Forgive me if I sound rude or this question has been answered elsewhere, as I am a neophyte and discovered your site through Google in my religious studies. From reading the various posts it seems that this site serves nothing more than an iconoclastic purpose. Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion? Why not live and let live? Do not get me wrong. I am not trying to promote the JW's. It just seems that the lot of you are acting like petulant children. Correct me, please, if I'm wrong. Is their any valid reason for the existance of this site?
The Point of this Site?
by Samael 69 Replies latest jw friends
Why do you ask?
Imagine if it wasn't here. Where would people who are damaged by the society go? Sometimes just speaking out is therapy. Personally, I'm over all that but I just like the people here, and the interaction, it's one of my addictions.
Hi Samael,
welcome to the forum,
Have you ever been in a cult? If not then you may not understand the need for a site like this. Many who leave feel tremendous guilt and still have think they have sinned against God's only organization. But exposing the falshoods behind it, many people are helped and instead of living a life with no peace, looking over their shoulders for God to destroy them, they can move on to something better.
Some also use this site to make new friends and discuss their new beliefs whether Christian or otherwise.
It is kind of an online support group I guess you can say. I am only speaking for myself, I am sure others will give their opinion too. One more thing, If you have never been a part of the WT organization, then you will never understand how evil it is. It is important for us to get the message out. The WT is repsonsible for the deaths of literally thousands of people either directly (ban on blood transfusions) or indirectly (being the catlyst for many suicides). Once people become witnesses, they cannot go to sites like this. Our hope is they, like you, see this site before making the wrong decision.
I hope this gives some insight, please know it is not the People we are against but the WT organization itself. Have a nice day, peace be with you, Lilly
Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion?
Sounds like a dub question to me. Are you a jw? Are you here to defend the society?
Why does there have to be a point (even though there is a point ~ me wonders if you really care) and why do you ask?
What is the point of you being here?
My thought was what is a Neophyte, so I looked it up
Neophyte (neophytoi, the newly planted, i.e. incorporated with the mystic Body of Christ), a term applied in theology to all those who have lately entered upon a new and higher state or condition of life, e.g. those who have begun the ecclesiastical life, or have joined a religious order. More particularly is it used of those who, lately converted from heathenism, have by the sacrament of Baptism, been transplanted into the higher life of the Church. From very early times there have been prohibitions against neophytes in this last sense being promoted too quickly to Holy Orders and to positions of responsibility in the Church. Thus the Council of Nicaea in its second canon lays down; rules on this subject, on the ground that some time is necessary for the state of a Catechumen and for fuller probation after baptism; for the Apostolic decree is clear which says, "Not a neophyte, lest being puffed up with pride, he fall into the judgment of the devil" (1 Timothy 3:6). The period which should elapse after conversion before promotion is not fixed but (Bened. XIV, "De syn.", vii, 65- 6) is left to the discretion of the bishop and will vary with the individual case. (See DIVORCE, sub-title Pauline Privilege.)
So Samael, I have to wonder what really brought you to the subject of ex-jw's. The Catholic church recognizes JW's as a cult. Cults when left leave lots of baggage hanging on the individual thus the need for such forums as this one. Glad to came to check us out.
Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion
For me personally, I wouldn't quite classify the experience as "traumatic" but many persons who have been involved with this religion rightly do.
I'm here to pick up chicks? You?
Please also think on the children of JWs who are indoctrinated in a bubble of reality and have no social choice but to join.
JW youth are a primary source of new baptisms and growth in developed countries.
Usually baptised as teens (sometimes as young as 8) they are now trapped in a cult that will disfellowship them from an insular social system. Since JWs are not encouraged to be friends with non-JWs this is a real threat to mental and emotional health.
JW youth are also more likely to browse the internet and locate sites such as this. That's a "point" to consider.
Sexually abused. Physically abused. Mentally & Emotionally abused. Denied the right of every child, an education. Forbidden to go to elementary, high school or college. Married off into the cult at 17 to breed. Traumatic? YOU BETCHA!