Cannabis vs Alchohol and Other Man Made Pharmacuticals

by OpenFireGlass 145 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon
    As good as I am feeling, I still want to get high. It's taking a lot of effort. I am beginning to think that pot may be addictive after all. So far so good. I just have to keep my "eyes on the prize".

    As pointed out, feeling good is habit forming. I find if I am in my normal routine and don't have pot when i normally have it I want pot want pot want pot.

    If I am in a different routine then it really doesn't bother me if I don't have pot or even the tobacco I normally smoke with the grass - for example, a three weeks holiday without pot, no problem bar a bit of tobacoo craving the first few evenings.

    I think you're body is saying 'hey, why don't we feel good?' as distinct from 'unless I have this chemical I won;t feel good'.

    Distract yourself with liquor and degrading sexual practises - it works for me every time... once you don't have the "It's 6pm I should be getting high" Pavlovian thang going it'll be easier.

    It might not be physically addictive but it is habit forming; there is a difference. You can stop picking your nose if you put your mind to it, thus it is with pot. You cannot stop craving nicotine or Heroin simply by putting your mind to it.

    I do want to cut out the tobacco by using a vapouriser, and adjust the "how much, how often, when and where" as I will likely be having residential parental duties for the first time in ages...

  • Mary
    rebel 8 said: This topic is something I feel passionate about because of the experiences I had treating drug addicts & people with psychiatric conditions exacerbated or triggered by marijuana. I wouldn't be working in healthcare if I didn't care about health.....Trying to convince pro-marijuana people it's dangerous has been about as successful as teaching my JW mother the WTS is not God's organization.

    I guess I'm in the minority here, cause I agree with Rebel 8 on this.......

  • gumby
    I feel passionate about because of the experiences I had treating drug addicts & people with psychiatric conditions exacerbated or triggered by marijuana

    So, are we talking about normal people ( healthy), or people with psychiatric problems? In other people with a stable mind encounter problems if they smoke weed? I could see weed being a bad thing for some with mental problems as they cannot control the feeling they'll get from smoking just as they cannot now control their emotions and actions without smoking.

    I'd say someone smoking it for the first time can have a bad experience as the high it gives is a feeling they never had before and a bit of paranoia or anxiety can scare a person making them never want to try it again.

    I have also heard of weed affecting people in later years like it never effected them before. They say the feeling they got from it changed to a feeling they didn't like anymore and hence they stopped smoking. Oftentimes people who become so busy in life they feel they need a totally clear head decide to quit smoking. Others feel they funtion BETTER with their duties while they are depends on YOU.......i'd say thats the bottom line.

    Gumby...who just noticed he just said.."i'd say" a whole bunch in this post.

  • ballistic

    I'd say.

  • Robdar

    Distract yourself with liquor and degrading sexual practises - it works for me every time... once you don't have the "It's 6pm I should be getting high" Pavlovian thang going it'll be easier.

    Dang, Abaddon! You've gotten me all worked up. Now I really need a hit!

  • OpenFireGlass
    How about the teenage pot smokers who commit suicide? Pot is a depressant. Kids who "self medicate" commit suicide too.

    so as to not dance around the issue I will provide you with links on the subject...

    but also keep in mind, this dicussion revolves around "consenting adults". After all a minor can't buy alchohol, the same as they are "supposed" to be able not to go see an "R" rated movie.

    like cannabis, an "R"(violent) rated movie last 2 hours (and then there are violent video games that could be played endlessly)... I mean what's the difference between a person that uses cannabis to escape, and a person who like's to watch movies. The (alleged)effect of violent movies, video games, and music, have been noted in the media..

    I would also like to take a moment to point out that, Yeah, I may come into someones thread and interject some of "MY" humor... But have I ever shown up on a thread started by richie rich, and said, "hey man you should smoke a joint"? I try to use discernment... even on stillawitness "Help" thread yesterday I came in and gave my 2 cents without saying cannabis...

    Links provided courtesey of google...

  • Robdar

    but also keep in mind, this dicussion revolves around "consenting adults". After all a minor can't buy alchohol, the same as they are "supposed" to be able not to go see an "R" rated movie.

    True, but you interjected the links regarding teenage suicide on pharmacuticals. So, I had to ask about the suicide rate of teenagers using pot. A close friend of mine's son committed suicide while high. This was after he beat the shit out of his 5' 2" mother.

  • ballistic

    If anyone knows the answer to my question I would be greatful... don't want to pay 80% tax on tobacco here and smuggle it into the US.

  • Robdar


    I've not seen Golden Virginia rolling tobacco in the US but we do have other brands. Smuggling? Are you coming to the US? If so, I think that you are allowed to bring in some tobacco.

  • OpenFireGlass
    Do people smoke hand rolling tobacco and can you buy hand rolling tobacco in the USA?

    Yes they sell rolling tobbacco here, most any plact that sells fine cigar, and pipe tobacco, will sell imported rolling tobacco

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