The whole two witnesses thing is a subterfuge for convenience. The Internet is covered with examples of the lunacy of JC's, the Society's loop holes and their ridiculous reasoning's such as this one.
Lot's of people including myself have been DF'd on the mouth of one witness, or two so called witnesses to different events.
My accuser was my mother who I shared 3 or 4 WT killer bible texts with. Even though I did not elaborate other than saying, "it is pretty obvious and clear what so and so was writing/saying here" I was judged only by her version of events. When I asked the 6 men in the joke appeal meeting how they could rationalise judging someone on single witness testimony, since surely they all realized it could be done to them, they just smiled and laughed and said "we are not apostates".
Friends of ours were DF'd simply for asking about the UN fiasco. Lastly my brother was recently df'd because someone saw me at his home. The elders then combed the congregation looking for testimony or willing witnesses against him. One man came forward and said that my brother had claimed the Watchtower was a "false prophet". When he was confronted with that accusation he asked to see his accuser, which was refused him (they actually had the accuser brought to another meeting but after asking 2 preliminary questions and showing that the guy himself was critical of the WT and spreading apostate views, the man was quickly dismissed). All my brother said to this guy was "how would you respond to someone in the service who called us a false prophet?".
So obviously the rules are for convenience. They will kick anyone out that even hints of having their cult spell broken. This plugs the leak and serves to keep everyone else in line. They hide behind the 2 witness rule in cases of rape and pedophilia because they want to look the other way so as to quell the truth about its prevalence.