That sounds like an Irish joke and today is St.Patricks day to be sure!
Heres to the irish! Cheers.
i saw a guy with a pair of nike running shoes strapped to his head.
i asked him what he was doing, and he he said he was trying to jog his memory!.
That sounds like an Irish joke and today is St.Patricks day to be sure!
Heres to the irish! Cheers.
if you think about how they word and spin doctor everything, such as on jw org, the faq about shunning members who leave the religion....if a jw says, "look, it says you don't shun ex members and family ties remain no matter what!
", they will say, "na ah ah!!
if you look closely it talks about inactive ones who are not shunned, and as for family, the example is of a husband in the same household as his wife and children.
A deaf mute worked for the mob. He realized some people were disappearing for offending the mob and he new his situation was 'iffy'. So, he had been squirreling away funds and then they sprung him. The big don used a lawyer who used deaf speak to talk to the guy. Finally the big don said "tell us where the $$ are or else!" and took out his gun with a silencer.
The mute said in deaf speak, "the money is hidden in a false wall in the kitchen store, all large notes".
The lawyer then said to the big don, "He said go out the back and hang yourself!"
Lawyers dont you love 'em?
just had my 1day assembly this weekend.
an experience given by the bethel speaker was quite troubling and shows how jw's live in constant paranoia, anxiety and they isolate themselves from normal living.. a first grade class was having a fire drill.
everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass.
did his parents get beyond first grade?
and clearly none of the sheep there have ever been in a fire or been burnt. Oh my friends you never forget.
we have had a letter read the last 2 meetings to all congs attenidng the detroit dc's... seems people are not going, or not booking their hotels.
and the society is pissed!
they are imploring every one to not wait for a new list with new hotels, it is not happening.
all very interesting..
have just finished the book by olofsson on this subject.
anyone else read it.?
it is extremely detailed and not an easy read at all.
Have just finished the book by Olofsson on this subject. Anyone else read it.? It is extremely detailed and not an easy read at all. His use of many threads of research and records is astounding. No wonder it scared the daylights out of wts.
Sadly Oloffson does not give us a summary the book just ends.
I ask generally what is the point in looking for predictions in 'days' or what this means or that means? He does make clear that the wts is not the first group to 'prophecy' about dates and comings.He illuminates by revealing some rabbis were doing this generations before the wts came into being. Russels thinking is revealed as an offshoot of others and all have been proved wrong by the passing of time and the wts single support the dating to 607, 1914 etc has been left in rubble.
I have always had in mind jesus words; "no man knows the day.." and i feel anyone seeking the 'day' is presumptuous and should be occupying themselves with charitable works and any organisation seeking the 'day' is simply arrogant.
just been reading an article on the web about a new kh being built, which is causing a divide in a town in georgia.. the locals are protesting.. i suppose the jdub's think they're fighting the theocratic thought of them being diplomatic and building it somewhere else..
dont vote in elections hmm I recall the night when an elder made a very brief mention that voting was now considered a personal/conscience matter. The notice about a half 'a-5' size was put up on the notice board but was gone by the next week... funny that.
(We have a Senate election in April this year here in Australia)
while out driving in the family car, caleb and his dad have some quality time together.
caleb: no, i sure won't.. dad: why caleb?
let's go a get an ice cream cone.. caleb: oh boy.
nothing to do with safety on the roads then?
i was listening to a conversation of jws recently about how trusting they are with each other and how out in "the world" you have to be ever so careful that you don't put down your purse or wallet for a minute otherwise it will be stolen.. i entered the conversation with an experience that one of my close friends had.
(true story) he was in a public place with a wallet with significant amount of cash and bank card, credit card, id, etc.. somehow he lost or misplaced the wallet, panicked of course.
he went to the police, cancelled all his cards and thought it was gone for sure.
and honesty and being with honour used to be hall marks of JW. I guess they have 'over witnessed' and are getting in a whole lot of people and attitudes they didnt have before.
Think of the mob that left Egypt with Moses and Co who were not Israelites. After the mess Egypt was after the 10 plagues all the scum would attach themselves to anyone who was doing better.
i know, it's in spanish.
i need to test your skills with a foreign language.
it's very late now.
i have read crisis of conscience (what a revelation!
) and franz wrote another "in search of christian freedom" can anyone direct me to a pdf of that book please..
I have read Crisis of Conscience (What a revelation!) and Franz wrote another "In search of christian freedom" can anyone direct me to a pdf of that book please.