You toched a nerve zanex... funny the music I'm listening to, it all made poetry.
The Point of this Site?
by Samael 69 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
Forgive me if I sound rude or this question has been answered elsewhere, as I am a neophyte and discovered your site through Google in my religious studies.
Questions are always welcome
From reading the various posts it seems that this site serves nothing more than an iconoclastic purpose.
Then it seems to me that you need to do a lot more reading here. You will see what the real purpose of the site is and how well it works for those who need it.
Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion?
Actually my experience with the Watchtower Society was traumatic. I was sexually abused by two baptized JWs and by one who was studying. Both my aunt and my younger sister were also sexually abused. My aunt committed suicide shortly after the elders told my mother to send her away. Last November my sister committed suicide after years of trying to deal with the abuse and the guilt of this organization.
Why not live and let live?
With two suicides in my family as a direct result of their contact with the WTS it is really hard to stay quiet while so many others suffer the WTS-induced silence regarding sexual abuse.
Do not get me wrong. I am not trying to promote the JW's. It just seems that the lot of you are acting like petulant children. Correct me, please, if I'm wrong.
So many here have had their lives shattered by the WTS and its policies. Parents refuse to talk to their chiuldren who leave. My mother is one of those parents. When my sister died last November our mother didn't even bother giving her a funeral. Hundreds of people have died as a result of the blood policy which seems to be constantly changing. Ask anyone here who had watched a family member die for want of a heart transplant only to watch the WTS chasnge the policy so it is now allowed. Why did their family member have to die - one because the rule was not changed yet.
Is their any valid reason for the existance of this site?
People need to recover from the traumatic results of leaving this mind-controlling cult. I know it sounds harsh but they fit the criteria. - in fact they fit the criteria exactly. Many of us still have family who are JWs. We have been declared "dead to them" We love our familyes and wish they could be free but we also know that for many they will believe they have sacrificed so much already and are afraid to leave.
From reading the various posts it seems that this site serves nothing more than an iconoclastic purpose. Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion? Why not live and let live? Do not get me wrong. I am not trying to promote the JW's. It just seems that the lot of you are acting like petulant children.
Wow, thanks for sharing. It's the best explanation of "the point of this site" so far. It's such a great place for fading and ex-JWs with hundreds of real people who can truly relate to your feelings.
Pole -
For me it served as a place of healing. It feels good knowing that so many others had went through what I had went through or are still going through it. Plus I've met a lot of people here.
I know I would've felt really alone if I did'nt find this place to come to.
Thank God for Google.
Why not live and let live?
Well, the Watchtower breaks up families when a person leaves the JW's. They don't let the family live normally after one departs. I guess that if they did live and let others live as they wish to, there would be much less hurt and pain.
This site is a recovery forum for those mentally and spiritually and for some physically and sexually abused by the watchtower.
Sometimes just speaking out is therapy
When I first logged on this site I thought some were being very petty and childish about their experiences as a jw and should just get on with their lives. After all that's what I was doing...right? By posting.
I stayed because some posters, actually many posters, saw through me and were nice to me anyway. Lol!
I soon discovered I had a lot in common with many posters here and found the forum to be very therapeutic, even though I wasn’t consciously looking for therapy. I can see things with bigger glasses now because of this site. I am thankful for that.
btw, welcome to the board.
White Waves
Here is a more specific definition for iconoclastic from More in line with what I believe Samuel is trying to say:
i·con·o·clast ( P ) Pronunciation Key (
n.- One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions.
- One who destroys sacred religious images.
[French iconoclaste , from Medieval Greek eikonoklastsmasher of religious images : eikono- , icono- + Greek -klastbreaker (from Greek klto break).]
i·con adj.
i·con adv.Word History: An iconoclast can be unpleasant company, but at least the modern iconoclast only attacks such things as ideas and institutions
So what is Sameal trying to say? Is he trying to say that we are trying to destroy the image or symbol of the Society? Kinda sounds like someone is into idol worship with the WTBTS as the symbol.
Iconoclasm is the destruction of religious icons and other symbols or monuments, usually for religious or political motives. In Christian circles, iconoclasm has generally been motivated by a literal interpretation of the second of the ten commandments, which forbids the making and worshipping of "graven images". It has sometimes been motivated by christological or even political concerns as well.
People who engage in such practices are called iconoclasts, a term that has come to be applied to any person who breaks or disdains established dogmas or conventions. Conversely, people who revere or venerate religious images are called iconodules.
Iconoclasm may be carried out by people of a different religion, but is often the result of sectarian disputes between factions of the same religion. It was particularly important in the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church within the Byzantine Empire during the 8th and 9th centuries.
Iconoclasm was a cultural product of the French revolution of 1789, the Russian Revolution of 1917, and other numerous (mainly peasant) revolts throughout history.
An icon (from Greek e???? , eikon, "image") is an image, picture, or representation; it is a sign or likeness that stands for an object by signifying or representing it, or by analogy, as in semiotics; in computers an icon is a symbol on the monitor used to signify a command; by extension, icon is also used, particularly in modern popular culture, in the general sense of symbol — i.e. a name, face, picture or even a person readily recognized as having some well-known significance or embodying certain qualities.
In Eastern Orthodoxy and other icon-painting Christian traditions, the icon is generally a flat panel painting depicting a holy being or object such as Jesus, Mary, saints, angels, or the cross. Icons may also be cast in metal, carved in stone, embroidered on cloth, done in mosaic work, printed on paper or metal, etc.
Was your experience as JW's so traumatic that now you can but put forth such effort to daemonize the religion? Why not live and let live? Do not get me wrong. I am not trying to promote the JW's. It just seems that the lot of you are acting like petulant children. Correct me, please, if I'm wrong.
Why do the words "Bethel" and "Troll" come to mind right about now?