Advanced window washing training, and how to place a watchtower while shampooing commercial rugs.
JoinedPosts by lawrence
Meeting for baptized brothers only???
by cinnamon1642 inrecently they made an announcement at our hall that there would be a meeting for all baptized brothers only, no matter how young or old, or whether you are serving or not.
any baptized brother.
one of the elders wives said there is a 45 minute outline from the branch and then another 15 minute part.
Tomorrow is my Circuit assembly
by Iwonder17 inany ideas to make the day go by quicker?.
i think that i should develop and market a ca or dc survival kit for those that are stuck going.
A thermos with 1/2 vodka, 1/2 cranberry juice, and a few Archaeology magazines.
Elders....what sort of training do they are they selected
by insearchoftruth inmy wife who is studying with a jw, whenever i ask her a question she will respond, i don't know, i am still learning, you need to ask the elders about that..... she raises these gentlemen up on a pedestal....are there any special qualifications, what sort of training do they recieve, any background checks required??
How quickly we forget brothers and sisters... that 4 years of the Awake magazine was equal to a college education... lest we forget!
How about giving Brooklyn a months notice.
by edmond dantes inin light of the new disfellowship guide lines which are there to protect the combined asses of the governing body will they be announcing from the platform the names of reinstated ones as and when it happens and how will these new rules from gestapo h.q.
apply to the ones who can't make their mind up whether it's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth ?.
will there be a get out clause for the now you see them now you don't believers because this happens to many many people while the penny makes it's slow drop?.
The least I was asked for as a kid, when I had a paper route, was a months notice.
And maybe the publisher can send back all of his/her WT stuff FED EX C.O.D. Tons of literature COD to Ted's attention.
I sent 3 letters to the GB and a cross-tabulation anaylsis of their prophecies from 1799 - 1975. The committee meetings received the reponses.
Witness007 - That was great! I have coffee all over the wall. Precious!
Going out is service on Thanksgiving
by I quit! ini only remember doing it once.
i remember going to pick another witness up and his kids were watching an old alice in wonderland movie.
i wished i could stay and watch it rather than go out bothering people.
Yes, it sucked. Easter was worse, and New Years was insanity!
by sass_my_frass ini watched spartacus the other day and was reminded of every district convention drama i've ever seen; the style of music, the style of cheesy 'olden times' garb, the way men treat women, the corny dialogue, the way the 'loose' women were supposed to have dressed (they all wore fluoro nylon shifts apparently, with gold braid criss-crossing their cleavage just so), the melodrama, the righteousness... ah the fifties.. and yet, it was still the most interesting thing that happened for three days, at any dc..
I was always hoping they would do Judas' last 24 hours with lots of strings and a brass band.
I LOVE JWD today!
by wings inall these topics about the end of the wts, then end of shunning, the end of anger.... if we could just get rid of the pain and the tears we could really have something to hope in!.
it's a jwd paradise!.
We have found the "Spiritual Paradise", the "bounteous land without walls"; we are free from Egypt! Bye bye Mitzrayim!
Solving the Somalia Piracy Problem - Debate Here...
by Confucious inhey friends.... ok. i'm not saying that i have the solution to the somalia piracy problem.
saturday's wall street journal had a whole article on this.. he's my solution.
debate me, add to it, or come up with your own solution.. but the problem seems to that "people" are obviously paying the ransom demands.. lets face it... you have $100 million in oil - pirates sieze the ship - and they ask for 10 million or they blow up the ship.
Where's Johnny Depp when he's needed?
Do Jehovah's Witnesses take responsibility for anything?
by BonaFide innow that i am opening my eyes more and more, i am starting to realize that jw's don't see the need to take responsibility for anything.. like in the wt for this week, if a jw marriage fails, they can say it was because they didnt pray enough, or preach together enough.. if an elder gives counsel about anything, then if it seems to work for the person, then he accepts the praise or says it came from jehovah.. but if things don't work out, then the elder will blame the person for not following the counsel right.
or he will tell them to wait on jehovah.. or if there is a wrong teaching, it is never really wrong, it is only the light getting brighter.. it doesnt really matter what happens in a persons life, it is never the fault of jw's or teachings or decisions.
they will say that jehovah is allowing this test, or that the person didnt follow the counsel, or that jehovah is doing things in a special way, or that we don't know yet why that happened, but we will.. for a person that has a comfortable life, and things going pretty well, and they never ask the elders for help, often they think that is jehovah's blessing.. but if something big goes wrong, and the elders give bad advice, or they punish someone and call it "help" and they mess up a persons life, it completely doesnt matter to them.
The quickest to shun of any group.