JoinedTopics Started by barbar
$3.15 per gallon and rising!
by Outaservice inhas gas prices affected your service time any?
outaservice (who had to quit altogether ) .
seriously, do you think it will affect the good ole society?
by barbar inthe witnesses often talked about being balanced, but usually that meant do less of what you wanted and more "theocratic" things.
in fact if you spent 100% of your waking time in the ministry you would probably be viewed as a balanced person.. come to think of it witnesses are very unbalanced or extreme in their views.. any examples of how they are unbalanced?.
If you could?
by barbar insometime in my daydreams especially when someone has treated me badly, i think that it would be good to get rid of aggressive, violent people.
then it is easy to move on to liars and thieves and cheats.
in the end, if i am feeling particularly aggrieved most people are gone and it is just me and my close circle left.
Ridiculous JW superstitions
by B_Deserter ini'm not talking about the stuff you hear at the kingdom hall, i'm talking about the "experiences" you were told of by people you knew.
the big one for me was demons.
so many people i know had experiences with them.
The WTS society admits that the door to door ministry is inefficient
by cultswatter inlook at what the scans below say.
that publishers spend considerable gas and insurance and time to go from door to door to place the odd magazine or book.
in reality the jw publisher is footing the whole bill and then some.. the jw publisher has to spend about 100 dollars per month for every dollar from donations received for literature sold at the door.. i know this to be true as i used to flog books at the door.
JW Terminology
by KW13 inok guys, list the ones ya know.. the truth/truth = the truth according to jw's is their religion.
for example someone baptized as a jw is baptized in the truth, whereas someone baptized elsewhere is not.. new light/light = a better understanding of the current status quo or 'light' in general which is just knowledge, new light allows for a complete change in beliefs without exception.. god's word = mainly the bible but anything else published by the wbt tract society is also acceptable.. true christians = refers only to jehovah's witnesses or suitable examples from the bible.. apostates = anyone who has been a jehovah's witness who opposes their beliefs (not necessarily people or individuals) and shares how they feel about the watchtower bible and tract society with anyone.
a person who hasn't been a jehovah's witness but does clearly oppose their message and beliefs may also be referred to as an apostate.. experiences = stories that will upbuild and encourage jw's.
Ridiculous teenager counselled at Assembly.
by Duncan inthe ridiculous teenager is me.
this story takes me back to 1969, when i was 15 years old.
we were attending the international assembly at wembley stadium, near london, the only time, i think, that wembley was ever used for an assembly.. if youve ever read any of the stories i posted on jwd over the years, youll know that i was never one of those kids growing up in the truth who always had doubts about it or was unhappy and miserable with the religion, just waiting for the chance to get out.
How far would they go?
by barbar ina while ago my mother said that if the society asked the jws to do something that was wrong they wouldn't do it.
it is already easy for them to go against their own consciences, many don't feel it is right to shun others but they do it because they are told to.
most would feel dreadful with letting their children die but would do it if blood was needed because the society tells them to.
by Mary inanyone east of saskatoon and north of kentucky will understand this thread:.
it's frigging cold out there!!!
christ almighty when i went outside to start my car up this morning i thought i was going to freeze solid like lot's wife.