now.
i live in a new house and it was a matter of time before the witnesses came through our neighborhood.
saturday around 1:30 p.m. my door rang.
i opened the door and my two dogs peeked around my legs at the new arrivals.
I meant df'd ones, sorry!!
i live in a new house and it was a matter of time before the witnesses came through our neighborhood.
saturday around 1:30 p.m. my door rang.
i opened the door and my two dogs peeked around my legs at the new arrivals.
Nice of you to give them the time. Shame they cannot reciprocate when dealing with da'd and da'd ones.
i have been going to meetings since i was a child, long story short only recently i've started taking the truth seriously, i am not baptized but just an unbaptized publisher.
truth is i am so lonely in the congregation.
the other young people in the cong don't like me because they dont think i am going to "stay" for long, i've even worked on the ministry with an older brother and asked her am i giving the wrong impression to people?
Dear Nomorepain13, welcome.
Some REALLY good advice on here for you.
I also used to feel I "didn't fit" in. No matter how much I did. Jehovah is NEVER happy. Your efforts will NEVER be enough.
Remember what SHUNNING is. You cannot leave once you get baptised.
Get some advice from a vicar/priest at a different church, if you are spiritually inclined. Don't be afraid of Christendom. It is NOT evil.
Most importantly, build a life outside of that Kingdom Hall. Education, Vocation and friends. Volunteer for a charity. Take up a sport you enjoy. Go on a short vacation and chat to as many people as you can.
There is a wonderful world out there, PLEASE go and enjoy it.
Much love
maybe you guys remember that in january, i shared here our situation with the ongoing conflict with the ms that was conducting the wt study in our home.
well, my parents decided to talk to the elders about it.
the last time he held the study in our home he really said some insulting things during it.
Thinking of your Mum and Dad at this time. I hope you continue to make progress on getting them out.
They must see how purile and petty this mind-controlling cult really is. That kind of behaviour is NOT acceptable in grown ups.
Take care, QCF
I actually think gay men are very intelligent, stylish and very in-tune with us ladies.
I had a gay best friend and we used to go out quite alot. He was such a good listener. I took him to see "Notting Hill" and we loved it.
Jesus loves all of us. The JW's should try and remember that.
Glad you had fun.
Drink plenty of water and have a mega cooked breakfast. Yum!