But talks would always say behind every good brother is a good wife... Surely that alone was implying that elders let your Mrs do your donkey work LOL
JoinedPosts by sleepingbeauty2
Girls can't do maths
by Laika ina story from my days as the accounts servant (not verbatim).
me: hello, [brother] here's your copy of the money slip for this meeting, i just finished the count.. cong.
secretary: thanks... who counter signed that there?.
The Literature Trolley Has Arrived in My Little Town
by cofty ini think the time has come for another letter to the local paper to alert the nice people of berwick what its all about.. my last letter went down well.... .
Spotted one of these Trolleys in Tamworth, Staffordshire too. I literally had to twist my neck like an owl to see who was actually with the thing. Hardly close by & hiding almost around the corner from it. Embarrassed to stand by it, I'd like to think...
3 years of study, Just found out!
by impala63rag inhello friends, .
i would like some advice from those that are inpartial, and are familiar with the teachings of jw.
i studied with a wonderful jw couple weekly for 3 years.
They also said that anyone dis-fellowshipped can return to the congregation anytime they want as long as they turn away from sin.
A sister I know locally has very recently been disfellowshipped due to a male work colleague sleeping over on her settee overnight. Her son was present & nothing happened. There is absolutely no romantic interests between them & never will be... But since he was seen leaving her property by local JW's she has been disfellowshipped. She appealed twice during a Judicial Committee to not Disfellowship her, but they rejected her pleas for forgiveness & felt that if they didn't disfellowship her, then the other brothers & sisters would be offended that no action was taken... !!!
So neither her mother or father can speak to her, yet they only live a few doors away from her... All the other JW's in her street completely blank her, like she is a figment of there imagination. She hasn't done anything wrong, yet they are treating her with disdain & like she is a harlot who is disgusting in her filth....
She is absolutely distraught. She has an incredibly close bond with her mom, who she considered her best friend & now her mother & every single friend or family member has cut her off...
She simply can't understand what she did that was sooo bad & that even though she was incredibly apologetic, it meant nothing to them... She has been cast aside.. Never to be acknowledged or spoken to until they deem her fit enough to reinstate. She would have to go back to the meetings for 12 to 18 months sitting at the back of the hall & be totally ignored. All because her congregation elders don't think she is telling the Truth & they have told her that her attitude is considered to be brazen conduct... All she did was try to defend herself by speaking up for herself...
She has already attempted suicide once, because the trauma of all this happening is just all too much for her....
Tell me again that they are right in the way that they disfellowship people?!
No, not for me, seeings as though every other country is always being flooded.. But when I used to see a Rainbow did I think of that promise... I see one now & never think of that promise... Funny that... Sign JWdom's way of thinking is really slipping away - Yay
3 years of study, Just found out!
by impala63rag inhello friends, .
i would like some advice from those that are inpartial, and are familiar with the teachings of jw.
i studied with a wonderful jw couple weekly for 3 years.
All I can say is research everything about JW history & you will see history just repeating itself. False Prophesys after False Prophesys, half Truths & bending of scriptures to suit themselves ... Now that you seen some Huge Flaws opened up, (hidden agendas) dig for the rest of things that don't add up, they really will not be hard to find.
Keep in touch, and let us know how things are going..
Nothing More To Say
by Farkel ini really have nothing much more to say, except to say thank you to all the people who have contributed to me in my threads and all the people whom i battled over the years.
the battles have been most entertaining and enlightening.
i've learned a great deal from them, and i've laughed a great deal from the idiotic attempts of fools to make a coherent argument (think "dubs").. it's been a roller-coaster ride for me over a decade and it has consumed a huge amount of my time.
RIP Farkel, you certainly did your bit to helping so many out of the Cult... Thankyou from all of us x
Meeting Not Cancelled but Postponed
by wisdomfrombelow inthere's a big snowstorm on the east coast and i found out that the school and service meeting was not cancelled but postponed to tomorrow.
why do they think it's so important to have it so they ruin another evening after shoveling snow?
just venting.....
Surely your not thinking of going ... Or are you living with JW family who would look on in horror if you we're to just not go ?
How did you tell your spouse you want out of the JW religion?
by leaving_quietly inwhat did you imagine would happen?
did they react the way you expected?
how did you bring it up?.
My JW husband had lost interest in the meetings. He was considered weak & I tried to struggle, going to a fair few meetings on my own. I'd go & take with me all of our 4 children with me. He would at times attempt to talk to me about JW teachings that didn't add up, but I would stick my fingers in my ears, and make lah lah lah, blur blur blur loud noises to drone him out. I couldn't allow myself to listen to what was deemed as 'satanic' murmurings. He didn't often try and speak about this, but he did try on a number of occasions..
After a good year or so, I had burnt out. The meetings we're incredibly boring. Nobody helped me at the meetings, and it was hard going with 4 youngish children. They never played up, but getting them ready, having to prepare for everything was all too much. So not going the meetings & feeling bad about it, I turned on the self hatred mode. I was worthless, good for nothing & useless. I felt I knew I was going to die at Armaggedon, simply, because I wasn't going to the meetings. So weirdly, one day, I decided that as I was going to die anyway, that I was going to visit those forbidden XJW websites. And thats exactly what I did. Later that day I had the lightbulb moment.
What I read smacked me straight between the eyes. I researched WT articles to back up every innaccuracy, so I knew I wasn't been lied to. Then whilst reading through more stuff I never thought of the consequences of my voicing anything, I simply turned about from the computer I was reading from & said exactly what I had come across to my husband...
He in turn never once questioned what I had uncovered & was immediately a nodding dog in total agreement with everything I had come across... That was it. We both woke up in October 2009... He had been JW for 42 years & myself 22 yrs...
Our eldest daughter (who was 14 yrs old at the time) struggled initially, and had to undergo counselling. She came round soon enough, and now laughs at herself for being such a nutjob..We are completely, emotionally free from all things to do with JWdom.. We have faded, but might just as well have been df'd as non of the JW family have anything to do with us... We are pleased though, as we don't have to live a lie, or listen to there mindless dribble...