Hang in there.
JoinedPosts by Gentledawn
Kate Wild
by quellycatface ini've been given permission to post news of our friend.. kate hasn't been very well.
not well at all.
i think much of it has been a delayed reaction to her df'ing, the general fallout when leaving the wtbs and family issues.. i just wanted to give you guys the heads up and give you a chance to show how much we care about her.. thanks for listening..
6th Sense.
by quellycatface indo you believe it exists?.
when you get "a hunch", do you ignore or listen to it?
Magic beans.
Watchtower 1974 says Jehovah will destroy and disfellowship FAT brothers!!! Half my Cong.
by Witness 007 inbethel writer see's a fatty bethelite take the last bread roll at lunch...should he vent his feelings thru jehovahs holy watchtower magazine...why not!!.
watchtower 1974p.167 "...by over indulging in food....he fails to show love for jehovah god...is food a big thing in his life?
does he selfishly ignore others needs and take more then his share?
Yay. More mind control.
Like what was said in the "June 1st watchtower" thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/281165/1/June-1st-Watchtower-for-the-public), how do they (watchtower leaders and writers) come to their conclusions?
Besides, if anyone who lives in America actually takes the time to read the ingredients on the side of a bag of hotdog or hamburger buns, they'll notice that nearly every goddamned brand today is packing high-fructose corn syrup into what should be a bread-only thing! Fucking buns are not meant to be a sweet cake or danish, ffs.
It's being done to make us all fat and dull of mind, imo. Otherwise, why add it?
I buy from a local bakery that does not add high-fructose corn syrup into any of their bread buns. Thank goodness there is one available.
June 1st Watchtower for the public
by Lynnie inone of my smart ass friends gave me the public copy of the watchtower for june 1st, 2014 and the main article.
is about "god's view on smoking.
" okay it goes on and on about how we need to keep our body "clean" and.
A lot of 'contaminated' foods, too:
GMOs (genetically modified organisms), cloning, hormones (makes chicken breasts larger and cows produce more milk, amongst other reasons for use), etc etc in the USA. S. Korea and a lot of other Asian allies refuse to import US beef (not 100% sure off the top of my head, but I think rice might be included in the ban). Europe also has a ban on importing US beef, but not sure if it's due to genetic shit or mad cow disease. Many countries in Europe will not import our grains. If memory serves, Mexico has banned certain veggie imports from the US, too.
OTOH, Dow chemical and other companies in Europe create and distribute pesticides for import to the USA, all/most of which are banned for use in many Europian nations. Colony Collapse Disorder (bee hive collapse/deaths) was determined to be directly linked to the use of neonicotinoid pesticides (derived from nicotine). What about use in the USA? Nope. We use em.
The White house restricts where its food comes from, relying on in-house grown veggies. IMO, that speaks volumes.
The gov body knows jack shit about what harms a person, and could care less about anything except total control of the minds of their money-donors. Sign over your money and properties before you croak "in this system" o' t'ings. Ya know.. because you didn't just squander the only non-refundable thing a person truly has: TIME.
A lifetime wasted funding those brooklyn charlatans is the biggest drag on any person's health. Fuck each and every one of those bastards with a pinecone. To your health, ya bitches.
edit: just to be clear why I went on about other hazardous crap: why doesn't watchtower tell its followers to avoid other so-called health hazards?
Answer: mind control. To make themselves appear as holy and omniscient.
"You don't pee next to a cop," and other rules from the mens room that women don't know
by GrreatTeacher ini was recently at a baseball game with friends and family when i learned something new.
beer had been drunk and the men made their way to the men's room to relieve themselves.
when they got back i asked them what took them so long.
Women nurse babies. Couches/chairs would be pretty handy for that.
edit: and ladies rooms have stalls for everything. We aren't standing next to each other for anything except washing hands and primping in the mirror.
New DVD review
by Laika ini managed to catch the new dvd on youtube last night before the inevitable takedown.
as a film i felt it wasn't anywhere near as good as the prodigal movie, the story wasn't as dramatic, the characters much less interesting and developed and the direction weaker.
i found the prodigal relatively entertaining (all things considered) this one was just dull.. here are some of my random thoughts anyway [spoiler alert - ha!].
"decency is the boundary for tolerance.", says dad 28min
Haha, yeah. Because keeping (and protecting!) and promoting pedos in the congregation via internal memos and secret elder handbook rules doesn't contradict the article, "Let us Abhor what is wicked" from 1997. Right?
Good lord, how many times did I defend this godforsaken Watchtower corporation by quoting that lying-ass article?
What guy is gonna tell a girl who he's currently on a date with, referring to her as person "x", and that he also has girl(s) "y" and "z" he's seeing over the next couple of days? 32min
"it's sinking in that what the kids need most isn't money or things. They need us fully involved in their lives." 37min
Yup. Every teenager's dream is More Parental Involvement. Never independence and finding their own individuality.
how long is Noah's ark? 300 cubits. 39min
18 inches = one cubit
300 x 18 = 5400inches
5400" ÷ 12 = 450 feet
450' ÷ 3 = 150 yards
Noah's ark was 150 yards long
List of world's longest ships:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_world's_longest_ships "Seawise Giant" was 500 yards long.
'decisions you make effects everyone around you, not just yourself' 49min
Yeah. Getting involved with a CULT cuts you off from unbelieving family. Involvement isolates you from people who genuinely care and are concerned about your spiraling inside of a cult. Better nip that in the bud, too. Don't make any friends unless they direct you to the doors of the KH. That way shunning works. Sssshhh. We don't practice shunning. *turns back on you*
"it can be a compass if you let it" 52min
how can the bible be a "compass" when it wasn't written as a whole book, but rather individual texts, letters and notations? Also christianity was illegal for centuries until the "Edict of Milan". February 313AD. Some "compass"!
Mark 12:30 - you must love [Jehovah] your god... 52min
Left out the "love your neighbor as yourself" part. But that script negates shunning, sooo... out it goes.Ugh. 53 minutes is as much as I can take of this puke-fest.
How Did "Shepherding Calls" Go For You?
by minimus indid you loath them?
did you feel it was a "privilege" to have the elders care deeply about your spiritual well being?
if you were an elder or ministerial servant, did you enjoy going to the homes of the sheep?.
(I think you have two exact same threads, by the way!)the other one:
How Did "Shepherding Calls" Go For You?
by minimus indid you loath them?
did you feel it was a "privilege" to have the elders care deeply about your spiritual well being?
if you were an elder or ministerial servant, did you enjoy going to the homes of the sheep?.
Always hated sheep-herding calls. Never could quite put my finger on why, but partly because of the phrase "your comments are missed at the meetings" always popped up during the call. Every. Goddamned. Time.
Total disinterest for lengthy stretches of time, then a sudden interest in someone's well-being? Yeah, that's genuine.
Real friends talk to one another more than once every year/2 years. Coming around out of the blue and feigning interest in some poor "sheep's" (a dehumanizing term, btw & probably by design, as far as the cult goes) life isn't convincing at all. It's not like the person lives a million miles away, whilst residng, shopping, etc. within their territory boundaries.
Returning to the kingdom hall would mean the same shitty cascade taking place:
• attend meeting
• get "love bombed" by well-wishers who apparently thought you were dead prior to that meeting
• immediately get asked to go out in field service
The reasons that vistited/shepherded "sheep" wasn't coming to meetings does NOT matter. Nothing matters except forwarding the Watchtower's own agenda. That means filling a seat and for them to drop money into their (WT) donation plate/box. That means going out and getting more bodies to fill in seats, which translates into more money into the collection plate/box.
Money, money, money. Having bodies in the seats at the KH/assemblies means money.
Another thing I never knew until after I left the Borg is that they appoint so-called "elders" who are still in their 20s for age. Even the US doesn't allow anyone under the age of 35 to run for president! Because maturity. A 20yo "older man". Yeah, that makes perfect sense (/sarcasm)
And food for thought:
If disciplining an elder/ministerial servant means he must step down from "privileges" as a punishment (especially in cases of serious wrongdoing, such as child molestation/rape), does that mean all women are in a perpetual state of punishment?
If women are to "keep silent" in regard to meetings and go home afterwards and ask their husbands questions, what about widows, orphans and single women?
And that coming from a guy (Paul) who admonished people to stay single and not to marry. I guess that was directed only at the men-folk... oh, wait.
Phew! Good thing there are no contradictions in the bible.
What movie is this taken from?