Door to Door

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 99 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • aniron
    I think it is great someone shares what they love with someone else

    If someone has something that they love, they will share it freely.

    But JW's have no choice its a case of "share it or else"

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    Pagans are not of God.. they are mislead by the devil. Pagan traditions are not of God. :(

    No... my parents show no interest in learning of the bible, but perhaps I can help them

    well.. no one would be a JW if they did not like doing it (door to door).

    I have already done a lot of research on the "cult" thing.

    AND I truly, in my heart, do not believe it. It will not destory my family, or hurt me in any way-- it hasn't yet.

    BESIDES, if this is what make me happy.. I see nothing wrong with it.

    Infact I am excited to know that some day I may go door to door.

    Still... I really want to talk to others outside the church... and have been through the organization.

  • glitter

    Pagans are not of God.. they are mislead by the devil. Pagan traditions are not of God. :(

    Jehovah God only talked to His prophets like Moses, and all of the Bible takes place in only a small region of the world.

    What were peoples who spread out across the globe to Europe, or the Americas, or to Africa supposed to do? They didn't have Jehovah telling Moses to write the Bible to tell them how the world was made, why there is death, and how they should worship. So for *thousands* of years, if not millions, people had to work it all out for themselves.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    if you like it do it. if you don't don't do it. personally - i hate it, never liked it.


  • glitter

    BESIDES, if this is what make me happy.. I see nothing wrong with it.

    But does that make it the Truth?

    Pagan celebrations made the Pagan people happy... most Christians see nothing wrong with Christmas and the celebration makes them happy.

  • under_believer

    >>> no one would be a JW if they did not like doing it (door to door). <<<

    Try telling that to those little kids whose parents are dragging them "out in service." I was one of them. Trust me, you can be a JW and extremely dislike going door to door. I can't prove it, but take it from someone with about 25 more years of experience with this than you have: most Witnesses dislike field ministry.

  • bebu

    Hi ifollow,

    Nothing is wrong with door to door, in my opinion. Lots of groups have done this (many still do).

    Have you looked up Jehovah's Witnesses in wikipedia? There is a lot of interesting information there. I think it is important to read it, because people might bring up some of the issues there and if you aren't aware of them it would be difficult to give a good reply.

    In particular, I think you should investigate the 607 BC vs 586 BC date for the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. If the WTS has got this date wrong, then their proclaimed basis for authority collapses.

    It might take a while--perhaps many years--until you see the issues the rest of us are very familiar with. At that time, I hope you will decide to do whatever it takes to please God, even if it should mean leaving this group you are attached to. Trust in God, rather than in men.

    You seem like a very sincere young woman to me. I wish you the best.


  • Oroborus21


    here are my thoughts for your consideration...

    on one hand, it is a good thing to share one's beliefs (whatever they may be) with others. also an argument could be made that for those who need help in overcoming their fears about speaking to strangers or learning to "discuss" and justify their position (something that one must learn to do in the real world and in most businesses) being made or pressured to do field service results in a good end. for others the formal ministry helps them to become better speakers and presenters even if they are naturally gregarious or assertive.

    it goes without saying that the Organization's Publishing Corporation Paradigm of the 20th Century is served well by having free in-person distribution of the endless stream of publications - so if one accepts the value of such publications then the door-to-door work furthers this

    on the other hand, the stated goal of field service is not the mere distribution of literature or merely presenting the "Good News" but is supposedly to create bible studies which result in dedicated persons (converts). Just looking at that fact alone, one must acknowledge that the organized field service is a dismal failure and not very effective in meeting that goal.

    additionally, as has been mentioned, some take issue with the fact that the Society attempts to find scriptural support in the actual "house to house" or "door to door" method when what actually occurred by Jesus, the apostles and the 1st Century church was a mixture of public lecturing and private teaching and never did these ones engage in anything resembling today's Witnessing house to house. Frankly opposers make too much of this point but perhaps it is justifiable given how much the Society touts the formal ministry.

    The larger concern is that the ministry is considered integral to being a Witness, and while technically no quota is required, in order to be active, one must submit a formal report of at least their informal witnessing and for anyone wishing to receive "privilges" or reach positions of authority engaging in the ministry is required. Obviously, any type of "requirement" detracts from what should be a voluntary expression of the heart and a natural willingness to share the truth with others.

    It is my belief that as the Organization shifts away from the Publishing Corporation model that the organized ministry will fade as feature of the culture of JWs.


  • heathen

    all I can say is , stay the f@#$ home already you friggen freaks with bibles . You know nothing and do more harm than good ..................

  • acadian

    Welcome to the board, Path! How do you know that JWs are not satan worshippers, for instance they practice one of the largest denials of christ by any other group on the night of the memorial. You should look at their history, and you will see the failed predictions, flip flops on beliefs, which have caused some their live's, and a number of other irregulaities. Another thing to consider, as far as truth is concerned, many religions teach truth's, but, not all they teach, is truth. And that can be said of the WTS. Do the research on the WTS's HISTORY !!! DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT ! Acadian

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