The Point of this Site?

by Samael 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence
    Is their any valid reason for the existance of this site?

    Is their any valid reason for ANY SITE? Depends on YOUR LIFE SITUATION RIGHT? If a site has had a billion hits, newcomers on a daily basis, ... umm think yes, there must be a valid reason TO US.

    Sam sounds like a troll/crackpot/rebel rouser

    totally agree. WHO ARE YOU REALLY SAM???


  • Quentin

    I hear the sound of crickets and the russell of wind blown leaves...three pages in and Sammy has yet to make a need to instant replay what has already been got your answer...

    Oh, yeah, welcome to an anti- watchtower site...stick around, read some threads...guarantee it will be of interest...

  • AuldSoul
    Correct me, please, if I'm wrong. Is their any valid reason for the existance of this site?

    Like beauty, validity is in the eye of the beholder. What you see as petulance may be catharsis, but then, perhaps you have never been in a cult and might not know the effects on an individual.

    In my opinion, you are wrong. But we are discussing something that is 100% subjective, therefore neither opinion is correct in an true sense.


  • plmkrzy
    into The Mystic.

    I luv that song! One of my all time faves

  • plmkrzy

    Its SIMON! You really have a big head man. Wanting to be validated and soooo sneaky about it!

  • jw
    Forgive me if I sound rude or this question has been answered elsewhere, as I am a neophyte and discovered your site through Google in my religious studies. From reading the various posts it seems that this site serves nothing more than an iconoclastic purpose. Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion? Why not live and let live? Do not get me wrong. I am not trying to promote the JW's. It just seems that the lot of you are acting like petulant children. Correct me, please, if I'm wrong. Is their any valid reason for the existance of this site?

    I soooo agree with you.

  • ballistic

    There's always one.

  • AuldSoul
    Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion? Why not live and let live?

    The answer to your first question should answer your second. In my case, the answer to the first is "yes." Now see if you can answer your second. Here's a hint, the answer is in your first question.

  • diamondblue1974
    Forgive me if I sound rude or this question has been answered elsewhere, as I am a neophyte and discovered your site through Google in my religious studies. From reading the various posts it seems that this site serves nothing more than an iconoclastic purpose. Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion? Why not live and let live? Do not get me wrong. I am not trying to promote the JW's. It just seems that the lot of you are acting like petulant children. Correct me, please, if I'm wrong. Is their any valid reason for the existance of this site?

    If you are truly as intelligent as you wish yourself to be portrayed then surely you would have read more than just 'various posts'; why don't you check out the 'child abuse' and the 'best of' section in particular. If your question isn't answered from this exercise then I seriously would doubt your aptitude to 'read and understand'.

    The fact is you should have read these sections first before asking stupid questions and making crass judgements!


  • nelly136

    Is their any valid reason for the existance of this site? I soooo agree with you.

    awwwwwww blessssssssssssss,

    maybe yous two can get together and start a *why are there exjw boards* board,

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