As good as I am feeling, I still want to get high. It's taking a lot of effort. I am beginning to think that pot may be addictive after all. So far so good. I just have to keep my "eyes on the prize".
As pointed out, feeling good is habit forming. I find if I am in my normal routine and don't have pot when i normally have it I want pot want pot want pot.
If I am in a different routine then it really doesn't bother me if I don't have pot or even the tobacco I normally smoke with the grass - for example, a three weeks holiday without pot, no problem bar a bit of tobacoo craving the first few evenings.
I think you're body is saying 'hey, why don't we feel good?' as distinct from 'unless I have this chemical I won;t feel good'.
Distract yourself with liquor and degrading sexual practises - it works for me every time... once you don't have the "It's 6pm I should be getting high" Pavlovian thang going it'll be easier.
It might not be physically addictive but it is habit forming; there is a difference. You can stop picking your nose if you put your mind to it, thus it is with pot. You cannot stop craving nicotine or Heroin simply by putting your mind to it.
I do want to cut out the tobacco by using a vapouriser, and adjust the "how much, how often, when and where" as I will likely be having residential parental duties for the first time in ages...