To help ex-JWs recover from trauma
The Point of this Site?
by Samael 69 Replies latest jw friends
I always amazes me that jws are amazed that there are sites out there that don't agree with their doctrine and aren't afraid to say so. The "how dare you" attitude is quite silly. Why shouldn't there be sites out there that disagree with the jws? If it is the truth then it should be able to stand up to scrutiny. I get the feeling that those who are so offended by the thought of anti-society sites are actually afraid of learning the real truth.
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones
No problem, you are probably the 1000th person in the history of this board making this enlightining point. Move on, shut this site down, go home, nothing to see here. LOL. Since you assure us you are an honest student of various religions, I can assure you that you have still a lot of things to learn about the way the WTS religion works, before you find the answer to your question.
Here is a little hint:
How do you suggest an active brainwashed JW moves on to life outside the WTS? Perhaps it might have something to do with the hundreds of thousands of posts some of which you have read, and dozens if not hundreds of stories of people who were derectly benefitted by this and similar sites on their way out?
'Petulent children', you say? Wait, who said "unless you become like these children..."
Pole -
To discuss JW related topics without having canned responses (as in the WT study)
Sam sounds like a troll/crackpot/rebel rouser to me but of course I could be wrong.....He does know JW bookstudies, though.
Does your nickname have anything to do with the Swiss (?) black metal band. I used to listen to their music as a silly 16-year old kid. Even got hold of one of their demos if I can remember correctly.
Boy, it's a wild guess - just my blast-from-the-past strange intuition - so please verify it before I get carried away ;-).
Pole -
Why not live and let live?
Live and let die is more like it..................
Telling people that organ transplants are okay until 1967; then telling them from 1967 to 1980 that they will be DF'd if they have a transplant; then tellilng them from 1980 that it is okay again
Telling people that requesting alternative service in lieu of military service is wrong and a DF'ing offense and spending years in prison because of it; then telling them in 1999 that it is now okay and it is a personal choice.
Telling people that accepting a blood transfusion means you will be DF'd; changed to disassociating yourself in 2001; changed in 2000 that you can accept hemoglobin-based products made out of expired stored blood.
(DF'd--disfellowshipped--disassociated--Being shunned by all JWs including, not talking to you, not eating with you, not socializing with you, cutting all business ties, as if you are dead)
Interesting introduction
You cast around terms such as "petulant children", then point out one of the latest publications that the JWs use, and throw in a few esoteric terms such as neophyte and left-hand path.
If you truly wonder why this site exists, do you mind offering us a counter-explanation for why you decided to post here?
I really took offense to your post. I tried not to but I did. But you want everyone to think you are extremely intellegent by using such big words. Hey you may talk that way. But if you go around using words like Neophyte, petulant, and iconoclastic you better have an Intellegent question at the end of all that.
Aparently you didn't do your reseach on how lives can be tramatized by this group. So let me ask you. If someone came into your life and robbed you of your family, friends, your future and your sanity. Then threw you out on the street and made it impossible for you to speak to anyone you know for help. How do you think you would feel! Live and let live? Most people in this world expect retaliation if there car get keyed. How do you sue someone for wrecking your life. I know what your thinking. But you did this to yourself. That is the danger of a cult. They get you and hold on. Once you start you are sucked in and the outside world disapears.
Consider yourself lucky you have never gone through something like this. Now here are a few other tidbits I have to live with. I refused a blood transfussion on my mothers behalf. (She was in a coma.) She died. That gult eats me alive. I am crying about it right now just thinking about it, and she has been dead for 8 years. It caused me terrible emotional distress and I tried to jump out of a 6 story window because I couldn't live with it.
Now my son still lives with his father who is a JW. He has tried to convince him that I am a terrible person because I am not a JW. He even tried to stop my son from being part of my wedding. My son was PISSED at 13 he stood up to his father and told him, if he wouldn't let him go to the wedding, he would run away and live on the streets. But he would go to my wedding.
Every day I deal with this mistake I have made by being a JW. I am completely ashamed of this fact. And hear is a kicker! I should thank you. Because this is the first time I could bring myself to calling this organization a cult. I have known it. But I couldn't face saying it. JW are a cult! That is the power they have over there people. I have been removed for 8 years. And inactive for 3 years before that. So 11 years since I have been to a meeting and there it is. Still affecting me.
I am sorry if I was short with you. It is kind of a touchy subject. Kind of like saying. "Oh get over that Hitler thing. So he put you in a concentration camp. Big deal. Get over it." I over simplify but it isn't something you ever walk away from.
Got it? My best to you in your studies.
having gone through years of the active cult while inside the society it is nice to finally have the ability to talk to someone without fear of instant judgement but at the same time someone who understands the type of dependancy the JW belief instills within its rank and file members...the years of self destructive behavior that I went through immediately following my ousting of the jw circle almost ended my life on several occasions...if there would have been someone to talk to that would have understood maybe it wouldnt have gotten so bad...I, for one lost my parents, sister and every "friend" I had had since i was a child. I was left with nobody...when I come here I know that I am not nor have I EVER been alone with these thoughts and/or feelings implanted there by the religious system of control we have all come from on one level or another. Life is good, great, better than its ever been-now but I will, no, I CANT ever forget what happend during those years...the mental, spiritual, emotional just EVERYTHING in life went long as I come here I know that i was never alone in my insanity and I will never be alone again....
Thats the "point" of this site to me....